This is actually quite bizarre IMO. A sitting female head of state campaigning on her cleavage? Who cares about past fifty yams! As a matter of fact? Cover that crap up! There are very few women in the past fifty market that have anything at all to offer in the cleavage dept and Angela Merkel ain't one of them. No one wants to see some broad past her shelf life pushing her puppies in your face on a billboard or the side of a bus and that would certainly hold true in this instance.
Please tell me that the Germans are not captivated by this type of sleaze campaigning, or that won't might actually make their choice for chancellor based upon who has the best looking set of ta ta's in the competition. There are far too many important issues in today's world for either Merkel or her opponent, to be appearing on campaign billboards dressed like French cabaret dancers performing at the at the Moulin Rouge.
"Tit for Tat"
Just too funny Lo!!!
Glad to see that you have a healthy sense of humor.
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