Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Tricks of The Trade of Media

 One of the primary and recurring trick of the trade in media, is to spin what is said ir stated, into something entirely different from the original or intended meaning. 

In the wake if Charlottesville, the president said "that there were good people on both sides."  He never said that those violently protesting on either side were good people. But the media immediately tried to re-couch what he said into a meaning that he was supporting white supremacist. 

When he posed and honest question, asking if it were possible to find a disinfectant for the human blood stream, the media immediately began stating that the president was recommending that people drink bleach or Lysol.  That is not what he said and that was never what he intended.  

Yet the media consistently convolutes everything he says, into an entirely different meaning. 

And they do the same thing with anyone who makes any statement against their propagated memes of science or anything else. 

The media has spent the last four years telling the American people that the 2016 election was interfered with by the Russians and that President Trump's election was illegitimate. Yet in the face of mounting evidence that the November 3rd election was manipulated in favor of Joe Biden, we are told that the election is over, end of story. Yet they continue to refuse to investigate the Hunter Biden and Joe Biden Ukrainian and Chinese business dealings. Dealing that have now been revealed and supported by facts and evidence. 

The president should have stopped calling them fake news long ago, and instead labeled them for precisely what they are. A propaganda ministry. Administered and controlled by leftist and socialist and globalist interests and financing. 

Everything the president has stated over the last four years has been immediately labeled as unsubstantiated. And yet when his assertions are proven true? As in the now proven allegations that the FBI and those in the Obama spied on his campaign?  The media ignores the evidence  

The same as they are ignoring the growing body of evidence that votes were manipulated and switched to Biden in the November 3rd election  or that votes for the president were left completely uncounted  

So believe what you choose to believe, but at the least, avail yourself of the facts. And do not look to the media for truth on any level. Because they are the progeny of the father of all lies.   

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