Wednesday, May 13, 2020

There's No Place Like Home

At first glance, I have noticed a common thread being pushed by the media daily. That meme is the working from home successes. Headlines and article banners that are consistently reading.

"Being Home: The New Normal."

"Those Who Work From Home, Are More Productive."

""Employers Find That Working From Home Works."

"Working From Home, Robots & Automation To Replace People."

"Working From Home, Means Less Pollution."

'"As More Work From Home, The Earth Breathes Again."

Now ask yourself this. How are plumbers and electricians and HVAC techs and roofers and landscapers going to pull that off.

Yeah, they can theoretically replace the burger flippers with kiosk and automation? But what about the waitresses and the bartenders? What are the restaurants and bars going to do. Install Star Trek replicators?  And who the hell would want to go out to dinner or meet friends for a few beers in an atmosphere like that.

What about hotel house keeping. What about auto service centers. Linemen and those required to install and repair and service cell towers and services. What about barbers and hair dressers and nail salons.
Oh! Almost forgot. What say we try public safety and healthcare from home.

My point, there are a myriad of jobs out there, that cannot be done while working at home. And there are many many others, that simply do not afford that capability, because the support logistics are not in place at home..

And when we do go back to work as a nation, and we try to get this lumbering wounded animal of an economy back on its feet again? Don't expect a marathon runner. Our economy will trudge forward, more like an old and decrepit fossil on a walker. Our economy will be will be far less than the functional and competitive machine that it once was. And look for China and others to take advantage, if we allow them too. They are waiting in the wings right now, to pick our bones. 
So the next time you see or hear one of your friends with the exasperated exclamation of "Let's just get things back to normal!"  Remember this.  There is no normal to get back to.  Normal? is what got us into this position to begin with. Normal is not what we want to go back to, because our previous normal, denoted abject irresponsibility and set the stage for our present economic and emotional depression.

Therefore, the new normal?  Must be a normal where individual responsibility becomes the guiding principle of every American. Discerning, thinking Americans.  That is what will be needed. Those willing to cull the cheap and the faux from their lives.  Those willing to invest in substance and principle.  But have no fear, as the powers that be and their globalist handlers, will step forward immediately to salve the bruised and battered souls of the conquered and recently defeated.  

The powers that be and their collusive media, will want to gather their aphids and herd them back into their Matrix of hive existence.  And they will want to do that, just as soon as they can.  Only this time?  They will want to plug in more control and less waking consciousness. And they will add more and more socialist enticements and promises to the daily feedings. 
So, is there really no place like Home? 
In truth, home is just a metaphor that anchors our thoughts in the finale analysis.

Home is what we make it.  Or what we make of it.  Until we abdicate that responsibility to others.  And if we do?  They will decide what our home is and what our home looks like and who is allowed to exist there.

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