Wednesday, January 06, 2010

And the hits just keep on coming

Or as Pelosi says, 'the list goes on'

Madam speaker's reaction to the lack of transparency involving the closed door sessions surrounding the democrats health care bill?

She basically doesn't care what the people think as obvious by her flippant smirks. And she subsequently denotes that a lot of things were promised by the president during the campaign. (code speak for: "so what.... we are in charge now.... and we are doing as we damn well please.")

How anyone can watch this woman and not contemplate the brazen treachery to the American people and not become utterly disgusted with her idiocy and arrogance is beyond me. As noted by recent stories covering democrats that are now announcing that they will not seek re-election, this bill and the president's socialist agenda are going to cause a political reckoning across America between now and 2012. And that reckoning is beginning now and will steam roll into the 2010 midterms.

What looked like modest gains for the GOP a few months ago, may in fact turn out to be a landslide by the time Pelosi and Reid are finished. And all the money left in their reinvestment act scam that they have floated, can't save them from the anger that the people will voice come November.

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