Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Infectious Agents Were Handled Then vs How They Are Handled Now

So here is a thought. The fear of a recurrence of the virus, reappearing with a vengeance this fall, is now spreading as readily as the virus itself.

The fear of the virus and its return, are the fuel required to further the power and control of those who seek impose themselves and their rule forever.

Now, think about this. There is a term known as a self fulfilling prophesy. The definition of which is this:

A self-fulfilling prophecy is the sociopsychological phenomenon of someone "predicting" or expecting something, and this "prediction" or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it will, and the person's resulting behaviors aligning to fulfill the belief.

So how can those who want this to happen? Make it happen. Very simply. All that is needed? Is a fresh group of brooders and breeders to spread the virus.

Science has already identified those considered asymptomatic. Therefore, it would be foolish not to believe that those infected, yet still capable of shedding the virus and continuing to infect others exist and in sufficient numbers to be carriers. And as such, could they not be identified and rounded up and funneled back into America and Europe for re-infection of the masses.

Who would do such a thing? Well, the Japanese did it 75 years ago with Kamikaze pilots. Present day Muslim militants do it with car bombers and vest bombers. Therefore, even if active carriers could not be located? Enough of the virus exists now in laboratories around the world, including in China, to infect sufficient quantities of willing or unwilling ticking time bombs. That could be flown to all corners of the world again. That? Or they could further weaponize the virus, by producing it in quantities, them dispersing it vía aerosol dispersal among large groups of people. Several applications like that in major American cities? And the rekindle the evil that is among us would begin anew.  

Can't happen you say? Read your history on Typhoid Mary.

Mary Mallon was born in 1869 in Ireland and emigrated to the US in 1884. She had worked in a variety of domestic positions for wealthy families prior to settling into her career as a cook. As a healthy carrier of Salmonella typhi her nickname of “Typhoid Mary” had become synonymous with the spread of disease, as many were infected due to her denial of being ill. She was forced into quarantine on two separate occasions on North Brother Island for a total of 26 years and died alone without friends, having evidently found consolation in her religion to which she gave her faith and loyalty.
And just as it has today, it took a long time before those of that era, recognized Mary as the true threat that she was to others. Their solution?  Was to quarantine Typhoid Mary Malon, for the rest of her natural life. 

And today?  The reverse of that is what is being proposed.  There are those today, who literally want to quarantine the healthy, for the remainder of their natural lives, while allowing the sick to continue to infect the rest of us. And while seeing our nation destroyed because of it. You don't quarantine the healthy.  You quarantine the sick. Wake up America.  There is more than one evil afoot in this crisis.

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