Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Once The Infection Is In The Blood Stream It Is Too Late

Sitting here watching and listening to the morning after media punditry of last night's senate runoff election in Georgia?  And the arguments and analogies are amusing and terrifying to say the least.  Predictably, the left is basking in their realization that they are on the cusp of turning this nation into a bastion of socialism. 

As one media contributor noted this morning?  If you can get rural Georgians to buy into socialism?  You can get anyone to buy into it.  Adding that Americans need to start paying attention to what is being taught their children in school etc. I say?  Too late.  You can't close the barn door after the cows are gone.  That train has long ago left the station.

The enemy is within the gates and they have been for well over the last thirty years. And they used many variations of the Trojan Horse to accomplish it. Yet many Americans are only just now realizing it.  They have defeated us?  By using our system and our freedoms against us. By utilizing egalitarian memes of so called fairness and inclusiveness to bridge our defenses.

The problem of which is?  The lies of egalitarianism, are honey to the ears of the ill informed and UN-educated.  And we have no one to blame but ourselves.  Americans have been so consumed with their own individuality and the pleasures of life being offered up by these siren songs of the left?  That they abandoned their morals and their future to their pursuits of pleasure over reason.

Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of it is. 

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

And that is precisely the means by which this country has been and continues to be destroyed.  Americans abdicated their responsibility to their children and to each other and to the sacrifices made by generations of other Americans.  Those who died to preserve our freedoms.  And that abdication has opened the doors wide for the interlopers of egalitarianism to flourish and take hold of the minds of the last two generations of Americans.

So here we stand, asking what can be done to combat this.  To which I say, it is too late to vaccinate once the virus is established in the bloodstream.  And evil has been injected into the bloodstream of America repeatedly over the last thirty years.  So?  There are no magic bullets available.  There are no simple answers. The only thing we have now is the stark reality of what we ourselves have allowed to come to pass.

History teaches that those who stand idle while their enemies pursue advantage, will ultimately be forced to use force to repel those enemies. American democracy only works, when the majority of Americans are invested in it.  When large segments of our society abandon morals and principles and they seek only to pursue their own individual enrichment? 

Then discussing a democratic vote based solution is pointless.  Because as we have now seen in Georgia this morning, the ballot box can be compromised and it has been compromised.  And the end result will be an entrenched socialist regime.  A regime that will not go away quietly or absent battles involving blood.

So think about that.  Contemplate that.  As you sit and attempt to determine what just happened in Georgia and in America.  We were warned, but no one was listening.  And now it is too late.  For we may have voted ourselves into socialism?  And now to break away from socialism will require war and blood.  Count on it.

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