Monday, May 11, 2020

Has Covid Changed Everything?

Good morning.  Its been a while since I last posted to this blog.  I was drawn into the vortex of the facebook world several years ago, so I decided to allow the world of Locutisprime and The Borg Conspiracy, to simply idle.  Until I was ready to return.  And it looks like that day has arrived.

I title this "Has Covid Changed Everything? 

Because I believe it has.  We have all be fundamentally changed.  And we will remain so for the near future and possibly the distant future. I remember when Barack Obama made the promise, that if he was elected?  He intended to "fundamentally change this nation."  And he did.  He lived up to his promise. But never to the extent that we now see.

As his minions in politics and media, are continuing to live up to the thesis, "Never let a crisis go to waste."  And they haven't.  The powers that be in this country?  These governors and mayors? Have literally and figuratively, fundamentally changed this nation. By transgressing and violating the Constitution, and everything it has stood for, for the last 234 years.

They have appointed themselves the ultimate authorities over the people, and simply revoked our civil liberties.  Some would say suspended them, but I believe that the more accurate assessment, is that they have been revoked.  Because the word revoked?  Represents that either we were never entitled to them, or that we are no longer entitled to them.

See the difference?

Look around.  Look at these states like New York and Virginia and Michigan.  The boundaries of the constitution were not simply crossed, they were exploded.  Like a runaway train blasting through the end of the rail barrier.  And what is left are the scatter lives of those who have been rammed and run over by these draconian and literal Gestapo tactics.

For far too many decades of my life, I have seen the consistent analogies and associations to Nazis, everytime a liberal was at a loss for words and facts to support their position. Someone even coined a term for it.  The call it Godwin's law.

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1".[2][3] That is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends. ~wikipedia~

With that said, my use of the term Gestapo?  Is not intended as a reference to simply cast aspersions, or because I lack the facts to support my contentions of belief. My use of the word Gestapo, is intended to convey the direct analogous resemblance, to what occurred in Nazi Germany in the 1930's and how the Gestapo came into existence.  

Nazism rose in Germany? On the heels of the Great Depression. Which was a global calamity, especially in post WWI Germany.  Where the Germans had been forced to pay reparations to Europe and endure a devastation to their economy and culture?  Second only to what the Carpetbaggers did to the South after the Civil War.

Make no mistake, our nation has been fundamentally changed by this evil we now commonly refer to as Covid 19. And it will remain so, while these so called elected representatives, seek ways to further consolidate their powers over the people, while continuing to limit their rights and freedoms.

What has occurred so far?  Is nothing less than the opening volley.  And these punch drunk with power politicians?  Having learned that they can simply issue caveats to set aside the constitution?  Will want more of that same power.  Like drunken prom dates, that cannot get enough of the hunch punch?  Until it is too late.  And they are cradling the porcelain idol and making promises to God, to never do it again.  But they always do.  And we know this from both experience and history. 

A dark cloud of evil hangs over this nation presently, but that is not the half of it.  The additional evil in our midst, are those we are told to trust.  And their handlers, cleverly concealed behind the wizard's curtain. Don't be fooled folks.  We are nowhere near the end of this.  We are still in the beginning.  And as such, when the vise is slowly turned?  And it will be, there will come a day when most will beg to be delivered from the pain by their masters.

Try not to be there when that happens.  Prepare yourselves for a long winter's journey into night. Because as I see it?  This nation is about to enter an ice age of freedom and liberty.  A time when men may look back and wish, that they had adhered to the teachings of the Bible.  While they still could. 


Pam said...

For the most part My world fundamentally changed on November 3, 2019 when The Mad Hatter decided it was time for a trip to Valhalla. He was ready, I was not, but it was time and we both knew it. He is at peace and so am I. I sit and wonder if he had survived long enough to be here when Covid hit and he had been where he was when it hit, I truly believe that he would have been counted as one of the statistics of Covid even though, he had a massive stroke, a blood clot in his cortorid artery, and double pneumonia which is what is listed on the death certificate. I think it would be different today. The media is up playing all the deaths even though the numbers are wrong, they use it as a political point for their party and against our duly elected president. No credit is given to Trump by this power grabbing bunch and their cohorts. It's not just the democrats either, it's also that bunch of Rinos that should just move on over to the left with their friends . They are all at fault for the many deaths for spreading their lies about the virus and exerting their power in their fearmongering. They don't care weather the country gets back to work or not because they want the economy to tank so they will have more power. Next on the list of taking over will be to demand by edict to take away our 2nd amendment and they will go right down the list of Bill of Rights to cripple us so they can have us just where they want us and I think there will be many to turn a blind eye to this just like the German population did during both world wars. So getting back to weather or our country has fundamentally changed, well yes it has, I hope it is for a short period but if we as red blooded Americans who love and cherish our freedoms don't start standing up and demanding that those power hungry asses stop what they are doing then we will never get back to where we were before this virus crept into our lives.

Prime said...

Thank you Pam. So, what do you think of the blog? And your ability to respond and interact? I believe it gives a far better platform for the dissemination of information and discussion and commentary.