Sunday, April 05, 2009

It was 4:30 In The Morning And He Was Asleep

The president learned of the launch at 4:30 am local time when he was awakened by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. He conferred with his national security team by phone and dispatched his chief diplomats -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice -- to begin the push for swift new sanctions.

OK, so they missed it by 90 minutes or so. Cut the man some slack. After all, he was sleeping in a foreign bed and suffering jet lag and time zone differences. But what did he do when he finally did get that foretold and feared phone call in the middle of the night?

He called the one most capable of handling the crisis right now. He called Hillary Clinton! Pardon me, but that is too damn funny to pass up or let slide. The man is literally a rolling caricature of the dog eared adage of "I am not the president, but I play one on TV."

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