Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fear: The Most Effective Tool of Tyranny

When the media wants to force a perspective? They take polls. Never mind that for the most part, the majority of these polls are contrived and arranged to represent a preconceived ideology.

As of right now? There is only one poll that really counts. And that poll will occur on November 3rd. And those who care about the future of this nation had better stand up and be counted.

This election cannot be close. Because if it is, there is always a way to introduce the "finagle factor." They did their best to do it during the 2000 election. Remember? With dangling chads and such.

And since the loss of the 2016 election by the left, they have increased their mantras of seeking a means of doing away with the electoral college. And when it comes to leftist ideologies?  Their battle cray is and always has been: "By any means necessary."
Meanwhile, several of the blue states elected to do away with their primaries entirely this year "Due to Covid." After which they decided that the democrats in their state party, would simply make the decision of who received their primary votes.

Several of these mayors and governors around America, have taken it upon themselves, to determine what is best for the citizens of their cities and states.  Going as far as today?  As to tell non compliant businesses, that they will turn off the power to their businesses and the water. To force compliance.  As has been revealed today in Los Angeles by their mayor.  And if this occurs there, It will soon follow in other cities. Because these modern day tyrants know what is best for everyone else. And they have the power an they want more of it.

And given the opportunity? They will attempt to do the same thing with the individual votes in their states this fall. They would love to be able to do polling that "suggest" the winner. of these coming elections, especially the presidency And they will want to do the nominating, based upon their polling averages and their algorithms. Because they will first seek to convince the people, that voting has become unsafe and a threat to the citizens at large.  Therefore, we should trust them to make these decisions for us.

Can't happen? Guess again. If someone told you a year ago that the entire country could be brought to a screeching halt, putting 33,000,000 Americans out of work and denying you the right to the basic access to businesses and services that we have seen over the last two months? Would you have believed that? No you wouldn't.

Fear is the most powerful control that government has, to effect the lives of every American. And with a complicit media trumpeting the righteousness of their perceived restrictions? It will take large groups of Americans. Coming together to not just challenge, but to confront their government, to put a stop to it.  And I am not talking about simple protests.  I am talking about actual physical and probably violent confrontations.

Can't happen? Won't happen? Guess again.

One of the popularized words of late has been the word triggered.

"So and so triggered upon seeing or hearing thus and such."

What will trigger the government to do more to take away your rights. One thing we know for sure? Is that they will attempt to do whatever it is they want to do, by telling us that it is for our own good. And they will utilize real and contrived fears among the people of America to accomplish it.

Never say never. Because the minute you do, is the minute they will seize upon the opportunity to prove you wrong. A rebound of this virus of any kind?  And they will go into warp drive to close everything once again. And this time, it will be time to include social punishment of any who attempt to disobey.
One look at the news out of Los Angeles today should bring that reality into crystal clarity for anyone observing what is happening there. And what is about to happen there and elsewhere.

As I told people two years ago about the violence in Charlottesville Va.  Violence that occurred because the mayor of that city and the governor of that state wanted it to happen.  They stood down the local and state police and allowed it to happen. Because they had and still have a political agenda, the least of which is to abolish the 2nd amendment.    So don't believe for one minute that Mayor Garceti and Governor Newsome won't implement the same strategy in Los Angeles and California as a whole, to be able to achieve their same and similar goals. 
Because that is in essence what the baseline of these actions today in Los Angeles are intended to incite and bring forth. 
I have also noted to those who would listen for years?  That the most dangerous people in this country? Are those who have lost their reason to live.  The most important things in their lives have been damaged or destroyed.  And if you do not believe that? Take one look around at the reports of the last ten years of mass shootings at businesses. Places where the shooter was fired.  Or they lost their life long business. Or other cases, where someone killed the most important thing or person in their life.

Do that?  And you are setting the stage for an anger to surface?  An anger that will not be quenched by conversation or reason.  And that is precisely what is playing out right now, all across this nation.  As people see their careers and businesses and life's savings being destroyed by something that should have never been allowed to occur.

The point of blaming the Chinese or anyone else for the cause?  Becomes moot, once millions of Americans are forced to live with the aftermath.  And yes, they will want revenge on those responsible.  But first and foremost, they will want revenge on those who exploited their misery, for personal and political gain.

That is the cusp that we are approaching in my opinion. The great abyss. And all it takes are triggering events, to unleash those realities on America.

Cry Havoc?  You better cry something, because the dogs of war are on the verge of being let loose on this nation. And by those we once elected to act in our better interests.  It doesn't take an invading army to destroy a nation. Complacency and an unwillingness to stand up in the face of tyranny, are equally as deadly and more so.

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