Thursday, March 04, 2021

Choices Have Consequences.

 So.  The time is approaching, when every American will have to answer to their God. But before that day arrives, you will have to answer to yourself. 

Some say, "to thine own self be true."  But how can you be true to yourself, if you accept lies as truth. And you refuse to stand in the face of lies. 

There are many lies being put forth today in this country. And absent those willing to stand up to those lies, those lies will eventually become the truth. 

At least for a while. 

And whether those lies become the truth, and how long they remain the truth, depends on you and I and others. 

It is easy to ignore or deny truth. Especially when truth has no relevance to your immediate life. 

Simply saying that a man is a woman, does not make it so, even if you remain silent.  And your silence does not become the reality.  Your silence only accepts the lie as the truth. 

The lie may not necessarily, or directly affect you, therefore, why bother. Why take exception. No skin of your nose, right. Go along to get along.  

But what happens when a man walks in on you in the ladies room. Or when a man walks in on your daughter, or mother, or wife.  Does the paradigm change then. Is the truth brought into a better clarity for you then. 

Some say? It isn't bragging if you can do it.  Is that true of becoming something you are not?  I say no. 

Mohamed Ali use to say that he was the greatest. And as a boxer, he was.  For a time.  But where is the greatest now. Mortality caught up with him. 

As it will with us all.  Therefore, the reality that you choose to accept today, will not always be reality. 

Perpetuating lies, does not make them truth. 

A biological man can feel like a woman of he chooses to. He can act and dress like a woman if he chooses. He can even obtain surgical alterations, to give him the appearance of a woman, if he chooses. 

But those

Individual choices, are not the truth. 

They may be his truth, but it is not the truth. 

When this nation was founded? Our forefathers stated: "We hold these truths, to be self evident."  Simply meaning, that they did not need to prove the truth. The truth is self evident. 

And one of those self evident truths, is that as Americans, we can choose to be who we want to be as individuals. We can choose to believe what we choose to believe. We can choose to live, the way we choose to live. 


That we do not intrude upon the self evident and inalienable rights of others.  

Therefore, the only questions that need to be asked and answered are these. Do Americans have any rights to intrude upon the rights of other Americans

And that answer is no. 

Your rights as an individual end, the moment you begin to transgress my rights. If you choose to live a life of fantasy, that is fine by me. Just don't tell me that I have to accept your fantasy.  I may tolerate it, but I will not accept it. 

And my refusal to accept fantasies or life styles that conflict with my values and morals and religion, do not denote that I am either racist, bigoted, xenophobic or filled with hatred.  

I am neither a white supremacist, or a gender supremacist. And I will not accept those brands or any others. The fear of scarlet letters, only carry power and influence, in a world where people bow down to them and accept them. 

My refusal to accept the fantasies or delusions of others, simply reflects the exercise of my own rights. And I do not check those rights, or lay them down and walk away from them, because others demand that I do so. 

Neither to make them feel better about themselves, or to further their alternatives to reality.  God created two genders. Male and female. There are no others. 

And while there are others who like to represent that there are multiple genders, that does not make it the truth. 

An individual may choose to believe they are something other than what they are; however, I do not have to accept their reality over my own. And I will not be shamed or vilified into doing so. 

So what will you stand for. Particularly? If you refuse to stand in your own defense. Who do you believe is responsible for defending you. 

Jesus told Peter, that before the cock crowed, he would deny him three times. And he did. And he carried that personal shame for the remainder of his life.  Peter spent his life attempting to live down that mistake. 

And he was ultimately crucified loke his Lord and by the same people who denied the reality of Christ. 

Choose wisely, and defend that which is yours, because one day, your choices will be judged.

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