Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Down Hill Slide.

We are on the down hill slide now. There remains one slim chance that the president can win re-election and that is through the 12th amendment, and being appointed by the majority of states, but I simply do not see that happening.
And if it did this nation would erupt into civil war. Not that it isn't headed that way already, but we would be head there a lot sooner. As it stands, Joe Biden is like the beautifully carved bow head of famous ships of long ago.
These beautiful carvings bore Mermaids and busty voluptuous women, or Dragons or Angels and such Each meticulously hand carved to represent the embodiment of the ship and it's purpose. However, richly carved and painted were nothing more than symbols. The real power stood behind them on the decks commanding the wheel and the sails.
Alone they were nothing more than hollowed embodiment's to be challenged in battle. And such is the reality and future of Joe Biden as far as I am concerned. And once the guns blaze? The left will ditch him like a broken masthead. To be replaced by a younger and more aggressive symbol of the new risen egalitarian realm of socialism and the radical that is to engulf us as a nation.
The best Donald Trump can hope for at this point is to lead a gracious and powerful exit. Skip the inauguration. Fuk Biden and the rest of that putrid flotsam that passes for a congress
After the way they disrespected him for four years? I say he is entitled to piss down their legs as he walks out.
After which, he needs to step back and resume his life and rebuild his empire. And hopefully startup a media company to compete with and shut Fox News down completely.
I now see Fox News in the same light as I saw CNN twenty years ago. And for the exact same reasons. Fox sold out to the glitz and the notoriety and the ass rubbing with celebrities and the power elite. The same as CNN and the others.
They sold their souls and it shows.
Therefore, Fox needs to hire more appropriate personalities to shore up their dwindling audience now. Maybe a few more LGBTQ and some Transgenders. Definitely more Muslims and more people of color. All will fit right in at Fox Now.
As for me? I now have a subscription to OANN and NewsMax. I have Brietbart and The Epoch Times. And Fox being the last of the Mahicans? Can kiss my ass. 👍


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