Thursday, August 18, 2011

America's enemies are within

See something? Say something. So goes the public service announcements of Big Sis and Homeland Security.

But what is actually being said in these supposed public service announcements?

Well let's see.

In her accompanying statement to the video, DHS chief Napolitano also hints that gun stores could be a prime breeding ground for terrorists, making reference to a recent case where, “the owner of a gun store near Ft. Hood called authorities when an individual in his store was behaving in a suspicious manner.”

So just who is Ms. Napolitano talking about? From the look of her glitzy PSA's it would seem that the enemy within are everyday looking, professionally dress and "white" Americans.  Yeah, the owner of the gun store near Fort Hood saw something suspicious alright. He saw a "middle eastern looking" young man attempting to buy weapons and ammunition. That certainly fit Big Sis' profile now didn't it.

The bottom line, Janet Napolitano and Homeland Security and her counterpart Eric Holder at the Justice Department have absolutely no intention on either focusing on or publicly identifying the real threats to this country. Aside from that, the reality is obvious as it concerns who they see as the threats to their existence.

They are not worried about Muslim extremists or Islamic jihadists or those who have held the demonstrated records for over thirty years as it concerns global terrorism.  Napolitano and Holder are afraid of those Americans who do not adhere to the present regime's conceptualizations of proper socialist thinking and thought speak.

You know the ones. Those military veterans and those middle class Americans who dare to speak up and speak out and challenge their elected officials. Those who actually still believe that they have a right to speak out given them by a constitution that Napolitano and Holder would just as soon ingone and consider a bother.

All those folks in flyover country who cling to their guns and religion. those are the "enemies of the state." Those are the enemies of this state. Just ask Janet Napolitano or Eric holder. Scratch that, don't ask, just watch and review the propaganda that they are putting out in the form of commentary and public service announcements.

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