Friday, January 15, 2021

Picture If You Will

Picture if you will. 

Looking at the events of the past week in this country, and I cannot help but question what I am seeing in preparation for January twentieth's inauguration and afterward. 

Washington has been turned into a federalized, armed camp. With military personnel in the city at levels, not seen since the civil war. With 20,000-25,000 armed federal troops now occupying the city and the US Capitol. 

Businesses are boarding up and closing beginning today through next Friday.  Seven foot, barbed wire adorned steel fencing, has been erected around the US Capitol and the Pentagon.  The National Mall has been fenced off and closed.  And it will be encircled by next Tuesday. Encircled with armed national guard troops.  National Guard Who will have live ammunition and whi have been told they can use it.  

Major airlines, corporations, hotels and others, have instituted bans on travel and accommodations in the Washington metro area.  

As I look around the landscape of America this morning? It appears that every possible precaution is being put in place by the government. Precautions being reported by media, to insure that no group or entity of any fashion, will be allowed to enter the city, before, during or after the inauguration. 

For fear of uprising. 

Some may see these actions as nothing more than a reasonable precaution, in light of the siege of the US Capitol last week, by a couple of hundred invaders.  Invaders by the way? Who were allowed to breech the Capitol. 

While others?  May see this as nothing leas than a dress rehearsal for other actions.  Actions that the government has planned in the future.  

Some may see these actions as a demonstrated intent by government, to subdue the American people. While the media and social media platforms, continue to silence all freedom of speech and eliminate any and all opposition to approved speech. 

I am sad to admit? I believe the latter is far closer to the reality, than the mere appearances on the surface. 

There have been many comparisons over the last week, asking why the response to riots all across this country last year, were not addressed or responded to, in a similar fashion.  When actial threats were seen and identifiable daily. 

Many have asked, why other federal buildings and federal officers and state and local police officers were assailed and attacked, in a number of American cities, including Washington, absent any response or action taken to protect life or property.  

After which, these attackers were not only invited back into these cities? In the aftermath of their violence? But they were celebrated. 

While being left undeterred time and time again, while they continued to riot and burn, vandalize property and attack and kill other people and police officers.

After which? Their banner slogans were painted on many public streets in those same cities that they had laid siege to. 

Many have been asking why this happened, absent any response whatsoever.  Much less the response we are now seeing in Washington. Yet the answer to those questions? Are as plain as the nose on your face. 

You know the answers why and so do I.  We are just no longer allowed to speak of it. 

This nation has stepped through the looking glass.  Everything has been reversed. All perceptions have been reclassified to reflect the new realities.  Bad is good, good is bad. And by the way? Who are you to ask or question any of it. After all? This is the new normal. 

For the past year, the mega tech owners of media and social media?  Have been preparing the ground for their present game of whack a mole against Americans and all social media.  

You didn't see that coming? You should have. They have been telling you and showing you their hand, for well over a year.  All you had to do was look at their actions.  Combined with the complacency of state, local and federal authorities to react, or do anything substantive about it.  

And who were these so called truth seekers? They were identified to you as fact checkers. Those entitled to dismiss anything published by anyone, not to their liking.  And as of last Friday, the overlords of the dark web have made their power and influence over you known completely. 

Anything and anyone that stepped outside the boundaries, of the preferred representations of the all seeing and all knowing mainstream media?  Well those defilers of the new thought speak were punished and are being punished.  Suspended or banned entirely. 

Culminating this past week, with their banning of the president and numerous others, from the arenas of free speech period.  The town square is no longer the town square. All sanctity has been removed and what is left? Is being taken down or fenced off completely. 

Before January 6th?  They were called fact checkers and they were basically an annoyance for most. After January 8th?  They became the truth keepers.  

And they were emboldened to reveal themselves as such, to one and all. The official keepers of all truth. And the enforcement arms of the power elite. Those who literally performed both a frontal lobotomy and a coup de etat of free speech on America. 

These past few days caused me to reflect back to an old TV series of the mid 1960's. Those born after 1970? Probably never saw it, and never heard of it, but this was the opening statement by the control voice each week. 

For, The Outer Limits. 

"There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. 

We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. 

If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. 

We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. 

For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. 

We repeat: There is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. 

You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits."

And the closing of each episode, always ended with this message. 

"We now return control of your television set to you, until next week at this same time, when the Control Voice will take you to... The Outer Limits."

Now? Take what you just read and after the word TV? And add the words computers, smart phones and social media.  And remove the concept of it being a weekly occurrence of one hour.  And forget about the omnipresent control voice returning control of your life to you at any point. 

Do that?  And you just arrived at ground zero of our present day reality in America. And now that you have been taken through the looking glass into the total and complete negative image of what once was?

How do you like the view. 

The comparatives to what once was science fiction and the representations of a dystopian world? Are in the process of becoming the established reality in this country. 

Aldous Huxley created the landscape of a Brave New World. George Orwell showed us what a dystopian world of the future could look like.  

And Ayn Rand? Well, she showed us what could happen when the corporate world of the mega rich, combined to control and influence every aspect of life. 

I have told friends for years, "That anything the human mind could conceive of? Would eventually become the reality. Little did I realize that the premise and belief I was sharing, was not limited to technology. 

Little did I know that these novels of fiction, that I read a lifetime ago in my youth? Would one day become the reality. And not just one of them, but all of them.  

So as the Mad Hatters of our new dystopian looking glass world? Races about madly on your Televisions and computers and smart phones? Screaming off with their heads!  As it concerns anything involving Donald Trump and anyone who voted for or supported him?

Know this. They are watching you. They are listening to you. They are tracking you. And Siri and Alexa, in your phones and in you echo dots and in your ring doorbells? Are keeping track of it all. 

I now return control  of your delusions to you. Enjoy yourselves. 

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