Ever since the murders committed at Fort Hood last Thursday by the terrorist Nidal Malik Hasan, I have witnessed the inevitable denials and attempts by the media and the White House. They have attempted to spin and deflect what has happened and they have attempted to change it into something entirely different from what most of us saw and recognize as the facts as they were initially and subsequently revealed.
Fox News even refused to acknowledge or report the suspect's name for hours after other major news organizations had identified him by his Muslim name. And as the days have passed since then, I have witnessed a bizarre dance between the truth and lies being performed across the board by American media and even the US Army. They are all in denial and they are all attempting to deny any involvement of his Muslim faith in his actions or motives.
A lot may not be known about the shooter's complete motives, but the American media spin machine has been working overtime in it's attempts to formulate plausible deniability for his Muslim connections and any possible influence of his faith on his actions last Thursday.
It's almost as if a veritable cottage industry has suddenly sprung up in defense of Nidal Malik Hasan and his Muslim heritage has suddenly been cloaked and covered over with what the media affectionately likes to refer to as "other concerns."
Apparently the media and those involved in the societal manipulation of our society as a whole, have come together to assert that there must be other dynamics at play and that Nidal Malik Hasan being a Muslim has very little if anything to do with either his life or his actions of last Thursday. Even the higher echelons of the US Army and the Pentagon have seemingly closed ranks and gathered their collective ten foot poles together, in order to push away from anything and everything that either questions Nidal Malik Hasan's Muslim heritage, or his documented outspoken feelings and beliefs as it concerns America's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is this an altered state of reality that I suddenly find myself in? Or is there some strange warping of time and space where the world is turned upside down? Where up is down, left is right and what you see and think are always the reverse of reality. If I didn't know better? I'd be tempted to believe that I have been kidnapped and taken down the rabbit hole of wonderland, but I know I am not dreaming and I know that I am not Alice.
This twisted sense of reality and its massaged manner of altering the facts, are the staples of present day mass media in America. Especially as it is performed and managed by the egalitarian controllers of thought, who manage and control every aspect of what is approved for dissemination from both government and media.
First they enter into a story and assert alternative explanations, then they hammer the truth and re-manufacture their own version of the truth until one easily replaces the other. And suddenly? What you thought was up is actually down and what you believed you had witnessed has been revealed as no more than an untrained, unsophisticated and ill informed observation.
The facts surrounding this massacre are relatively plain. Last Thursday, Nidal Malik Hasan entered into one of the processing centers at Fort Hood Texas and opened fire on dozens of defenseless American soldiers. Killing 13 and wounding dozens more.
I don't recognize this man as a soldier, therefore, it is at the least a misnomer to call him one or to attempt to associate him with his victims on that level of professionalism. I personally feel more comfortable associating him with that which he associated himself with last Thursday and before. He is a professed Muslim and a Muslim terrorist in my opinion. And as such his actions of last Thursday were steeped in the teachings of his faith and his own personal beliefs and expressions in that religion. Therefore, there is no deniability....none.
The Army and the media and the White House can carry forth and continue their disinformation campaign if they choose to, (and they will) but that isn't working on me. I know what has been revealed about this man and who he is and I do not accept the popularized thought police versions currently spewing forth from either the media or their handlers at the White House or in the Pentagon.
Is Nidal Malik Hasan a terrorist?
That seems to be the immediate question that has arisen in the past two days. Almost as if asking it lends credence to the belief in representation that he is not a terrorist.
Well let's see now......is he a terrorist? Well he wasn't a member of any known terrorist cells prior to his rampage. So that clinches it then! He couldn't have been a terrorist. Because he was never identified as a terrorist prior to his actions right? He was and is just some disgruntled soldier with post traumatic stress disorder who snapped. Right?
That may be a nice bedtime story for those gullible enough to swallow it, but it belies something our own dear Hillary Clinton first brought to our attention last year, when she coined the phrase..."the willing suspension of disbelief."
To believe that Nidal Malik Hasan was not engaged in a terrorist act against America last Thursday? Certainly requires a willing suspension of disbelief in my opinion. The man had gone on record both in direct conversations with others and in writing on the internet, both opposing his country's policies and actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also by asserting his belief in the justness of any Muslim who strikes out and attacks America or Americans in either and individualistic or collective manner.
And the real clue to his motives rest in one simple phrase in my opinion...."Allahu akbar! -- Arabic for "God is great!"
What purpose would there be for this man of supposed non Muslim influence, to utter such a phrase while committing mass murder against those in the uniform of this nation?
I could go on with my point but it remains easily simple in my opinion. Nidal Malik Hasan cast his lot knowingly as he was committing mass murder and inflicting terror in the minds of his victims and all who would become aware of his actions that day.
In my opinion, there is no question and there is no debate on that issue. The man is guilty as charged, he is a terrorist. And anyone that believes that he was motivated by post traumatic stress disorder? Needs to first understand that he had never been in combat period, therefore, that is a moot point and a red herring.
The only PTSD that Nidal Malik Hasan will be exposed to, will be provided that he survives his injuries and has to face his own personal judgment as a failure before his God Allah.
Meanwhile thirteen innocent souls are today in the arms of the angels, while the others that he shot and attempted to murder, cling to life while they attempt to repair their shattered bodies and their shattered lives because of the actions of this man.
Is the man a terrorist? You damn right he is and he should be treated as such.
1 comment:
Amen, let's call a spade a spade and stop this appeasement insanity.
Every time we try the appeasement thing the enemy mocks us behind our back... until they shoot us in the back.
I can hear Hitler thinking as Chamberlain walks out of Hitler's office with his little document of appeasement just signed by ol' Adolph...
"You disgusting weak fool!"
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