Thursday, April 07, 2011

Because he is smart and because he has common sense

The Donald says it like it is and talks a good game that is certain. Perhaps that is why he is climbing in the polls and Americans are taking notice.

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One thing is for sure, the media is in a mad scramble trying to find the tags and the brands that they can use against Trump the candidate. Listen to what he has to say. From the issue in Libya to how he would do things if elected. And, pay attention to what he says about Obama's legitimacy to be president.

This is truly the first time the issue has been discussed in the mainstream media. According to Trump (and a helluva lot of other people) America doesn't have the right leader. And the only thing that Obama has done well? Is get to elected. Trump sounds a lot like Cristie from New Jersey when you listen to him IMO. (It's the common sense).

Trump says that he would run a great great country and says that presently the world laughs at us. "They won't be laughing if I am president." And he very well may get the opportunity.

He is obviously gaining traction and notoriety, as the mainstream media is already trying to tie him to theTea Party and those like Pat Buchannan are saying that he needs to "drop the birther thing, as everyone knows that it is absolute nonsense." Sorry Mr. buchannan, but everyone doesn't know that it's nonsense. More than a few know that it is nonsense for the media to hide the realities and cover for the man.

If the issue of Obama's birth is nonsense? Then why has the president refused to address it and hired lawyers and spent millions to hide from the truth about his birth?

I say "Go Donald!"

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