Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

When you examine the best laid plans of mice and men?  You realize one thing immediately  At least I do.  And the point being?  That the reason mouse traps are effective?  Is because the mice never stop to consider how the cheese got there, or what will happen to them once they partake. 

Well, that was an interesting two hours. Listening to the political positioning by all of the senators at this morning's senate hearing. And having to wait t=o the very end, to hear the commentaries of our junior senator Kelly Loeffler.

And the take away from Bernie Sanders and others. More concerned that all Americans will have the availability of a vaccine, once one becomes available, Combined with their continued meme that the virus has disproportionately impacted communities of color and minorities.

So I am thinking? Do any of these catch phrases actually represent reality? or are they just the latest additions to our politically controlled narrative.

The bottom line that I saw and heard? Was this. That while half of the country is doing their best to proceed with cautiously re-opening the country, While the so called experts, remain committed to keeping their foot on the gas? Is just the half of it. Those same experts and their loyal supporters on the democrat isle, continue to do all in their power, to drag their feet. In an effort to slow down and stop anything that might remotely be of benefit to president Trump.

Its not about any over abundance of caution, or concern that we might be proceeding too swiftly. And it is all about the politics and the political optics, of how best to hamstring this president and this administration, And the American people be damned.

Does anyone seriously believe? That the democrats are not sitting there with their fingers crossed? Hoping and praying to their globalist masters, that this opportunity to control and eliminate Americans freedoms? Is not their one true underlying agenda.

They could care less about the poor. Because the poor will always be there. Because the democrats will make sure that they stay put. As they will make sure that they continue to control them and their votes. With the additional benefit? That any injury to the working class and the middle class, will be considered as collateral damage and payback and punishment for not bowing to the elites and not electing Hillary Clinton.

We are not at a crossroads folks. We are at the walls of the citadel of freedom and the enemy is pressing every advantage and tool, including Covid 19, to aid them in securing the elimination of Donald Trump's candidacy or elect-ability. Because if you seriously believe anything else, you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

I believe we as a nation, have crossed over the outer boundaries of decline and downfall. We wait no? As collective sheep, waiting to be branded and penned and kept as the conscripts of the new world order.

And make no mistake, let the slightest indicator surface, that this virus has re-kindled in America? And these same democrats will immediately incite panic and demand that this nation be completely and totally closed. For the duration.

Only this time? There will not be any projected duration. What there will be? Is the way that we will be told, that it is going to be, from here on out.

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