Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The media's continued obfuscation on Obama

Be it his comments behind closed doors in front of witnesses, or on open mikes with the media, Barack Obama continues to enjoy public media obfuscation when it comes to his off color and anti American remarks.

CONFIRMED: CBS Editors Refuse To Release Full Audio Of Obama Hot Mic Recording!

by Andrew Marcus
Last weekend, His Presidency Barack Obama was captured making potentially offensive comments to a group of big money donors who had paid large sums of money for special access to His Presidency.
We observed that CBS only released “selectively edited” moments from the raw tape. We know how much the mainstream media values complete and full disclosure of recordings of this nature, so we found it curious, to say the least, that there was not one drop of intellectual curiosity from these guardians of media purity regarding the content of the full recording.
Maybe CBS’s motive has nothing to do with protecting His Presidency from potential embarrassment. Perhaps, like Nixon before them, CBS accidentally erased the portions of the recording that they have not released. Anything is possible, right?
Alas, no. John Romano, Publisher of the blog “Yes, But, However!” has confirmed with CBS’s Mark Knoller (via Twitter) that CBS has decided that they are not going to release the complete recording.
@markknoller Why haven’t you released all of the audio of President Obama’s “donor meeting”? If you have please link?
@markknoller This is my third request. Why will you not release the full audio of Obama’s donor conversation?
@yesbuthowever My editors decided against it.
People can speculate as to what their motive is, but we suspect that they do not want to jeopardize their White House access leading into campaign season by being the ones to release the audio of His Presidency referring to Americans as “slugs.”
There is a point at which the truth will prevail and those involved in the denial of truth to the people, will be held to account for their complicit acts of intentionally lying to the people and covering for corruption under the auspices of a free press.  

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