Thursday, May 14, 2020

When Justice Is Both Blind And Corrupt

So now comes the next chapter of what passes for justice in contemporary America.  I am not so sure what happened or when it occurred, but this is not the America that I grew up in.  I was raised in a nation of character, morals and responsibility.  An America fresh from the victories against the Axis powers of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. An America looked up to and respected for its achievements and accomplishments.  But above all of this, people respected America for our freedoms and justice.

I grew up entertained by series like Superman, The Lone Ranger, Roy Rogers, and Sky King.  Each in their own way, created to instill those values of Truth, Justice and The American way into my generation.  Because yes, we once were the next generation.

Then came the 1960's and everything changed.  Everything became peace, love, and flower power.  As I was entering puberty and my mid teen years, everything began to change. America literally began to take on the appearance of the down the rabbit hole world of Wonderland. 

By the time the decade ended, I had reached the age of majority and I still believing in my country and its purpose, so I joined the Marine Corps and served in Vietnam.  And I served proudly. Only to return home to scorn and ridicule by the waves of those who were learning to embolden themselves via their disgust for everything from their personal hygiene, to their country and anyone they could  focus their hate for America on. In this case, myself and my brothers in uniform. 

If there is one thing that I have learned in life, it is that hate is something that has to be taught.  Hate is something that has to be nurtured and hate is the most caustic of all human emotions.  Hate alone will drive those possessed, to the extremes of human conduct.  Hate causes the infliction of misery, pain and death on others. And more often than not, hate is administered, in the name of revenge and retribution.  Those who are the object of that hate, must be forced to pay for their transgressions. Even if their transgression represents no more than their association with someone who is hated by those who cherish their hate. 

General Michael Flynn is an example of that level of hate in my observation. 

As a former Lieutenant General, who served this nation in uniform for thirty three years, General Flynn is more than familiar with the term collateral damage.  Collateral damage reflects the destruction of all and everything in the immediate area of the intended enemy.  And in General Flynn's case, that enemy was and remains Donald Trump.

And as it has slowly been revealed over the last two years, General Flynn was specifically targeted for his position in the Trump Administration.  As the incoming National Security Director, General Flynn would be able to access and have direct knowledge of the doings and goings on of the outgoing administration. Including the yet to be reveal (at the time) manipulation of the federal FISA warrant system. Which was purposely abused, during the months between the election of 2016 and the inauguration of president Trump, to attempt to bring about a 'coup de etat' of his presidency, before it ever began..

The knowledge of the actions of these deep state actors, could not be permitted to escape or revealed, therefore,  the Saul Alinsky rule was applied.  Identify the target, freeze the target, marginalize the target and eliminate the target. And they did.

America now knows what happened, because of the diligent investigation of attorney general William Barr. AG Barr and his US attorneys have now revealed the levels of corruption that existed during the Obama administration and precisely who was involved and responsible.  AG Barr has also revealed, the extent of their involvement in a crime, which is only now coming to light and being revealed to America..

The fired former FBI Director, having nearly succeeded in creating a 'coup de etat,' to remove the president from office, by initiating the creation of Robert Mueller and his bogus Russian Collusion investigation.  Here again, the Mueller investigation, was noting less than an act of subterfuge. 

Specifically purposed to frame the president and to additionally conceal the culpability of the corrupt actors behind it. And to prevent the investigation of a crime than James Comey and the rest of the rogues knew?  Was fabricate and never occurred? 

And James Comey subsequently went on television a year ago, and bragged about sending agents to the white house, to entrap General Flynn.  Noting that he couldn't believe that the white house let them get away with it.  But literally smirking, added that the white house was too naive to understand what Comey and the FBI  were doing.

And as the mounting evidence has now revealed, those like Defamed FBI agent Peter Strozk, went after General Flynn with the express purpose and intent, to get him to "lie" to the FBI or get him fired or both.  And they accomplished their intent. 

Meanwhile?  These same corrupted ass clown FBI agents, had managed the so called investigation of Hillary Clinton's actions while secretary of state.  Where it was common knowledge and her admitted actions?  That she had mishandled classified and top secret information and allowed it to be stored on her own personal unsecured server.  And then lied about it and destroyed all records of her actions.  Including hammering her lap tops and blackberry devices with a hammer, to prevent retrieval of any information from their drives.  Not to mention the deletion of over 33,000 emails.

Agent Strozk and his bosses, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, had absolutely no problem problem with any of that. Including the fact that Strozk's interviews with Clinton, were not recorded and notes were not taken.  Or that the former secretary of state and her aides, were allowed to discuss their actions, off the record and not sworn. And that her aides were given immunity from prosecution. Privileges and special treatment that was not afforded to General Flynn or others in the Trump administration.

On the contrary, agent Strozk went after General Flynn with a vengeance and with the full approval and knowledge and direct order of his bosses, James Comey and Andrew McCabe. 

And what were they after? 

They were after General Flynn's head on a pike.  They were after isolating him, marginalizing him and prosecuting him for a crime that he never committed and they knew he had not committed.  Because if they failed?  He would surely discover their own crimes.  The entire basis of their case?  Has been revealed to revolve around a phone call that General Glynn, as the incoming National Security Advisor, made with the Russian Ambassador in Washington.  A totally appropriate call?  Until it was purposely weaponized to prosecute General Flynn.

Nothing was discussed during that phone call, aside from congratulatory salutations and the baseline communications required to establish their future working relationship "As diplomats."  But the FBI had other ideas.  They were not only aware of the phone call?  But they had in fact wired tapped the Russian ambassador to obtain it.  And as has now been revealed?  They were not nearly as interested in what the ambassador said during the phone call, as they were in hopefully using the conversation to incriminate General Flynn, for their own nefarious purposes.

And their plan and actions have now been revealed by attorney general William Barr.

Someone once said, that evil flourished, when good men do nothing.  I would add, that evil also flourishes when evil men and women engage in criminality, in order to frame good men.  Which is precisely what occurred with General Flynn. 

Peter Strozk, with the aid of another rogue conspirator, Lisa Page and with the direct knowledge of the then National Security advisor, Susan Rice and assistant secretary of state Sally Yates, Strozk had a clearly approved path, to do whatever it took to frame General Flynn. And as it has now been revealed this week?  Even the Obama Administration's UN Ambassador was in on the fix.  

UN Ambassador Samantha Jane Power, under Obama, was one of thirty eight other deep state operatives?  Who sought to have General Flynn's identity revealed publicly, by unmasking his name and identity form their classified and clandestine investigation to target him.

But the most telling and revealing of all?  Is the knowledge revealed this week by attorney general Barr, that one of those thirty nine who had been seeking to have General Flynn and unmasked and prosecuted?  So that General Flynn could be portrayed as a traitor to this country?  Before the general could reveal their own traitorous activity?  Was none other than former vice president Joe Biden.

And this comes on the heels of Biden's interview two days ago, with George Stephanopoulis, where he initially denied any knowledge of the sordid affair, then subsequently corrected himself once Stephanopoulis cornered him with evidence that he had been present in the oval office with the president and others, while they were discussing the Flynn investigation.

"Well yes, I was there, but I didn't have anything to do with it."

But the record now reveals?  That not only was Joe Biden aware of what was going on with the Flynn Investigation, but yes, he was involved.  He was one of thirty eight others, who sought to have general Flynn's identity revealed. So that his identity could be submitted as part of other falsified FISA warrants, to further besmirch and attack president Trump.

And if anyone happens to be paying attention?  Combined with evidence such as Lisa Page's text messages to her lover Peter Strozk? Where she was present at some of these meetings, with asst AG Sally Yates and others, where they were discussing it?  Page told her lover Agent Strozk,  "POTUS wants to be informed on everything we do."

And now come the revelations that there were in fact discussions in the oval office with the president concerning the FBI investigation of General Flynn.  And a number of those present during those meetings, subsequently filed requisite affidavits with the courts, to unmask General Flynn, so that his reputation could be attacked and used as unsubstantiated evidence to obtain more falsified warrants from the FISA court.

And as a result of these actions and this coordinated attack on General Flynn, the general subsequently plead guilty to lying to the FBI, even though he knew he had not and even though the FBI knew he had not.  General Flynn plead guilty under coercion by Strozk and others?  That if he failed to plead guilty?  They would go after, indict and prosecute the general's son.  Therefore, to protect his son, the general accepted his fate and the framing of his career and the destruction of his life.  And during this period of almost three years?  The man has lost him home and he has literally been bankrupted trying to defend himself. 

General Flynn has been unceremoniously framed and his career and reputation ruined, by a nefarious gang of deep state rogues that existed and still exist in our government.  He was all but duck walked across the front lawn of the white house and tied to a tree for public depredation and for all to see.  What wasn't done to this man literally, has been done to him figuratively.

And now comes the latest sin of our system. 

After the justice department submitted a dismissal of all charges against General Flynn?  For the aforementioned corruption?  A federal court judge?  The same federal court judge who accepted General Flynn's guilty plea?  Now wants him to be investigated and charged with "perjury." 

Perjury? Yes, perjury.  And what is the basis of that allegation?

According to the judge?  That General Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI in his court.  And when the evidence was revealed that General Flynn had been framed by illegal and fabricated evidence? And the general sought to withdraw his guilty plea? That action is now being foisted by this collusive federal judge, as the basis for perjury allegations against the general.

And the real irony to this judge's actions?  When you submit a plea to any court in this land?  You as the defendant, must stand before the bench and the court and assert and swear, that you are making this plea, of your on free will.  And absent any coercion, threat or promises by the prosecutor. Therefore?  If General Flynn is guilty of anything?  He is guilty of forcibly being coerced to lie about his guilt.

So,  where does it end.

In my opinion?  It never ends. 

Unless and until those like attorney general William Barr, reveal the scandalous activities of these rogue deep state actors and they are individually and collectively prosecuted for their crimes.  Including Joe Biden and Barack Obama and each and everyone of their underlings.

These people not only sicken me, they anger me. And they anger me because of their crimes and their arrogance and their sarcastic relationships with media. Which are the basis of their collusion,  that allow them to obtain shade and cover for their actions fro the media 

If there are any who deserve to be arrested and duck walked across their lawns in disgrace?  In my opinion it needs to start at the top of the Obama administration. And it needs to include all of his underlings and their complicit media.  Because this is where the evil originated and was allowed to fester and infect our entire government.

Pray that president Trump is re-elected this November. 

Because absent that?  These criminals will escape all accountability. AG Barr will be removed from office before he can indict them; and the complicit media will make a big show of how it was all a partisan sham.  And the world will return to the twisted dark side that has existed, for decades.  After which the sheeple?  Will either go back to their sheered lives? Or they will do what should have been done long ago.  They will go to these dens of iniquity, where these rogues thrive?  And haul them out to be publicly tarred and feathered.  As they should be and should have been long ago.  

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