Tavis Smiley on Race in America and the need to pressure the president for more of a "black agenda."
PBS host Smiley calls meeting to urge black agenda
I could extract and post more than a few interesting excerpts from this article, but suffice it to say, that if a white person was to even speak under his/her breath of such a notions, they would be driven into oblivion as a racist. Therefore, I encourage readers to follow the link and read it for themselves.
The fact that the true racists in America can still operate in plain view and with impunity to the realities that they are practicing racism openly in the 21st century, should be of major concern to all Americans. And denunciations and reform should be demanded by the masses.
But denunciations and reform aren't being demanded. And they aren't being demanded for a very simple reason. White America was long ago beaten into racial submission via guilt and demonization by the egalitarian socialists and the secular humanist progressives who continue to hustle the lies and false realities of egalitarianism as either achievable or desirable.
Therefore, it has become unthinkable for anyone to question racism or race relations in this country, other than that which is allowed and encouraged by blacks. There is something very wrong about that reality pf our world in 2010 if you ask me.
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