Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Illinois is going backwards and so is America

Many times when science attempts to unravel mysteries, the first place they turn is to study a microcosm representative of the whole. If the same principle holds true in other aspects of life? Say as it concerns, jobs, the economy, and taxes? Perhaps Illinois is the harbinger of things to come.

Illinois Loses Most Jobs in the Nation
Illinois started to create jobs as the national economy began to recover. But just when Illinois’s economy seemed to be turning around, lawmakers passed record tax increases in January of this year. Since then, Illinois’s employment numbers have done nothing but decline.

Data released today by the bureau confirms this downward trajectory. When it comes to putting people back to work, Illinois is going backwards. Since January, Illinois has dropped 89,000 people from its employment rolls.
Yep. They started to create jobs as the national economy began to recover. Then someone decided that it was time to raise taxes. Nothing like more taxation to inject momentum into a flagging job market and economy teetering on the edge.

And the end result?

Two points to note. First, this is Obama's home state. Well actually not his home state, but the one he used to launch his political career. The same state where his fellow liberal rogues like Rahm Emanuel continue to flourish and thrive.

Second, once again the cause and effect of taxation as an economic and job killing equation is realized and proven. So.....what was that adage about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

I know. Some call it insanity. I say no. It's not insanity. Insanity would denote an inexplicable departure from reason. An inexplicable motivation and determination to do something contrary to the rules of common sense and logic.

No, this is not insanity, this is dogma. This is stupidity, this is the abject refusal to differentiate between right and wrong.  Ignorance means you don't now any better. Stupidity means you do know better and you consciously choose to do the stupid thing in the face of reason.

Insanity? Maybe that's just a better description of liberals in general. Absent any reasoned explanation for their self destructive actions? The answer must be that they are crazy.


XtnYoda said...

The AIDS virus confuses the immune system ... causing it to attack and kill good body cells instead of bad cells.

This is what progressives have ... the mental equivalent of AIDS. It is a disease.

Prime said...

So it's auto immune? ;-)

Either way, it appears incurable.

Thanks Chuck....