Thursday, March 03, 2011

An email to John Boehner

Mr. Boehner, I just read with great surprise and
anger, your decision to not allow Frank Buckles'
body to lie in the capital rotunda, as a final tribute
to America's last Dough Boy.

Apparently the fact that Frank was the last of his generation and representative of the millions who served was lost on you. Perhaps, the fact that this nation has yet to honor these veterans with their own monument in Washington is also lost on you.

I have but three words for your decision sir,
"Shame on you."

How despicable...

As a Vietnam veteran, I recognize that many times in life, you only get one opportunity to do the right thing.

You just blew your opportunity sir.

(the above was forwarded to John Boehner's office this afternoon.)

Boehner Says No Capitol Ceremony For World War I Vet

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, wants to honor Frank Buckles -- the last surviving World War I veteran until his death on Sunday at age 110 –- in a special ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, but not in the Capitol, as suggested by some other lawmakers.

Boehner's office said the speaker had no plans to allow Buckles’ body to lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, as some lawmakers from Buckles’ home state of West Virginia have proposed.

“The speaker intends to ask Secretary [Robert] Gates to allow Mr. Buckles’ family to use the amphitheater at Arlington cemetery for his memorial service,” said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said today.

“That way, it will be near the tomb of the unknown soldier, who also fell in World War I,” said Steel. Steel would not elaborate on why a Capitol ceremony for Buckles was not in Boehner’s plans.

Frank buckles deserves all honors that this nation can bestow upon him at Arlington and thankfully President George W.Bush saw fit to insure that when the time came Frank would be interred at Arlington.

Two politicians from Frank's home state, a republican and a democrat sponsored the bill to provide for him to lie in the rotunda briefly, but John Boehner has intervened and said no.

I believe all Americans should be made aware of the speaker's decision.

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