Thursday, April 23, 2009

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Sources: GM to shut most US plants up to 9 weeks

The only really remarkable aspect to what we are seeing now concerning the demise of General Motors? Is that this all should have taken place eight or nine months ago. General Motors has not been a profitable company for several years. And the consensus of knowing opinion in the industry and on Wall Street, has been that the legacy costs of union contracts burdening GM, combined with federal CAFE standards and significant trade imbalances have all combined to drive the company toward the great abyss of bankruptcy.

And now bankruptcy is finally arriving on the doorstep of GM. Only now, it is occurring after 15 billion dollars in American taxpayer money have been pissed down a sink hole trying to keep the union demands on the company afloat, while the Obama administration prepared to pick the bones of what was left, before discarding it entirely for the socialist government model.

George Bush erred when he first provided bailout money to GM and Chrysler last year and I can't help but wonder if there wasn't some sinister back channel dealings between the Bush administration and the Obama team before Barack Obama took office.

A deal potentially getting Bush to agree to and go along with the GM and Chrysler bailouts, on the promise of future better dealings for these companies by the Obama administration, would lead them back to prosperity. The old "keep them afloat until we can get in there and fix this problem" routine. The only problem being with that presentation, was that never was the intent or the plan of the Obama administration period IMO.

They have moved too swiftly to knock GM down and oust the CEO and place their man in the chair, in order to expedite the bankruptcy and demise, of what was once America's premiere company and the flagship of western capitalism, for that to have not been their original intent.

So somehow I can't help but believe that there was and is more to this scheme than is being represented and fed to the media for media reports. And GM is only the beginning of the larger plan to seize control of the economic engine that has powered and sustained America for over 120 years now.

We have been asleep at the wheel and we have allowed the greed of a few and the power hungry in Washington, to usurp the country into a staggering level of debt and overextention of incapability to sustain. And now the note is due.

The final stage is being set for the death of General Motors and what will follow will not be recognizable to those who were born and riased underneath the shadow and protection of the greatest economy to ever exist in the history of the world.

"Was there ever a people whose leaders were as truly their enemies as this one?"
- Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls

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