Thursday, May 21, 2020

Are Your Freedoms In the Balance

I now see friends and others, beginning to post things that they believe represent the reality as it concerns Covid 19 and the lock down of America. Or perhaps, it represents their own personal reality of the crisis. Either way, their representations of the effects of this crisis, are misplaced and incorrect, to say the least in my opinion. Some of their thoughts are posted as catchy memes like the one above, while others are uttered as response commentary in discussions they are engaged in.
In either case, they are simply wrong.

No, no one ever told you to surrender your civil liberties.  They didn't have to.  They merely presented you with seemingly plausible necessity and you did the surrendering, without having to have been asked.  You willingly complied.

And no, you were not asked to help each other.  You were asked to help the government. You were never asked to help your neighbor slow the spread of this virus?  You were asked to help the government.  The same government that for the most part?  Has failed to protect our health and safety?  From day one.  Therefore, the commonly deployed tactic of guilt transference to the victims?  Simply doesn't work with me. 

Each of these manipulative representations, is nothing more than an artful use of a propagated message.  A message aimed and designed to send the message of willful and common sense compliance to others. That is the only answer

And the underlying message is?  That nothing has been lost. That nothing has been sacrificed. That nothing has been changed. That we as Americans? Have simply been asked to sacrifice a small measure of our freedoms. For the common good. Well, that is not exactly true.  Not even close. 

As it concerns our freedoms?  There are several specifics in the Bill of Rights, that speak directly to the individual rights that have been attacked, suspended and revoked by the response of elected officials to the Covid 19 pandemic.  Specifically, the first, fourth sixth and tenth amendments. And the freedoms of speech, assembly, religion, privacy and the right to self govern.

Most Americans are not concerned with any of this, because they have been conditioned to accept the fastest and easiest way out of any discomfort in their lives is the best. And that is simply not true.  Especially as it applies to our current extremes of the suspension of civil rights and freedoms, as we have seen all across America during this pandemic. 

Its relatively simple.  Someone once rightfully stated: "Use them or lose them" as it applies to our constitutionally protected freedoms.  And if we are not careful, those rights can and will be taken away.  First by direct assault, secondly by indirect assault.  But far more quickly?  Those rights can be taken away, based upon shared and spawned fears and the government controlled belief, that surrendering those rights, is  a small price to pay?  Or that surrender of our rights, can make the fear and the purposely spawned anxiety?  Go away quicker and faster.  If we only comply and give control of our lives and freedom, over to the government

Hence memes like this have appeared

As always, there are threads of truth woven into the fabric of all lies.  And this one is no different.  True, your freedom to swing your arms, ends when your hand hits my face. However, my personal freedoms, are not outweighed by the health and safety of others? Especially those that I do not come in contact with. Or seek to have contact with.

Another way of stating that? 

Is that issuing a directive?  That no one can swing their arms?  In their own yards or while walking down the street?  Or while at the beach? Or anywhere outside of their home? And not in any proximity to anyone else?   Seems kind of ridiculous doesn't it.  That is because it is ridiculous. Because before you can violate the health and safety of others?  You first must gain proximity.  Then violate their body space.  And those things are very hard to do?  When you are maintaining a distance.  As in "SOCIAL DISTANCING?" Remember?

Sheltering in? "To stop the spread."

That is what we were told.  A recommendation by the president, that soon turned into ordered edicts issued by governors and mayors, all over this country.  ORDERING Americans to surrender their civil liberties and their rights to religious freedoms and assembly. Prohibiting them from exercising their rights to assembly and religious practice. Or else SUFFER ARREST!

Mean while, these same mayors and governors threatening arrest of anyone for violating their edicts?  Were releasing convicted criminals in our midst?  Because of the belief that if they didn't, these convicted criminals, might suffer coronavirus infections.

Which brings up the obvious comparisons that have been drawn by many.

Why is it permitted?  That people are allowed by the dozens and the hundreds, to go shopping at Walmart and Lowe's and Home Depot and grocery stores?  And yet they are not permitted to assemble on their own property as a family, unless it is under ten people.  Why are Americans not allowed to go to church services and practice their faith with others, who share their beliefs. Not even in their cars in parking lots of the church.  No one has ask for permission to go visit churches not their home church.  No one has demanded that those who wish to stay home, be forced to attend services. Therefore, why have the rights of religious practices?  Been suspended?  At least for Christians and Jews.

Therefore, the concept or representation, that people's health and safety is being jeopardized by uncaring individuals, seeking to exercise rights that they don't really need?  Well that is plain hog wash.  No different that those who handle snakes and drink poisons in Appalachia. We may not agree with their religious practices?  But those are their religious beliefs.  The same as Muslims who sacrifice animals ritually. Being allowed to only eat meat that was ceremoniously slaughtered by one of their Imans. 

The same is true of visiting a park, or walking a path, or walking the beach, or sitting alone at the beach.  What harm to public health and safety has been achieved.  None.  As long as you are not forcing your presence on anyone else,  then you have as much right as anyone else to be there. Including the police who have been charged with enforcing these egregious and constitutionally illegal edicts.

Therefore, before you attempt to make the argument to me, that nothing of any value has been lost, keep in mind that I am not you routinely compliant lemming.  I am actually a thinking and educated person.  Who is aware of his rights and his environment.  And who is more than aware of the ill intents of those who would seek to deny me my rights and my life. 

This has never been about the temporary suspension of a few meaningless personal freedoms.  This has always been about the power and control sought by those who call themselves our representatives, while at the same time, engaging in conduct that is best described as alien and unnatural to any free people. 

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