Friday, September 22, 2017

When Smoking Guns Aren't Enough For American Media

There was a time when American 'journalist' would search for the smoking guns. And then utilize their discoveries and revelations to reveal the truth that was going on behind the curtains of government.  Not today.

The media has been provided a literal arsenal of smoking guns concerning the left and the democrats and the Obama administration in the last five years. And they absolutely refuse to pursue anything that remotely looks to be a potential negative to Obama or the left or the democrats.

Hilary's emails would have been enough to send the average politico to prison for life a generation ago.  Not to mention Debbie Wasserman Shultz's activities at the DNC. Or a host of other leftist operatives and current and former government employees.  Yet the band plays on and no one seems to pay any attention. 

If this had been the Bush administration snooping on Obama 9 years ago?  The entire Bush family would have been prosecuted or forced to leave the country.  

Was Samantha Power’s snooping political — or was she pursuing a BIGGER scandal?

“Unmasking is not a regular occurrence—and definitely not a weekly habit. It is rare, even at the National Security Council, and ought to be rarer still for a U.N. ambassador,” a former senior U.S. official said recently to the Washington Free Beacon. But Power used it again and again — even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration.

This woman unmasked several hundred Americans and in particular, she utilized unmasking as her favored practice right up until the president was inaugurated.  During and after last year's presidential campaign. 

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