A major jolt went through the collective conscience of America yesterday, when it was initially reported that Chief Justice John Roberts was stepping down. the report was quickly retracted by Radar On Line and never picked up by MSM, but none the less there were grave emotional tremors caused by the initial report.
Then today comes this report.
Obama 9th Circuit Nominee: Constitution Must Adapt to Changes in the World
"He believes the Constitution is something judges can manipulate to have it say what they think culture or evolving standards of decency requires of it in a given day," said the Senate Judiciary Committee's top Republican Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.
Ed Whelan, a one-time clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia and now president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, echoed those concerns.
"Liu believes that judges have the authority to impose their views ... using clever verbal camouflage to disguise what they're doing."
Obama's choice of appointment to the US 9th circuit court is exceedingly troubling based upon the man's positions. To say that Liu would be an activist judge would be a gross understatement IMO.
The man appears the epitomy of the new age of progressive jurists who want to discard the constitution and replace it with their skewed visions of what the world looks like in their egalitarian world of forced perspectives.
Americans had better wake up and stand up and stop this appointment and any other like it. It was bad enough that he got away with the Soto Mayor nomination to the Supreme Court, but this latest choice for a high federal bench is traitorous IMO.
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