Saturday, January 02, 2010

Right up Obama's alley

TSA nominee misled Congress about accessing confidential records

Or perhaps he is a man after his own heart. I am sure that there are many euphemisms to describe the latest Obama administration cabinet acquisition.

In yet another fashion reminiscent of Timothy Gietner's soaring credentials, Erroll Southers stands out in his unique qualifications to handle one of America's most sensitive posts.

Gietner some may recall, had dallied with failing to pay his income taxes and once questioned about that during his senate confirmation on the mater, he assuaged all concerns about his failure by citing his amateurish unfamiliarity with the tax filing software 'Quicken." In short order Timothy Geitner was passed along through the confirmation process and made Secretary of the US Treasury. Apparently his experience in violating the law, gives him unique qualification in following it.

Then of course there is the dilemma of one Kevin Jennings. Having been anointed by Obama to be his own personal choice to be the Tsar of schools, Jennings unique qualifications to hold the post were soon revealed. As the former director of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)), Jennings had obviously demonstrated his unique qualifications in communicating with teen aged boys, via his unique pursuit of their education in the finer arts of "fisting" and other homosexual pastimes.

And so it goes. Now we have one Errol Southers being nominated to head the TSA and in the midst of yet another attempt to attack this country via the use pf passenger aircraft. And the hits just keep on coming. Southers' unique perspectives on the use and application of the the federal privacy act, seem to be yet another example of unique qualification to hold a federal post. And as for the act that specifically prohibits the unlawful use of privileged law enforcement data bases? Mr. Southers found a unique application for volating it.

Southers it seems, once used an (unspecified) law enforcement computer data base to do homework on his ex wife's boyfriend. And not once but twice. Southers apparently didn't satisfy all of his curiosities the first time around, therefore, he did it a second time. Which only goes to show that he is not only fallible, but fallible twice.

And just as his predecessor Timothy Geitner, Southers stood before the senate right before the Christmas recess and explained his failure of recollections concerning the two incidents, on nothing more sinister than his own failure of recollection of facts from more than twenty years ago.

This guy looks like the real deal to me. Who better to establish an image of trust and professionalism as head of the TSA, than someone who has already violated the canons of law and trust and therefore, knows the pitfalls of betraying the public trust.

I say that he is a perfect match and a damned good fit for this president. Although I must admit to a certain amount of amazement at how this man (Barack Obama) consistently seems to find and tap into such remarkable talent.

And while we are reminiscing? Who could ever forget the ground breaking appointment of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. It's as if this president is omnipresent and possesses knowledge far beyond his years and that of other mortal men. And this talent is continually demonstrated to the American people by his recurring uncanny ability to find uniquely qualified people to serve in positions of trust and authority over the rest of us.

Yes sir-ee Bob! This Southers character looks like another three star appointment by our president and another home run for the . But never fear, just as soon as Southers is confirmed by the senate? He'll get that fourth star. They will probably even create a uniform for him just like the surgeon general to wear it on.

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