Saturday, April 30, 2011

End of Discussion

Interesting................Once again the media declares end of discussion and that is that.

Obama birth certificate no doubt genuine

It didn’t take long for some of President Obama’s doubters to claim the long-awaited birth certificate posted online by the White House on Wednesday had been altered or might be a fake.

But a leading software expert says there’s no doubt about its authenticity, and he dismisses claims of fraud as flat-out wrong.

The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier program for computer graphic artists — “reveals” evidence of document manipulation in the Obama birth certificate. They note Illustrator reveals nine separate layers of the document, and claim it’s “proof” the file has been altered.

But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

“You should not be so suspicious about this,” Tremblay told, dismissing the allegations.

So, several people who also seem to have some level of expertise concerning Adobe illustrator and who have subsequently posted and demonstrated their concerns about the document on youtube? Well they have been trumped (pun intended) by one so called software expert and absolute final opinion on the matter. A media approved expert who simply asserts his findings absent any proof of his own to support his contentions and that is end of story.

Such is the way stories like these are handled by mainstream media in America. Where all manner of triangulated evidence is required to support unpopular contentions in the media? Those stories that find favor can simply assert their contentions and the media immediately accepts that version and slaps a title of expert on the preferred 'truth giver' and that is the end of that.

As I said earlier this week when the news first broke concerning the release of Obama's birth certificate, no, this isn't the end of it. Not by a long shot. But it is the end as far as the media is concerned. Just think, if these same people had of been involved in 'journalism' back in 1972? Richard Nixon would have completed his second term and Monica's blue dress would have found it's way to a yard sale by the mid 90's.

Maybe the recent revelations of Superman comics is spot on after all. Maybe there is no longer any room for truth, justice or the American way in this country and we should just get on with accepting that.

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