Saturday, December 05, 2020

So, You Don't Believe That It Is Really That Important

For those who don't believe that it is really that important for the Republicans to maintain control in the Senate? Just look around you. The Democrats under Schumer and Pelosi and Beto O'Rourke and Bernie Sanders and AOC and the rest of that clown Circus? Have gone on record with a laundry list of intentions to thwart everything but they're so cold progressive agenda in America.

Not the least of which being? They intend to come after the second amendment and your gun rights as American citizens. And how do they propose to do that you might ask? They intend to implement taxation on all firearms all magazines all ammunition and everything they possibly can. Furthermore, they intend to do their best to make all of that retroactive

And if they get their way? They will implement a $200 tax on every firearm in existence in America.  They will implement the same tax on any pistol or rifle magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. They will enact exorbitant taxation on the purchase of all ammunition in America. To the point that you will simply not be able to afford to buy ammunition..

They can't do that! You might assume. But then again. Would you have believed that police officials in America would be being sent to enforce arrest on America citizens, for violating these caveats of mayors and governors? Against those who refuse to close their businesses? Or those who refuse to be in perpetual lockdown? Lock downs, which perpetually bankrupt this country?

So tell me again how they will not attempt to use the existing law enforcement powers of this country? Not to enforce criminal laws, not to go after real criminals in the street, not to protect and preserve your freedom and property? But to in fact pursue you as a criminal for the crime of having the audacity to possess a firearm.

These are the reality is people. And do not think or believe for one moment that the radical leftist, Democrat, socialist, New World order, does not have anything but these intentions in store for you. And the rest of America given the opportunity. .It has been rightfully said?  

"Use it or lose it."

And I personally believe? That there are no more to glaring examples of that reality? That our first and Second Amendment rights in this country under attack by the egalitarian, socialist left . 

When it comes to your rights? Use them or lose them.

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