Jesse Jackson: 'You can't vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man'
“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill from Alabama,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”
Which begs the question....."can you vote for the health care reform bill and still call yourself a white man or white woman?"
I am so sick of this race pimp appearing regularly in the media, hustling his own brand of racism, while the media turns a ubiquitous blind eye and pretends it never happened.
Had a white man made a statement even remotely similar in racial context as to what The revered Jesse Jackson said? His career and his life would have immediately been ruined and ridiculed and he would have been drummed into oblivion by a more than eager to please liberal leftist media.
But the reverend Jesse Jackson or the reverend Al Sharpton, or the reverend Joseph Lowery or others? Well they can say anything they damn well please and they can make the most outlandish and brazenly racist statements possible. And the media simply stands and stares and moves on to something else as if to say "What?"
Jesse Jackson and his ilk have turned racism into a multimillion dollar industry in America and they absolutely refuse to ever allow the cash cow of race baiting to die. Dating back decades to thier escapades of years gone by, where they blackmailed corporate America at every turn, to their continued murmurs concerning "slave reparations," the mantra never ceases and it never ends. And it never will. Fear and guilt are their tools of trade and they have perfected the use of each to a science.
And here we have yet another example. Jackson's remark is relatively plain and easily simple to understand, even for a media moron. It is up front and straight forward. A cut to the chase moment IMO. "How could a black man (congressman) from the great state of Alabama? Vote against a bill that promises to provide more entitlement for the racially deprived?
Therefore, I have a question. How could any reasonably sane human being of any color, sit and listen to the racist rhetoric of Jesse Jackson and not immediate recognize this race pimp for precisely what he is.
That is absolutely disgusting to my sensibilities America, yet the people of this country continue to allow it to go on, while they continue to ignore the reality. Why? Because they suffer from the same disease that our friends and fellow countrymen in the military have demonstrated of late.
America is collectively terrified of being called a racist on any issue. And thus? Americans will march willingly into the ovens and the killing fields of the future if it save them from their greatest fear and real life phobia.
Just don't call them a racist. Please! It's more than they can bear!
A thought for possible post.
The continued story is that American was built on the backs of slaves.
America did not become the powerhouse that it is before the industrial revolution, and that certainly wasn't built on the backs of slaves but rather the discovery and use of oil for energy and technology.
I've checked and one horse can do the work of roughly four able bodied men. If you have an engine that generates say 10 horse power then it can do the work of some 40 men.
Put a 10 horse power engine on a motor scooter with a gallon of gas and 60 minutes later you can travel 60 miles on that gallon of gas. It would take 40 men to equal that amount of energy to accomplish the same.
Now, consider the vast explosion of development during and after the industrial revolution, and how much of that development was accomplished on the back of oil.
How many slaves would it take to do the work of a bulldozer for example? Multiply that by the machinery used to actually build this nation and one should get the idea of the minor to no effect of slavery in actually building this nation.
Just a thought I thought you might run with... with your commentating skills.
Another quick point, slavery actually inhibited the growth of America. Not until we abolished slavery did we come up with the industrial revolution... slavery stood in the way of the industrial revolution... stood in the way of the advancement of America's resources, wealth, and power.
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