Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mystery solved! Obama is an American!

As of this morning, the mystery has been solved! Barack Obama isn't an alien, resident or otherwise. According to a document produced by the white house this morning, the president was in fact born in Hawaii on August 4th 1961 and they have produced the birth certificate to prove it, once and for all.

End of story period and paragraph right. And besides, anyone who continues to challenge the issue beyond today is certainly a loon and not worthy of any serious consideration right?

As a mere pedestrian standing along the side lines, I have one simple observation concerning the release of Obama's birth certificate earlier today.

Obama's birth certificate purports to represent a live birth registration number of (61-10641) in the upper right hand corner.  Aside from the fact that the document is a facsimile that is being portrayed on a contemporary background of present day bond paper, everything seems to be in order. Or does it.

Out of curiosity, I googled images of Hawaiian birth certificates, just to see if there was anything that the newly released birth certificate could be compared against. And sure enough, I found a photo of a birth certificate for "Susan Elizabeth Nordyke," born approximately eighteen hours and a few minutes after Barack Obama at the same hospital.

The form is the same, aside from the fact that it appears to actually be a photo copy and not a layered facsimile as the one submitted for Obama today appears to be. However, there are two glaring stand out differences between the two documents in my humble opinion.

First, the registration numbers in the upper right corner? Ms. Nordyke, who was born the following afternoon after then future president Obama? Well her registration number (Registration of birth) is (61-10637). What does that mean? It means that Ms. Nordykes registration number is four numbers lower than Barack Obama's? And she was born at least eighteen hours after he was born.

There is also an issue of the "signature of the local registrar" on both documents. Curiously? Two different people signed off as "local registrar" on the two documents. Eighteen hours apart and at the same hospital, there were two different registrars of live births.

Two different registrars and a non sequential birth registration number issued to someone born eighteen hours later? Just sayin.

Here is ms. Nordyke's birth certificate as I found it posted on the internet a couple of hours ago.

A copy of which can be viewed on line at this LINK

And here is the president's newly released birth certificate.

Which can be viewed at this LINK

As the old adage goes, "I report, you decide."

Is what was submitted to the American people today as the official birth certificate of Barack Obama the final and definitive evidence to put the controversy to a rest? In all probability it is,as the media and the pundits will be completely satisfied and more than happy to move on from this non issue as they see it.

But the fact remains, that what was released today as the president's birth certificate, simply doesn't past the smell test if you look at the most basic representations of the document and then compare it to other known documents of live birth recorded within hours of his at the same hospital.

Was it possible for someone else to be born eighteen hours after Barack Hussein Obama II, at the exact same hospital and receive a lower birth registration number and a different local registrar of live births to sign off on their birth certificate? Apparently so. But it sure seems strange don't it. Just saying.


Anonymous said...

The whole thing reeks.

When did states become involved in certified copies of birth certificates? It's been my experience you have to go through the COUNTY you were born in. HI doesn't have counties?

And since when does a government entity say a person cannot get a copy of their own birth certificate?

Why is her signature so messed up? Did she forget her name was Stanley?

Prime said...

The issue of her name is an entirely separate bag of worms. Her father supposedly hung her with his name because he wanted a boy, thereby setting off a life long hatred on her part etc. Kinda like the boy named Sue of Johnny Cash fame.

Which was probably a song that she could relate to.

I would imagine, that she as a routine always signed things as Ann at the time, but seeing as how this was a birth certificate? It required her full name. Which was obviously added after the fact.

But then again, that is only at issue if you are to accept the document at face value.