Time is up for short-term thinking in capitalism
This is an interesting little ditty, appearing ostensibly in the Financial Times this morning, under the joint authorship of Al Gore and David Blood.
Of course, the premise is that we have gotten it all wrong when it comes to the causes and effects of capitalism and our present economic dilemmas. That is why we are presently facing the crisis that we are concerning the economy according to Mr. Gore and Mr. Blood. Our short term approach to capitalism is the wrong formula period and apparently has been all along. We should be (should have been) thinking long term all along according to these two masters of the economic universe.
And who better to point this out to us and make the necessary corrections, than our beloved former vice president Al Gore and his little buddy Mr. Blood. And of course these two as a team while combining their economics research capabilities, they have identified the problem and the solution. And now they are prepared to share their findings with the rest of us. How sweet.
First they identified the problem:
The global financial crisis had its origins in short-term, unsustainable strategies and actions. Before the crisis and since, we (and others) have called for a more long-term and responsible form of capitalism – what we call “sustainable capitalism”. Yet despite our collective best efforts, one year on, the capital markets seem to be reverting to business as usual.
Then naturally they tendered their own reasoned and considered solution.
Winston Churchill said: “It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” So what is now required? How do we change? In order to start developing sustainable capitalism, we need to reconsider the basic building blocks of commerce and markets: accounting, disclosure, incentives, regulation and responsibility.
Surely their formula denoting incentives, wouldn't even begin to address oppressive taxes and their economic effect would it? I mean the regulation and accounting parts of their solution would seem to immediately negate all incentives as aforementioned. At least that has been my observation of the socialist plan and mechanism every other time i have seen it displayed and explained.
We all know and we are all aware of the reputation and generous accolades lauded upon Al Gore since leaving office, but who is this David Blood fellow that he has joined partnership with? Well it seems? David Blood is "The wizard behind Generation Management LLC." And none other than Al Gore's business partner in his carbon management front company attempting to further propel and perpetuate the global warming myth. Al Gore serves as Chairman on the board of Generation Management it would seem. How convenient.
On a side note, the name of the company says it all IMO. Could there be a more fitting title for a company whose entire purpose and function, is that of fostering the socialist ideologies of rogue liberal extremist environmentalist and global warming? While their collective celebrity mouthpieces tongue and pen such aberrations of reasoning?
For those interested in peeking inside the minds of a couple of committed anti American socialists and their extremist mentors in the environmental sciences, it is well worth the few minutes spent reading the ramblings of these two leaders in the movement of supposed long term economic thinking.
Then afterward, sit and contemplate just what it is that they have in store for you and I, if they ever find the traction and the following that they so earnestly are pursuing in their quest for power and control over all of us. And don't forget, for them it's not about the money or the accolades and celebrity. It's simply about creating a better environment and a better world for the rest of us.
So why is it that every time Al Gore opens his mouth? I feel like I am getting a digital rectal exam?
I can not fathom why people are so blind to this... esp. when there are those like this post who are shouting from the roof-tops!!!
Keep shouting!!!
All of us need to keep shouting Chuck, or else these bastards will get away with completely wrecking this country.
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