Thursday, January 21, 2010

Obama Ain't No Neo

There may have been many that thought that he was "the one." but they are now finding out something quite differently. And that reality crosses all demographics and political persuasions of Obama supporters IMO.

From those who are the zealot ideologues of socialism, to those who actually believed that he would pay their house payments and or for their gas at the pump, they are all coming up short when attempting to resolve the disparity between their dream world of socialism and the reality that is Obama brings to it.

The house of cards began to come unglued several months ago when he waffled for months over the issue of Afghanistan and his commitment to the safety of this nation and it's military and our commitments to the war on terror. That is when he began to lose the tolerance of the so called independents. His image and appeal was further tarnished when he turned his back on the economy and went full tilt after a health care proposal that the American people have repeatedly rejected and that any fool recognizes as a catastrophe.

That is when he lost the ideological middle of the road feel good Americans. Those that voted for the trip that was Obama "the first black president." And now he has lost the unions, regardless of what their leadership may have traded for in exchange for their forty pieces of silver.

There are a litany of articles and opined opinion pieces floating around the net and more so since Tuesdays democrat loss in Massachusetts. Each bemoans the reality of the drop in confidence and the drop in the polls and the obvious loss of star power (even in Europe) that the messiah had only one year ago this week.

Where to begin.

There have been so many thrown under the bus of progressive elitist socialism in thpast eighteen months, that it is hard to keep track of who is who on the victims list. But it appears that as each day passes, Obama himself is drawing closer to the wheel wells of the political machine that he neither controls nor influences. They may have elected him, but they hold no allegiances, especially when he stands to completely wreck their lives with his to date failures of state sponsored heaven.

As long as the puppet isn't aware that he is a puppet, the ruse remains a valid means of transition from capitalism to socialism in America. But the minute that the puppet becomes conscience and self aware of his own lack of power and influence in the equation, then the puppet begins to ask questions and to draw independent conclusions that don't settle well with the game plan of his handlers.

Glenn Beck referenced that reality earlier today on his radio program, when he stated that the president is placing himself in danger. The minute Barack Obama becomes self aware and the minute he begins to balk at continuing to be the willing driver of the socialists bus, and the minute he refuses to follow the set rout of this bus, then he becomes a liability to the real powers that be in the new party movement. And at that point the man is truly in danger from his own people.

Careful mr. president, for you may be called upon soon to take one for the team. Literally.

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