Barack Obama gets worse than an F in my opinion. And any fool can see why. The man is wide eyed leading the blind in this country into oblivion and destruction. And those behind him are the one's truly to blame. Those that engaged in the wailing and gnashing of teeth for the last nine years over their hatred of this country and it's defense of itself.
One thing Jerremiah Wright did have right....the chickens are coming home to roost. and those like himself and his student Obama are the ones responsible for it.
Former WMD Chief: Al-Qaida Awaiting Nukes
Reading this report should scare hell out of any sane and rational thinking American. For what is outlined and described by this report, only serves to demonstrate the reality of just how much danger is facing this nation.
“Considering the potential that such weapons hold in fulfilling al-Qaida’s aspirations,” it says, “their WMD procurement efforts have been managed at the most senior levels, under rules of strict compartmentalization from lower levels of the organization, and with central control over possible targets and timing of prospective attacks.”
That's right, while our president has fiddled and pursued his progressive socialist agenda, our enemies have utilized the time to continue toward their ultimate goal. And that goal is to create an image of nuclear holocaust in America.
That kind of planning suggests extreme sophistication and patience – a willingness to wait until such an operation against the U.S. could be sure to work. According to Mowatt-Larssen, “their approach has been ‘Mohamed Atta-like’ — similar to the modus operandi Khaled Sheikh Mohammed employed in making preparations for the 9/11 attacks — as opposed to resembling the signature characterizing most terrorist attacks to which the world has become accustomed.”
Is anyone in Washington listening? Leon Panetta (CIA)? Admiral Mullen? (CJCOS) Eric Holder (Atty. Gen)? Janet Napolitano (Homeland Sec.)?
No, I don't think any of them are listening. Certainly not Holder or Napolitano. And Mullin and Panetta are simply figureheads. And make no mistake, our dear president isn't paying any attention or focused on the threat either. Tonight's state of the union speech will reveal that fact and many more IMO.
Meanwhile, Bin Ladin and his crew of Islamic fascists and radicalized Muslims continue forward with their plans to destroy this country.
He noted that “Al-Qaida’s patient, decade-long effort to steal or construct an improvised nuclear device (IND) flows from their perception of the benefits of producing the image of a mushroom cloud rising over a U.S. city, just as the 9/11 attacks have altered the course of history.”
He adds that “there is no evidence that the al-Qaida leadership regarded the use of crude toxins and poisons as being suitable for conducting what would amount to pin prick attacks on the United States; on the contrary,” it seems that “a relatively easy attack utilizing tactical weapons would not achieve the goals the al-Qaida leadership had set for themselves.”
September 11th was only the beginning. There is far worse looming in our future and anyone capable of seeing the evidence and the reality knows it. It is only a matter of time
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