Tuesday, June 02, 2009

One Man's Terrorist

Someone once commented as it concerned the American founding fathers...."one man's patriot, is another man's terrorist." And that had the American revolution of failed, George Washington and the signers of the Declaration of Independence would have been hung as traitors to the crown of England.

What of the modern day extrapolation of the same philosophy of concept?

Last Sunday, an individual entered the Church of George Tiller in Wichita Kansas and shot the renowned abortionist to death. His killer was soon captured and every day since, he has been represented by those who support abortion in America as a terrorist. He is an alleged militia member.

Yesterday, an individual drove up in front of an Army recruiting station in Little Rock Arkansas and shot and killed an innocent soldier and critically wounded another. The murderer was soon apprehended by police. And now it has been reported that he is a recent convert to Islam and that he had just returned from Yemen. A country where he obviously honed his hatred of America and acquired at the least a desire to become a Muslim inspired terrorist in his own country.


Boise said...

The difference between these two? In the media, one of these murderers will be considered a terrorist, while the other will be considered simply a misguided individual.

You decide which is which.

Anonymous said...

The choice was pretty easy for me.

XtnYoda said...

We just concluded our monthly "Sheriff's Prayer Breakfast" in our facility. We are the Sheriff's Department of Pulaski County, Arkansas... the county in which lies Little Rock, Arkansas.

We had a spirited discussion about the incident...

We have a truly wonderful Sheriff.
That the Little Rock PD was able to apprehend the terrorist within minutes of the assault was extordinary.

God Bless our victim's family and the wounded soldier.

Every putrid act like this on our soil is going to bring a backlash that the idiot terrorists have no idea the magnititude... no idea.