Monday, February 28, 2011

There's a void in global leadership

Was it something he said?

Addressing congress, president Obama said, “We will not rule out military assets. We will not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people. This is an illegitimate regime which has lost the support of its people. To that end, I have asked the Pentagon and the Secretary of Defense to look into the no-fly zone. Our message to Colonel Qaddafi is simple: go now.”

No, actually? It was something someone else said. Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK to be exact. Cameron is the one that made those comments before his house of parliament today. One thing is for sure, Barack Obama will never threaten the use of America's military power to intervene on any level or for any purpose. That is the way his own beliefs and those of his leftist handlers run.

Addressing the House of Commons, Cameron said, “We will not rule out military assets. We will not tolerate this regime using military force against its own people. This is an illegitimate regime which has lost the support of its people. To that end, I have asked the Ministry of Defense to look into the no-fly zone. Our message to Colonel Qaddafi is simple: go now.”

Thus does the burden of leadership pass from an inert American White House. The post-American century is full of little surprises.

The post American century is upon us. The minute George Bush left office and Barack Obama was sworn in, there was an immediate and palpable void in leadership on the global stage. The world has noticed that void, Hence the rise of Islamic militancy and the collapsing of the middle east piece meal.

For the last one hundred years, America has been the leading force in the world. Yet if you believe the leftist media, America was despised and hated and we had lost our ability to lead the world. We didn't deserve to be the leaders of the world. and when voids are created, voids are filled.

Teddy Roosevelt knew what leadership was, when he sent the Great White Fleet around the world to demonstrate American power and resolve. James Monroe knew what leadership was, when he drew a line on the map and warned the imperialists of Europe that they had better not cross it or else. Thomas Jefferson knew how to handle Libya when he sent Presley O'bannon to Tripoli with the Marines in 1805 to deal with the Barbary pirates.

And two hundred years after the fact? We have an anti American diplomatic weakling in the office of the presidency. Someone who is being recognized daily in world capitols for his lack of ability to handle even the most basic responsibilities of his office. Our enemies are laughing at us and is there any wonder that David Cameron of the UK and Sarkozy of France and Merkel of Germany are simply moving on and no longer concerning themselves with America?

America has lost its standing in the world alright and Barack Obama is responsible for it.

Meanwhile, the enemies of this nation are taking note of our weakness on the world stage and domestically. As this president twists in the winds of the Muslim storm that has been blowing for the past several months in the middle east, other leaders are being forced by circumstances (the void) to step forward and fill in where America has failed to lead.

This week it is Libya. Next week or the week after that it will be Saudi Arabia Mean while all the other smaller confederate kingdoms in the middle east are each falling under the spell of revolution. Islamic militancy is on the rise and they are riding the crest of the militant wave that is rushing across all nations in the middle east. All except Israel. Israel who sits alone, isolated and abandoned and soon to be inundated on all sides by her assembled enemies. America is no longer Israel's allie.

I wonder what the public face for this harlequin of a president will be once Saudi Arabia falls and the missiles are incoming on Israel....

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