Wednesday, May 05, 2010

News from "The Oval" on Cinco De Mayo and North American history.

Obama's day: Happy Cinco de Mayo

Good morning from The Oval. On this day in 1862, Mexico's army defeated French forces in the Battle of Puebla, inspiring a holiday still celebrated by many North Americans: Cinco de Mayo, the 5th of May.

Early this evening, President Obama hosts a now-traditional Cinco de Mayo reception in the White House Rose Garden.

Well isn't that special.

Let's see now.. This is a holiday celebrated by who? Oh yes, now I remember. It is celebrated by 'many North Americans.' So is the term North Americans now a code phrase for Mexicans? Certainly seems that way to me.

I somehow missed this great cinco de mayo celebration for the large part of my life. And I somehow missed learning about the great Mexican army victory over the French in 1862 also. And by the way, would these be the same French that pulled our fat out of the fire a generation earlier with the British during our own revolution? I dare say that when the next one rolls around, they probably won't be in any shape to help us.

It is an amazing revelation IMO, that USA Today has established a forum called "The Oval" and reports daily on the president's itinerary. Or is it just me that finds this odd.

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