Thursday, April 14, 2011

Obama's far left counter weight "The Progressives"

 Some seem to think, that the president's proposals are given a far left counter weight, when the progressives wade into the fray. I tend to agree.

Calling forth the sun from the darkness they are.....

The far left's sorcery on display
It was spitting rain outside the Capitol, but the Congressional Progressive Caucus opted not to move indoors for the launch of its new spending plan, “The People’s Budget.”

“We’re going to call forth the sun!” Rep. Keith Ellison, the Minnesota Democrat who is co-chair of the caucus, proclaimed theatrically. His colleagues huddled under umbrellas and the wind knocked their promotional poster from its easel.

Ellison and the progressives probably would have a better chance of influencing the weather than they would passing their budget, which they are floating as an alternative to the House Republican bid and President Obama’s plan.

Among the highlights: A $4 trillion tax increase over 10 years. An increase in the top tax rate to 49 percent. A $2.3 trillion cut in defense spending – and an increase in domestic spending. Oh, and they would revive the “public option” to offer government-run health care.

Even the most starry-eyed of the progressives know the proposal is as much of a non-starter as Paul Ryan’s House Republican plan, which requires only spending cuts and actually reduces taxes. The real target is President Obama, who the progressives fear will capitulate and negotiate a deal that cuts heavily into entitlements and social programs.
This doesn't look like Kansas or your father's democrat party anymore Toto.

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