Friday, January 29, 2021

Got Your Jab Yet?

 I am so sick of hearing about these Covid vaccines. The best I can tell, there are at least a half dozen pharmaceutical (big pharma) companies, racing to get their versions of Covid 19 vaccines produced and released to the public in quantity. 

Meanwhile? All Biden and his crew have accomplished so far, is to criticize President Trump's efforts to fight the virus and to get a vaccine out as fast as possible. 

Added to that, is their criticism and blame for the existing stumbling distribution. And they blame that on President Trump's supposed failures also. 

While completely ignoring the realities being reported concerning distribution. That the problems with distribution are at the state and local levels. 

And as a result, significant amounts of the vaccines have had to be discarded? Because they were not stored properly or used before they went bad. And that too, remains Trump's failure. 🤔

The plan by President Trump was deemed Operation Warp Speed, but mockery and criticism is the best the democrats seem to be able to add to the distribution equation, now that they are running the show.   

Meanwhile? After restaurants being shut down for months in California, New York, Michigan, Illinois and Washington DC? 

And in the face of supposed statistics, showing increases in Covid infections and deaths? Those democrat mayors and governors (miraculously) decided to lift their restaurant lockdowns, right after Biden was sworn in. 🤔

Who knew? But it would appear? That recall petitions and angry peaseants picketing their homes? And a president other than Trump, were apparently good disinfectants against Covid. 🤔

And less than 48 hours after Biden was sworn in? The great one Dr. Tony Fauci stated that he believed the virus had plateaued. 🤔

Add to that?  Biden criticized President Trump's Covid team and their plans to address the virus as failed. Yet he turned right around and made Fauci? The guy who was leading Trump's failures? His new Covid commander. 🤔

The CDC followed up the day after Fauci citing the plateau and re-calibrated their standards for Covid testing. Citing their belief that the existing tests were too sensitive and therefore, causing more false positives. 🤔

Which means? Less sensitive testing? Will result in less positives. Which will result in a reduction of reported infections. But we already knew that. As we already knew, that the rates of Covid infections were being over reported. As were the deaths. 🤔

And today? The media is reporting that Covid cases appear to be dropping nation wide.  But we already knew, that inside of two weeks in office? The "Biden presidency vaccine" would put a stop to all of that malarky. 🤔

I mean? C'mon man! You know the thing!  

Now back to the Covid vaccines. 

One big pharma company pulled both of their Covid vaccines, citing problems with trials and a desire to concentrate on treatments for the virus. Which tells me? They know that their vaccines can be lethal. But no worry, congress passed a resolution preventing any civil liability for these big pharma companies. 🤔

Meanwhile, the other big pharma companies are continuing to hustle their Covid vaccines and their supposed efficacy rates of 90% or better.  Including now stating that their vaccines are effective, against the UK, South African and South American variants. Damn! They got that determined fast huh. 🤔

And what is the driving force behind the millions being spent to produce these vaccines?  Well to start with, congress has already given them billions of taxpayer dollars to inspire them to act quickly. 🤔

Added to that? Big pharma knows, that the majority of the population, will have an ultimate mandate, via either fear or coercion by corporations and the government, to take the "jab," as they are now calling it. And ultimately? 90% of the sheeple will take the jab. 🤔

Meanwhile? The reports continue to surface of dozens and hundreds of those (both in the US and globally) who have taken one of these sundry Covid vaccines. And they are either experiencing, extreme allergic reactions, comas, or death. 

Reports of rashes and anaphylactic shock and fevers are common, yet the band plays on. 🤔

And what a large majority of Americans do not realize? Is that the "science" being used to create these Covid vaccines.  Is more than bothersome in reality. 

Traditionally? Vaccines were created by mixing the dead virus, with a medium such as saline and simple stabilizers. The vaccine was then injected and the body's immune system recognized the invader and created antibodies. 

However,  about thirty years ago? "Medicine" decided that wasn't good enough. Those controlling the show? Decided that they needed their own creations. Mixtures of other chemicals and materials. Including harvested human tissue enzymes and cellular proteins.  

They stated that these new additives would accelerate the immune repsonse and cause the body to more quickly recognize the threat. 

Some of those additives were mercury and other chemicals, that are known to be poisonous to human cells. 🤔

But that would be alright in their minds? As the benefits would out weigh any potential harm. So they began their advance of science and medicine.  And we now have vaccines for everything from the flu, to pneumonia, to shingles, to Chlamydia. 

And things like Polio and Tuberculosis have been all but annihilated. But then again for some reason? We have seen skyrocketing rates of autism and asthma and ADD and ADHD and herpes and other maladies? Afflictions that were once extremely rare, appear to have become more and more prevalent.  Which means? We need vaccines and medications for those. 🤔

But that is their business after all. They identify a problem (or create one)? Then they create a solution. Which solves that problem, but apparently creates other problems.  So the natural reaction of science and medicine? Is they have to create new drugs and new treatments for those new problems. 🤔

From Risperidone, to Ritalin. Zanax to opioids, there is a pill or an injection for just about everything. Including a new drug treatment for schizophrenia. They even advertise it on TV commercials.  And there is obviously a rise in the numbers of those so afflicted. 

Of course? They advertise all of their drugs. And the caveat at the end of all of those commercials? After they warn you of all the side effects that their new drug can cause? Is to tell you to "ask your doctorfor their new miracle treatment."🤔

I see these commercials and I think? There is no way in hell that I would take any of their crap. But millions of Americans are taking them. 

And the elevated instances of erectile dysfunction? And Peroni's disease? And no one ever stops to ask the question. Why? 🤔

As it concerns these new Covid vaccines?  Rushed into production absent animal trials or any realistic scientific studies?  Do you really want any of that injected into your body? I know I don't.  

And one of the maIn reasons why? Other than what I have stated above? Is because these Covid vaccines are literally the equivalent of Frankenstein monsters. 

And remember Tony Fauci trashing Hydroxychloroquine? Saying that there had not been any clinical trials or double blind studies, to support its use as a treatment for coronavirus. 

Adding that those claiming its benefits? Were just parroting anecdotal evidence. And no real science. So I have a question? Where have all the double blind studies and clinical trials for these Covid vaccines occurred. 🤔

Answer? They didn't do those. Because those take time. But Tony Fauci is all on board, saying that 70% of the population must be vaccinated, to establish herd immunity. 🤔

Funny how those worries and precautions he repeatedly issued about Hydroxychloroquine? Mysteriously don't seem to apply to Covid vaccines.  

Vaccines created by combining RNA and proteins extracted from aborted fetal tissues and a myriad of their existing protein and chemical concoctions, all specifically designed to alter our DNA. 

And altering it to trigger a supposed antibiotic reaction, thus immunizing you from the virus. But then we are told that we have to get at least two shots? And even that may only be effective for a few months. And you know why?  

Because viruses mutate. Which means? We will have to get them at least once if not twice a year. For the rest of out lives. Especially if the government and the science and the big pharma companies have any say so. 🤔

Now? Take what you should already be aware of, concerning these new vaccines. And consider this. About twenty or so years ago, they began marketing vaccines for influenza. The flu shot. 

Telling us that we all need to get one every year. Why is that.  I thought that if you got vaccinated for something? You were vaccinated. But apparently not. 

As year after year, they create new flu vaccines? To supposedly counter act the new variants of the flu viruses. Yet no sooner than they come out with this season's flu shots? We are told that they may only have a 30 to 60 percent efficacy rate. Why is that?🤔

Well, if you "follow the science?"

That is due to the fact that these flu viruses mutate. And the new mutations are what is always behind the drive for this season's latest flu shots.  And the reason why, for the most part, his years flu shot will probably not be effective against this season's mutation. 

And they supposedly only work at best, half of the time. But everyone still needs to get one. 🤔

And the latest news? Is that we need to have our dogs and cats vaccinated against Covid.  Why? 

Because Covid is a deadly virus. Kinda like rabies.  And we have to have our dogs vaccinated every year against rabies. Why? 

Because that virus mutates? No, because a veterinarian is the only person allowed by law, to administer the vaccine. So how long before they make K9 vaccination for Covid mandatory.  🤔

Meanwhile? You will soon be able to get your Covid jab at the drug store. Or the grocery store. Like they do the flu vaccines now. 

Mo money, mo money, mo money. 😉    

Because in the final analysis? The reality is, that they create these problems and then they can create the solutions. 

And as far as Covid is concerned?  If you believe that SARS Cove2? Spontaneously appeared? Because some Chinese individual ate some bat soup?  🤔

Covid 19 was created in the bio lab at Wuhan China. It got loose and the rest as they say, is history. Be it by design or accident, it was created to be a bioweapon. 

And now that it is here? It is a gift to big pharma.  They will make billions. 

And the additional benefit? Look at all of those over 65 Americans and those with pre-existing conditions? That Covid has resolved. 

In a years time? Covid has eliminated over 400,000 Americans? Who will no longer need either medicare or social security. 🤔

Therefore, the funding for those benefits? Is not nearly as bleak as it was as recently as a year ago. 

So all that needs to happen now? Is for the little monster to continue to mutate.  And continue to take a half million other older or afflicted Americans, for the next five or six years?

And all of those funding problems of medicare and social security are resolved.  Because those people, won't be here to collect on those benefits. 

And those others who have died from it? Not in those categories?  Their numbers percentage wise are small. And besides, they are what is commonly referred to as collateral damage. 

And a few unintended innocents, are always casualties of war. 🤔

And that is the reality as I see it.

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