Monday, April 25, 2011

Obama the non story

With gas prices and inflation approaching record highs, you might think that the media would be turning up the heat on the white house. You would be wrong. The mainstream media absolutely refuses to cover this president's short comings and failures on energy policy.

Media Don't Blame Obama

The average price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline hit $3.86 on April 25, more than $1-a-gallon higher than a year earlier and less than 25 cents away from the record high price of gasoline set in July 2008.

In fact, per gallon prices are more than $2 higher than when Obama took office Jan. 20, 2009. Yet the president has been nearly exempt from criticism on the issue of rising prices, despite a six-month drilling moratorium and more regulatory hurdles for industry.

The Business & Media Institute found that out of the 280 oil price stories the network evening shows have aired since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, only 1 percent (3 stories) mentioned Obama's drilling ban or other anti-oil actions in connection with gasoline prices.

Instead of asking whether Obama's anti-oil policies could be increasing the cost of gas, the networks blamed other factors such as Mideast turmoil or the "money game" played by speculators. Certainly, the turmoil in Libya, Egypt and surrounding nations has increased worries about oil production and can influence the price. But the networks also should have looked for explanations much closer to home, like Obama's many regulatory actions taken against the oil industry.

So as we approach $4 a gallon and $5 a gallon and potentially $6 a gallon by the summer? When is the media going to scrutinize this president and his economic and energy policies? I say don't hold your breath. He told the media and America what his plan was going in and nothing has changed.

Of course if this was happening during the Bush administration? The media would be howling like a pack of blood crazed hyenas and demanding answers, but they aren't and it reminds me of that old adage I have seen numerous times throughout my life.

As it concerns the media and their answers to Obama's failed energy policy? Answers are $1 apiece. Answers that require thought are $2 apiece. Answers that have a grain of truth? Well those are $5 apiece. And dumb looks? Those are free. And that's about the size of it folks. Not only is the media not interested in pursuing the truth of mismanagement as it concerns this president and his economic and energy policies? They are unabashed in their expression of dumb looks as they continue to plod along, hustling their tabloid headlines of celebrity drivel on Lindsey Lohan, Charlie Sheen and American Idol et al.

And the band plays on and as each day passes, we slide deeper and deeper into the great abyss. An abyss that will literally consume all that was once great about this nation. But by golly! We at least have one thing going for us! "We have a black president!" And like someone at the barber shop said last week: "The last time Americans voted for a president? They voted for Obama to prove that they weren't racist. This time around? They will vote for anyone but him to prove that they aren't stupid."

I say it's too late for the latter.....

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