Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Welcome To The World Through Alice's Mirror.

Welcome to the new home of the renegade. A fugitive from social media if you will.  The individual who has finally figured out that there is truth to the rumor and there is a method to the madness? 

And that it really is this.  It is all about mind over matter.  And as long as you don't mind?  It truthfully doesn't matter.

Just look around you today.  Americans have been arrested and charged in recent weeks, for going outside their own homes, for violating the mandates and edicts of self imposed tyrants. All under the auspices of public safety. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of convicted criminals have been released from prison.  For their own safety. No word on any concerns over your safety.

Meanwhile, throughout this so called pandemic, liquor stores and abortion clinics were allowed to remain open as essential businesses.  While churches and houses of worship were ordered closed.  Well except for for the mosques.  The media never reported on them.  I wonder why? 

And for the past week?  We have witnessed unrestrained rioting in the streets of almost every city in this country.  Rioting, looting and burning and nothing has seriously been done about it.  I guess concerns of Covid 19?  Evaporated like a fart in the wind. We have police officers who have been seriously injured and shot, by these so called peaceful protestors.  And once again?  It's mind over matter.

Apparently there are few who mind, and more than a few matter?  Who is it that has been allowed to determined that the only lives that matter?  Are black lives.  That is the reality That is your present day landscape America.  This is your selfie of what the America you now live in looks like folks.

Are you happy with what you see?  Then do something about it. 

Oh! snap!  Wait a minute!  I forgot!  We don't do anything in this country anymore as it concerns  protest? Unless we are one of the protected or privileged classes.  Everyone else?  Is either relegated to the back of the bus, or thrown under it.  Because you are a racist or worse. Is it really possible to be anything worse?

But then again?  Is there really any other term of endearment?  That invokes the sheer terror and horror in the minds of white Americans?  I mean, other than being called a racist? Because that is the way it is folks.  Acknowledge it and accept it?  Or become a casualty of it. Because no one will come to your rescue, once you have been branded with the Scarlett Letter of racism. 

If you believe in your country or the Bill of Rights?  You are an anachronism. You are a member of that group that Oprah Winfrey identified?  As "those old white people that just need to die."  I guess you didn't get the memo on that huh, but don't take my word for it.  Google it. 

So watch carefully America, as your country and all that it has ever represented, disintegrates before your eyes.  Every institution, every law, every monument and that most archaic of all?  The US Constitution? 

Are all being torn asunder. And who cares?  If you know?  Please tell me where I can find them.  Because I definitely have not seen any of them represented on what passes for the media in this country.  Or the entertainment industry.  Save for a handful. And they have been blacklisted, as their communist enemies once were.  But their enemies and the enemies of this nation,  now have the upper hand and they will keep it.  Because the only way to wrestle freedom from the jaws of oppression?  Especially state sponsored and state approved oppression? And especially once it has begun? 

Is war. 

In the streets, house by house and hand to hand when need be.  Because there is no other way.  Our forefathers and all who have come since them, have paid their debts to this nation, written in their blood.  Existing now, only i memory on their headstones. If those have not been vandalized and destroyed. because their true history?  Has been washed away and erased.  Replaced with egalitarian lies and plausible suppositions. All purposely created to obscure and deny the truth

So go ahead.  Watch the media, watch the news, watch the entertainment programs.  Because one day when they come for you?  You will have no one to blame but yourself.

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