Ho Ho No: Postal Service Drops Santa Letters Program
The socialists have finally accomplished a milestone. Not even satisfied with attacking the reason for the season, they have now succeeded in going after the jolly old man himself.
The U.S. Postal Service is dropping a popular effort begun in 1954 in the small Alaska town of North Pole, where volunteers open and respond to thousands of letters addressed to Santa each year. Replies come with North Pole postmarks.
Postal Service officials said they are tightening rules in such programs nationwide after a postal worker in Maryland recognized a volunteer in the agency's Operation Santa program as a registered sex offender. The postal worker interceded before the individual could answer a child's letter, but the Postal Service viewed the episode as a big enough scare to make changes to the program.
There you have it. Just another example of big brother's protectionism and how government is always looking out for the best interests of the people.
I am sure that this will make a lot of the green wise mother earth huggers all warm and fuzzy. They will now be assured that their little eggs can be protected from the potential evils of pedophiles. Isn't that grand.
Meanwhile, they will continue to support the laws and the elected officials that continue to allow these child predators to prey upon children. Not to mention their support of laws that allow millions of the unborn to be murdered in this country every year.
But "ByGod! We stopped them from using Christmas as their hunting ground for diddling!
Stories like this would be laughable if they weren't so sick and tragically reflective of our morally debased and diseased politically correct society.
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