Sunday, May 31, 2020

Gripped by disease, unemployment and outrage at the police, America plunges into crisis
Finally! A headline that approximates the reality. This is not about outrage over the death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer. That is merely the catalyst, providing the excuse to rage and rampage. And it is not just blacks in America involved. There is now a significant number of young whites and others, willing to buy into and accept the egalitarian memes and lies.

So go ahead, choose your side. Make your stand and defend your positions, but the truth will remain the same, as it always does. Regardless of the media camouflage or their attempts to obscure reality.

America doesn't have any "persistent political dysfunction" as is being represented in this article. This is just one more example of a false flag operation by media. This is just another ruse. This is just the same dog eared explanation and argument that gets trotted out for every issue in this country. Its always about race, until it is about race. ;-)

And you know why there is no: "persistent political dysfunction" in America?

because there is not a major metropolitan area, or any Major city in this country? That does not currently have a black mayor, or has never had a black mayor, or has never had a majority of black mayors, and city councils and chiefs of police, over the last forty years.

Go ahead, name one. You can't and no one else can either. Because there aren't any. The ghost of "Bull Conner" doesn't exist adn hasn't existed in over forty years. Yet the interlopers of race guilt cling to it as a living breathing effigy. Because it supports a belief system that they and the mindless minions of race guilt, refuse to let die.

Blacks in America? Makeup and represent only 13% of the population. So why is it that they have achieved political success, in the majority, as mayors of nearly every major city in America, over the last forty years. How did we reach the point where the minority, became the majority, as it concerns nearly all political representation and governance in America at the local level.

I believe that has been the product of over America's compensation, via guilt Over compensation for guilt. Over compensation for a guilt that never rightfully attached to anyone in this nation, presently under the age of seventy five. Regardless of their color or their background. But it has attached just the same. You might say? We inherited it. ;-)

So tell me again? What exactly is "America's persistent political dysfunction?" Because I am having trouble making the connections and connecting the dots. Especially as it concerns, "racial inequality?"

The history of America, has clearly demonstrated for well over a generation, that blacks in America, have all but completely controlled the political landscape of American politics, for way longer than a generation. They saw the election of a black president? And once again, that was accomplished by 13% of the population? Explain that one for me I mean, since America as a whole, is populated by white racist and white supremacist and klan members etc. etc. etc.

And as a final note? Once again?

There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics. There are no "disproportionately high numbers" of black people being killed by white police officers. There never have been. What there has been? Is a disproportionate number of blacks in America, who have put themselves in positions, gun in hand, shooting at the police? Who have died for it. Not that there have not been those who died unarmed like George Floyd, but his death was not asymptomatic of any systemic racism in America. His death is asymptomatic of one rogue individual, in a department of hundreds. Yet the entire department and the entire city and the entire nation are ow paying the price for the criminal acts of one individual.

As for the official records and statistics concerning blacks killed by police in America? The official statistics and the official records simply do not support that representation. They never have.

But none the less, that red herring is continuously foisted upon guilt ridden white America? And no one, but particularly no one in the media? Ever challenges it with the truth.

So go ahead, read the article and tell me what you see. ;-)

America’s persistent political dysfunction and racial inequality were laid bare this week, as the coronavirus death toll hit a tragic new milestone and as the country was served yet another reminder of how black people are killed by law enforcement in disproportionately high numbers. Together, the events present a grim tableau of a nation in crisis — one seared by violence against its citizens, plagued by a deadly disease that remains uncontained and rattled by a devastating blow to its economy.

Link To The Complete Referenced Article.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Burn Baby Burn!

They say?  A picture is worth 1000 words.   I tend to agree. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

The Anatomy of a Race Riot.

Yes, what we saw last night, was the opening battles of a race riot.  So pay attention.

I was up until 1 am watching Minneapolis burn. Watching their police and fire do nothing. Watching the Minneapolis police, abandon their own precinct to the anarchist.

The anarchist mob in Minneapolis last night, were allowed to roam the streets of that city at will. They were allowed, to do as they damn well pleased. Setting fires and destroying property at will.

And the only witness to the mayhem? Was a complicit media. That is who was on the ground and roaming with the bands of marauding rioters. Similar to what we have seen them do in these third world countries. And similar to what we saw them do in Ferguson and LA and Detroit and everywhere, every time anarchy has been allowed and tolerated.

They were there to "get the story!" Right? Wrong!

They were there to fan the flames of race conflict! They were there to bring chaos and anarchy into America's living rooms. They were there to reinforce the memes of "this is what happens? When there is no social or racial justice!"

Well I have news for these people.

There is no justice in this case? And there never is going to be any justice. I saw that and I heard that yesterday when the assembled US attorney and the local law enforcement management and the FBI, all concluded that they would provide justice. They promised justice. "Just give us the time we need to investigate and make the case."

Which was there way of conveying, that they are all in on the public lynching that we are all now in the midst of.

The video makes the case. Its is as simple as that.

There is and has been no reason, that the officer involved, should not have been arrested, the day after this incident. Then everyone involved, can get into a big circle jerk and indict him and try him at their leisure.

Everyone knows how it works. Everyone knows how the system works. So why is it not working? Because the powers that be? The authorities in Minneapolis? Don't want it to work. They want to happen, precisely what is happening.

The chief of police on television last night being interviewed, acknowledging that he was not going to allow the police to engage. Collusion. Pacifism and socialism at it's best. So how long before communism arrives in the twin cities. I say?  Its already there.

The Minneapolis police 3rd precinct has been burned down, along with numerous other businesses being burned down last night. And what is the media take on all of that this morning? Including Fox news?

Well, "This just got out of hand, because of a few bad actors."

No, I am sorry, but this was not a few bad actors who got out of hand.

This was a black community? In full tilt anarchy, "Burn Baby Burn!" So call it what it is, you chickenshit bastards! It is what it is. A collective decision has been made to allow anarchy in your city. And the media revels in the violence.

The same decisions to do nothing, were made in Baltimore. Let them have their way.They have a right to vent.  Remember?

Black Americans and their liberal media sycophants, cannot justify the actions of an anarchist mob in Minneapolis by citing the death of George Floyd as a justification.Anarchy is not justified because of the deliberate acts and heinous failures of one individual.  The individual should be held to account.  Not an entire city. 

That is not how it works or how it is supposed to work. We are either a nation of laws, or we are a nation of the lawless. And quite frankly? I am more than willing and prepared for either.

I have no sympathy for those who allow a heathen mob to rampage and destroy their city and it's businesses and property. Terrorizing and destroying everything in sight. Last night was the 3rd night of unrestrained chaos and anarchy in the streets of Minneapolis and there will be more tonight.

Why? Because they can. Because of "An over abundance of caution" by the authorities.

Why? because they were allowed to get away with it.  And they will continue to get away with it, just as long as certain segments of this country are allowed to get away with it.

What we have seen the last three nights in Minneapolis? Is urban black America on full display. Give them a reason? Give them a cause? Give them an opportunity? Give them the media spotlight? And it is always the same equation.

Protest, "No Justice, No Peace," then rampage and loot. Then burn.

And once there is no longer anything to steal? Then let's burn it down. BURN BABY BURN! That is all these people care about. So what happens, once there is nothing left to burn?

There is no excuse for what happened to George Floyd, but you know what? I for one am tired of being set upon by the media and the racist left, and their never ending streams of painting all white people as racist,because of the actions of one person.

I am tired of their never ending attempts to associate everything that happens in the world to racism. I am tired of being told that I owe blacks in America, but blacks are never asked to account for themselves.

What we saw last night in Minneapolis? Is what I have said would happen, if and when the envelope gets pushed. The police will either be ordered to abandon public safety? Or they will do so out of self preservation.

So pull up a chair America and watch closely. You are seeing the ghosts of Christmas future, for yourselves and you communities.

On a side note? It is now reported that more than 170 buildings have been burned and destroyed in St. Paul since this chaos began.

So? Let's get on with the public and media approved lynching shall we?

But please don't ask the question what would have happened? If these rioters had been white? Because we would be talking about a body count this morning. And we all know it. And anyone who is being honest with themselves knows it.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Conspiracy Theories

I hear it all the time. 

"That's just another conspiracy theory."  I say just look around.  If I had told you half of what you have seen in the last ten years?  Was a conspiracy theory ten years ago? You would have more than likely bought that analysis.  But it wasn't.  It was real.  As it is real now.   So take a few minutes and follow me down the rabbit hole once again.  It's all about conspiracy  Right?

And for the most part?  Everyone accepts these analysis and media assertions everyday and they move on.  Which is precisely how and why, many of these so called conspiracy theories?  Are written off as conspiracy. People are told not to believe them by the media?  And they accept that analysis.  No one, or at least very few, ever bother to investigate.  Or look below the surface of mainstream representations.  No one ever wants to do the math.  But I do.

"All right, Beatrice, there was no alien. The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus."

Therefore, the fact that you do not agree with me?  Doesn't make me wrong and it doesn't make me a hater, and it doesn't make me any of the other commonly launched invective attacks, specifically designed to malign, challenge and shoot down all opposition thought. What it makes me?  Is a realist and an alternative thinker.  Someone who does not simply accept the popularized memes of the day.

Conspiracy theories should be challenged.  They need to be challenged.  And they need to be challenged by intelligent review and intelligent investigations.  Neither of which you can depend upon the main stream media to employ or conduct in today's world.

The mainstream media are ass deep in sensationalism and they are ass deep in creating and branding conspiracy theories.  Therefore, why should we believe anything they produce.  I don't.

The most recent example of a media foisted conspiracy theory?  Is the president's mention of the young woman who was an intern, for the then republican congressman from Florida.  She was twenty eight years old.  A marathon runner. In perfect health.  And yet the coroner's findings in her death?  She fainted and struck her head on a desk and died.  With no one present to witness or verify any of these presumptions. 

And what of Joe Scarborough?  Her mentor?  Well obviously he had nothing to do with it.  That is the popularized meme of media, especially since Scarborough has become a flaming Trump critic.

An excerpt:

I also saw a clip with Joe and Imus where they were having a lot of fun at her expense and I thought it was totally inappropriate,' Trump told reporters in the Rose Garden.
Earlier, McEnany had referenced a clip Scarborough talking with morning radio show host Don Imus.
'In 2003, on Don Imus' show, it was Don Imus and Joe Scarborough that joked about killing an intern, joked and laughed about it,' McEnany said. 'That, I'm pretty sure was pretty hurtful to Lori's family and Joe Scarborough himself brought this up with Don Imus and Joe Scarborough himself can answer it.'

End of excerpt
So yes, Joe Scarborough and Don Imus were shits & giggles laughing about this girls death in 2003? Yet it is the president who is being insensitive to the dead woman's family today, by raising the issue of why her death was never fully investigated.

So,  as it goes?  The Obama administration spying on the Trump Campaign was a conspiracy theory as I recall.  As was the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton was fed the answers to questions during the 2016 presidential debates?  By Donna Brazille and the DNC.

As was the case of General Michael Flynn.  He was guilty of treason! And anyone who did not believe that?  Was just a conspirator in the larger conspiracy!

I could go on, but I believe the point has been made.  Conspiracy like beauty? Is in the eye of the beholder.  Or in the eye of the beer holder as they say.

The bottom line is this.  So far?  Everything the president has questioned?  That has been represented as a conspiracy theory?  Has turned out to be true, once the facts were revealed. And as it concerns Scarborough and the death of the young woman who was his intern?  All the facts are not in yet.

So, let's just keep it on slow cook and simmer as a conspiracy theory for a while longer.  The truth will eventually come out. And if the president's observations turn out to be prescient once again? 

Oh Well.

Donald Trump doubles down on claiming Joe Scarborough was involved in staffer's 'murder'

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Charlamange Tha God

Siting here this fine Sunday morning? As I often do. Just thinking. Playing the tapes from the previous week and thinking. And today's thoughts? Take me to something that to me seems so glaringly obvious?

Yet not one single soul has yet to see it or question it. And if they have? I have yet to see it or read it.

The past week, Joe Biden continued his never ending string of goof ups and gaffs. I am a firm believer that the man cannot help himself. His mind has so many pre-cut grooves of thinking, that try as he may, he cannot re-mold his message, or even grasp the significance of what he says from one day to the next.

Biden is like the hood ornament on a car of years gone by. He sees himself as some graceful bird or Greek God from Olympus. Jaw into the wind, a knowing grin on the face. Only he hasn't figured out yet? That cars haven't had hood ornaments in years. And the American people don't need one know. Regardless of what his party would like to portray him as.

So what was Joe's gaff of the week? Well in case you missed it, he told a pod cast interviewer, that:

“You got more questions, but I’ll tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

The media and the "black community," immediately took exception and as a result, Joe Biden subsequently issued his mia culpa of apology. Citing that he shouldn't have been so "Cavalier" Adding: "I've never, never, ever taken the African-American community for granted,"

Well I beg the differ. Democrats have taken the black vote for granted? Since the 1960's And anyone who doesn't recognize and understand that? Is living in a void of awareness.

Democrats always pander to the black community and black leaders and black pastors, in each and every election cycle. Its what they do. Therefore, it should be of no surprise, that Joe Biden stepped on his own balls, when he pandered to the individual at the center of his latest FUBAR.

And the point being missed in my observations? The point being ignored? Is this. Precisely who is "Charlamange Tha God?"

Because that is who Joe Biden was pandering to, when he attempted to cash in on the political obligations and perceived allegiances of black Americans.

Charlamange Tha God?

According to wikipedia......he is...."Lenard Larry McKelvey (born June 29, 1978), known professionally as Charlamagne tha God, is an American radio presenter, television personality, and author."

He was previously on The Wendy Williams Experience with Wendy Williams on VH1.

"In the shock-jock tradition, one of Charlamagne's personal mantras is "bite my tongue for no one."

And then the biography adds this:

"McKelvey was born to Larry Thomas McKelvey, a Jehovah's Witness-turned-Muslim[4] and his wife, an English teacher and Jehovah's Witness,[5][4][6] on June 29, 1978,[7] and grew up in Moncks Corner, South Carolina.[8] As a teenager, McKelvey began selling drugs, and was arrested twice for possession of marijuana and cocaine with intent to distribute. After witnessing a shooting from the back seat of a car, McKelvey was arrested for a third time. His father refused to pay his bail money, and McKelvey remained in jail for 41 days. Eventually, he called his mother, who paid for his bail and McKelvey was released."

So, that's the thumbnail sketch of the individual that Biden felt compelled to pander to, while patronizing the black race.

So get your head wrapped around that. Charlamange Tha God? Was seen as a key individual, in Biden's quest to re-corral the democrat plantation vote.

And that it backfired and blew up in his face? Only Speaks to the reality that Joe is teetering on the edges of senility. falling back on his dog eared perceptions of forty years ago.

Yet his intentions should remain prescient to every other American, watching this clown circus they call the democrat party.

The Face of Misery, Then And Now.

This Memorial Day, looking back on one of the faces from the past.  A mother staring blankly into an unknown future. There are many questions, written on the weathered face staring back at us today. The same questions that were relevant then, are relevant now. How was her family going to survive.

Watching the morning news programs this morning, and the discussions center around the Covid 19 lock down and the effects of this crisis on average everyday Americans. And what the re-opening will look like and how it will be accomplished.  How soon will we see normal again.

The focus of Fox & Friends this morning, was in particular focused on the effects on those in New Jersey. New Jersey, a state where a gym has now been chained shut by order of the governor and the owners charged with crimes.

What crimes?  Violating a government edict it would appear. 

But New Jersey is not alone or unique in it's institutionalized and state sponsored suffering, or the draconian measures that have been levied against its residents and business owners.  Those in Michigan and Ohio and California and Washington State, Oregon and Virginia, have all seen the same and similar punitive actions, taken against their people. And the common thread seems to be in all of these states, that the US constitution is being ignored and violated?  And all of these states where this is happening, are states governed by democrat governors.

Mean while, businesses such as restaurants, have now come forward to state, that they cannot survive under these restrictions, while operating on 25% of their business or less. Something has to give.  And right now? It's these power hungry tyrants that expect people to just succumb to their fate, rather than stand up and reaffirm their rights.

As this summer unfolds? I am certain that we are going to see tens of thousands of American small businesses and dozens and dozens more, "formerly major American companies," bankrupted.

Hertz Rental Cars was the most recent to file bankruptcy Friday.

And who and what will fill that void?

I can tell you what I see filling the void.

The major monsters of the midway? Walmart, Amazon and the major banks? They will only continue to grow exponentially, via mergers and buyouts. Meanwhile, the Chinese and the Saudi's And others? Will race in for the fire sales and the death throes of what were once viable and thriving American companies.

Has America ever witnessed anything like that before? Yes we have. And the last time it occurred? Was called it "reconstruction" And the benefactors of our misery, were the "Carpet Baggers."

There were no foreign concerns or international air travel and banking back in those days. Therefore, it was the money changers and those in the north, those who actually forced the war on the south? Who descended upon the devastated and starving south and profited.

Fast forward one hundred and fifty five years? And welcome to today's world folks? Because we are not too damn far from that exact same reality occurring today.

Our enemies? Foreign and domestic? Have succeeded in tearing down the world's greatest economy in history. Our enemies, foreign and domestic, are succeeding in terrorizing small businesses and jobs into bankruptcy, failure and oblivion. Our enemies, foreign and domestic? Have disrupted our food supplies and our food chain. Both the processing and the transportation to market of our food is now in jeaopardy.

Look around you folks?

Have you ever seen a time? Or have you ever heard of a time?

When American farmers were forced to plow under their crops? Or pour out their milk? Or slaughter their herds of cattle and swine and poultry? Because the system has been so sufficiently and effectively affected and disrupted? That they cannot get their products and produce to market.

Now? Are you so dulled to these realities? That you are not only failing to see the immediate harm and danger of that, but you are also looking past the future realities that will surely arrive with just as much pain and suffering.

Americans have never been able to grasp the idea that nothing is free.

That everything has a cost and regardless of how you came to be given it? Someone paid for it. This Memorial Day tomorrow? There are millions of Americans who should stop and think about that. Because it has been the blood of Americans who have died to give you your privilege. It is they that have paid the price for the holiday of remembrance, that few even understand the purpose for today.

Yes, we will pay.

We will pay for that $1200 stimulus that congress passed. And we will pay for their subsequent stimulus and all the "free money."  And we will pay for the damage done to our food supply and delivery systems. To our schools and our churches. We will pay for the loss of millions of small businesses and restaurants. And we will not just pay via the loss of choice and convenience.

We will pay in the form of runaway INFLATION.
So ease back in your chairs this fine Sunday morning and consider those facts and realities. And keep in mind? That even though the president has ordered that all houses of worship be re-opened today? There remain those in New York and Detroit and in other cities? That remain chained.Forcibly closed.

The enemies of this nation and its people, both foreign and domestic are laying siege to the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Because those freedoms are anathema to our enemies. They detest those rights, they detest our faith, they detest our freedoms, the same as they detest us.

And the sad fact remains? That many of our enemies are domestic and live among us. They exist as a cancer on this nation. Feeding upon their own power and the miseries that they can inflict on others. All to perpetuate their power and control over us.

Remember when Joe Biden was campaigning in 2012? When he warned black Americans that if they failed to vote for Barack Obama and him? "They gonna put you back in chains?"

The flip side reality of that statement? Was the truth and reality, that Biden and Obama's greatest fear? Was that Americans would wake up to the fact that the democrats and their complicit media, are the ones keeping America as a whole in chains.

So I say again, think about that, as you sit and sip your coffee this fine Sunday morning.

So ask yourself one simple question.  What is essential to you.  It's only your future at stake. ;-)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

You Can't Fool All of The People All of The Time

I sit here every day and read these articles about the president's slipping poll numbers. And how Joe Biden is ahead in swing states and how Biden will win in a landslide.  

Well..... let me say this. Their poll numbers? Haven't been right? Since before John Kerry lost to George Bush. And that was over twenty years ago. 

Back when the media still had some semblance of reapect left with the American people.  Back before they became the partisan hacks and de facto propaganda arm of the democrats.   

Sure? There remain the mindless democrat  sycophants? Those who will vote for a cow pie as long as they are told to. 

And there remain those who get their news and opinions, fed to them daily,  by the ass clowns on The View and Rachel Madcow, and Don Lemon and CNN and the rest of the democrat plantation, of the ass clown circus?

But Americans are by majority? Are smarter than that.  Americans realize that Donald Trump wasn't elected because he was a choir boy, or because he is flawless. They have come to know the man by his works and by his promises kept. 

By my count? President Trump has kept 90% of his campaign promises to the American people. 

He built back the best economy and jobs record of any ten of his predecessors records combined. And America sees exactly who has seized upon this virus, to tear down as much of it as they can. And as far as the democrats are concerned, the American people be damned. 

Some say that the corona virus was a gift to the democrats and they are right. But it eill not erase what existed before it came along. And as for Joe Biden? As there champion? He literally is the gift that keeps on giving.  

Aside from the fact that the man is obviously in the early stages of senility, he can't go a single day, without providing more reasons not to vote for him.  

If the democrats actually had a viable candidate? Someone who hasn't repeatedly lied, or continually demonstrated their own arrogance to the American people? They might have a chance.  But they don't. 

And seizing upon a mass crisis, or continually faning the flames of racial division? Is not going to provide any real possibility of a David vs Goliath victory fir them come November.  

As it stands? The only real poll? The only poll that really counts? Will be on November 3rd. When the American people get their to speak once again. 

And I can already hear the wailing and gmashing of teeth that they will unleash. They know what is going to happen and that is why they are re-kindling their impeachment hoax.  

Because outside of that and inciting racial divide? They have no plan.  They constantly belittle Donald Trump and they continually scream that they have to beat Trump in November. But what is their plan?

They are like a bunch of piss  poor used car salesmen. Trying to sell America an old clunker. Telling us: "Just go ahead and buy it. You can find out if it still rums, after the sale."

As for me and a bunch of others that I know? That BS story is a NO SALE proposition. I will hold on to what I have thank you very much. And you and your fish wrapper friends in the media, can go hustle your pipe dreams somewhere else. 

No, Donald Trump is no choir boy. And he is no politician either. But most importantly? He is no same shit different day, Washington insider. And that is why they hate him. And that is why their only platform, is that they have to beat him. 

Well guess again. The American people now know what side their bread is buttered on and they now realize who has buttered it and who is trying to deceive them about it.  

There is only one way they can win in November, and that is if with the aid of the complicit media, they can figure out a way to deceive the American people and steal the election.  

Which is exactly what they tried to do last time.  The American people now see that. As they now see the deep state players, who tried to initiate a coup against this president, after his election. As is now being revealed by the evidence. 

Hillary Clinton was quoted right before she lost, telling insiders: "If that bastard gets elected? We are all going to be swinging from ropes." And she was right. Figuratively, if not literally. 

The Clintons have always weilded the power to destroy their enemies and those who garnered their displeasure. Matt Lauer is a prime example of that. 

But barring the inbred stupidity of the masses who follow lane stream media and fake news, they have now learned that they cannot control the American electorate, without rigging elections. 

Regardless of what democrat operatives like Stacy Abrams and others would like the dumb masses to believe? The only voter suppression in America that really exists, exists in their ability to fool all of the people all of the time. And they quite frankly? Have lost their ability to do that. 

So go ahead. Foist your make believe polls. The American people know the truth. And they see the truth revealed daily, of just how crooked and self serving the democrats really are.  

Americans are going to hand them their asses come November.  And they can put that in their pipes and smoke it.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What Does A Real Hate Crime Look Like. And Why Does No One Care.

Link To The Full Video of The Hate Crime

So.....what is it about this video?  That the majority of Americans, find so disturbing?  What is it that is so troubling, that they refuse to even talk about it.  I mean, that must be the case right?  People are not talking about this incident like they have been talking about the Ahmaud Arbery case. 

And I wonder why that is.  There must be a reason.  Right?

Is it because the victim of this crime?  Did not die?  Or is it that he wasn't really hurt that bad?  Or is it that he's just a 75 year old man?  Who apparently popped off to and ran his mouth at his 'caregiver?'
Or is it that no real crime occurred.  The old man got his ass beaten?  And deservedly so. Right?

I mean?  I am open to suggestions on this, because it seems truly unfathomable to me?  I really think and believe, that it is more than unfathomable. It is more than unfathomable, that more Americans would not be asking questions about this incident.

What is going on here?  Are there underlying issues that we are not being talked about in this incident?  Or are their underlying issues?  That are as plain as the nose on your face.  But they are issues that no one wants to talk about.

Is this a third rail issue? An issue that no one wants to touch?  For fear of becoming part of the story. Kinda like the man who filmed the Ahmaud Arbery shooting in Brunswick Georgia?  He has now been charged with "Murder" as an accomplice in some seemingly seedy conspiracy to "Hunt Arbery down and Murder him." 

And for what?  Because he shot the video of the incident and turned it over to police the same day? 

But I digress.

Let's stay focused on this incident. 

I am just baffled at the continued lack of interest by Americans over this incident. I mean, after the airing of the original video and news reports of this incident.  And after the reactive gasps by those initially viewing the video?  America, suddenly becomes a collective audience of crickets. Nationwide.  There is no media shitstir of fueling outrage and basal emotions across the nation.  There are no civil rights leaders being interviewed on TV, demanding justice department investigations.

There are no marches or protests. There aren't any cries of "No Justice! No Peace!" 

And the really baffling part to me? 

There hasn't been the first interjection of race into this crime.

And absent that?  How could this be classified as a hate crime?  Well apparently?  Neither of these concerns are of interest to the media at large, or the Detroit police, or those mindless millions, who blindly buy into and accept everything that spews from the mouths of those who hold the golden microphones and the platinum plated cameras of the national media.

But this was a hate crime.  This is a hate crime! 

And anyone with eyes can see that. 

A twenty year old black man? On video, pummeling a seventy five year old incapacitated white man? A video that has now been revealed?  To have been filmed with his own phone.

If this is not a hate crime? What other explanation, could there possibly be? 

Wait a minute....give me a minute... 

I am betting?  That in the final analysis?

The media will report that the old man soiled himself?  Or that he failed to make it to the restroom unassisted. Or that he said something smart to the black man, or failed to obey his commands.  And any of that could possibly trigger the black man's response. If not justify it.

What'cha wanna bet?

Or could it be something far more easily explained?  Something immediately understandable? 

Something that will immediately convey the understandable and undeniable justification of the actions of the young black man? 

What could that possibly be? 

Wait a minute!  Eureka! I believe I've got it!

The old white man?  Must have called the black man the "N" word!

Yep, that has to be it! 

And we all know, that once that happens? Once that allegation surfaces?  All allegations against anyone of color?  Immediately evaporate into the mist. Regardless of their crime/s.

So there you have it. The reasons why, no one gives a damn about this crime. Because to care?  Means that you must place yourself in jeopardy of racial hatred and racial scrutiny of your own interests.

You place yourself in line to receive the Scarlett Letter of "RACIST."

Why? Because you dared to ask. 

And if I am wrong?  Please prove me wrong.

Speak up and call this what it really is. 

Don't be afraid to defend right versus wrong.  Don't be afraid to point out a hate crime? No, it makes no difference, when the shoe is on the other foot. Except to the media.  And it will remain that way, until more Americans stand up and call out the hypocrisy.

Do that? Or simply shut the hell up, like everyone else.

Like the millions of other minions. 

Because after all?  That is the safe play. Right? 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Are Your Freedoms In the Balance

I now see friends and others, beginning to post things that they believe represent the reality as it concerns Covid 19 and the lock down of America. Or perhaps, it represents their own personal reality of the crisis. Either way, their representations of the effects of this crisis, are misplaced and incorrect, to say the least in my opinion. Some of their thoughts are posted as catchy memes like the one above, while others are uttered as response commentary in discussions they are engaged in.
In either case, they are simply wrong.

No, no one ever told you to surrender your civil liberties.  They didn't have to.  They merely presented you with seemingly plausible necessity and you did the surrendering, without having to have been asked.  You willingly complied.

And no, you were not asked to help each other.  You were asked to help the government. You were never asked to help your neighbor slow the spread of this virus?  You were asked to help the government.  The same government that for the most part?  Has failed to protect our health and safety?  From day one.  Therefore, the commonly deployed tactic of guilt transference to the victims?  Simply doesn't work with me. 

Each of these manipulative representations, is nothing more than an artful use of a propagated message.  A message aimed and designed to send the message of willful and common sense compliance to others. That is the only answer

And the underlying message is?  That nothing has been lost. That nothing has been sacrificed. That nothing has been changed. That we as Americans? Have simply been asked to sacrifice a small measure of our freedoms. For the common good. Well, that is not exactly true.  Not even close. 

As it concerns our freedoms?  There are several specifics in the Bill of Rights, that speak directly to the individual rights that have been attacked, suspended and revoked by the response of elected officials to the Covid 19 pandemic.  Specifically, the first, fourth sixth and tenth amendments. And the freedoms of speech, assembly, religion, privacy and the right to self govern.

Most Americans are not concerned with any of this, because they have been conditioned to accept the fastest and easiest way out of any discomfort in their lives is the best. And that is simply not true.  Especially as it applies to our current extremes of the suspension of civil rights and freedoms, as we have seen all across America during this pandemic. 

Its relatively simple.  Someone once rightfully stated: "Use them or lose them" as it applies to our constitutionally protected freedoms.  And if we are not careful, those rights can and will be taken away.  First by direct assault, secondly by indirect assault.  But far more quickly?  Those rights can be taken away, based upon shared and spawned fears and the government controlled belief, that surrendering those rights, is  a small price to pay?  Or that surrender of our rights, can make the fear and the purposely spawned anxiety?  Go away quicker and faster.  If we only comply and give control of our lives and freedom, over to the government

Hence memes like this have appeared

As always, there are threads of truth woven into the fabric of all lies.  And this one is no different.  True, your freedom to swing your arms, ends when your hand hits my face. However, my personal freedoms, are not outweighed by the health and safety of others? Especially those that I do not come in contact with. Or seek to have contact with.

Another way of stating that? 

Is that issuing a directive?  That no one can swing their arms?  In their own yards or while walking down the street?  Or while at the beach? Or anywhere outside of their home? And not in any proximity to anyone else?   Seems kind of ridiculous doesn't it.  That is because it is ridiculous. Because before you can violate the health and safety of others?  You first must gain proximity.  Then violate their body space.  And those things are very hard to do?  When you are maintaining a distance.  As in "SOCIAL DISTANCING?" Remember?

Sheltering in? "To stop the spread."

That is what we were told.  A recommendation by the president, that soon turned into ordered edicts issued by governors and mayors, all over this country.  ORDERING Americans to surrender their civil liberties and their rights to religious freedoms and assembly. Prohibiting them from exercising their rights to assembly and religious practice. Or else SUFFER ARREST!

Mean while, these same mayors and governors threatening arrest of anyone for violating their edicts?  Were releasing convicted criminals in our midst?  Because of the belief that if they didn't, these convicted criminals, might suffer coronavirus infections.

Which brings up the obvious comparisons that have been drawn by many.

Why is it permitted?  That people are allowed by the dozens and the hundreds, to go shopping at Walmart and Lowe's and Home Depot and grocery stores?  And yet they are not permitted to assemble on their own property as a family, unless it is under ten people.  Why are Americans not allowed to go to church services and practice their faith with others, who share their beliefs. Not even in their cars in parking lots of the church.  No one has ask for permission to go visit churches not their home church.  No one has demanded that those who wish to stay home, be forced to attend services. Therefore, why have the rights of religious practices?  Been suspended?  At least for Christians and Jews.

Therefore, the concept or representation, that people's health and safety is being jeopardized by uncaring individuals, seeking to exercise rights that they don't really need?  Well that is plain hog wash.  No different that those who handle snakes and drink poisons in Appalachia. We may not agree with their religious practices?  But those are their religious beliefs.  The same as Muslims who sacrifice animals ritually. Being allowed to only eat meat that was ceremoniously slaughtered by one of their Imans. 

The same is true of visiting a park, or walking a path, or walking the beach, or sitting alone at the beach.  What harm to public health and safety has been achieved.  None.  As long as you are not forcing your presence on anyone else,  then you have as much right as anyone else to be there. Including the police who have been charged with enforcing these egregious and constitutionally illegal edicts.

Therefore, before you attempt to make the argument to me, that nothing of any value has been lost, keep in mind that I am not you routinely compliant lemming.  I am actually a thinking and educated person.  Who is aware of his rights and his environment.  And who is more than aware of the ill intents of those who would seek to deny me my rights and my life. 

This has never been about the temporary suspension of a few meaningless personal freedoms.  This has always been about the power and control sought by those who call themselves our representatives, while at the same time, engaging in conduct that is best described as alien and unnatural to any free people. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What Do You Think.....

The real question is not what do you think, but why.

One of the recurring themes of this crisis? Is that regardless of successes made, there are those who are still cranking out the models and the predictions of doom.

Today's headline says: "More than 5 million Americans will be infected with coronavirus and 290,000 will die by the end of July if social distancing isn't adhered to, according to COVID-19 model."

And this model? Comes to us compliments of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

And I can promise you, the evening news and the rest of their collective of Doom's Day pundits, will have seized upon it and gone searching for any thread of evidence to support it.

Some have noted in the past, that Americans as a nation? Have a collective memory of Gold Fish. Which the media and Hollywood seized upon decades ago. And that has allowed them further the master plan of their masters efforts, to control all thought and process in this country.

How many memes have you seen in the last ten years, referencing 9/11.. And the common sentiment represented? Is that we promised that we would never forget. As a matter of fact? It didn't even take that long for America as a nation to forget.

By 2008? America was once again mind numbed by the media. And led down the primrose path of race guilt. And as a result? We elected a president who some might say? Had a proclivity to down play Americanism and anything exceptional about this nation.

While at the same time, bowing to his Muslim brothers and singing the praises of his one true belief system. Which is Islam and undeniably Muslim centrist. for eight years he bowed to Islam to a fault, while he remained completely apologetic of anything and everything that might, remotely be perceived as offensive to Islam.

And his actions are and have been nothing less than a revelation of his one true belief system.

As I write this? The headline this morning, is that Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York, plans to insure that Muslims in his city, are fully prepared to celebrate Ramadan. Added to that fact, is the fact that he intends to utilize taxpayer monies, to produce over 500,000 "Halal" meals for his Muslim constituents. To aid and assist them in their Islamic faith and practices.

This from a man who was as has been stated:

n"Growing up, Mayor Bill de Blasio was the only child on his block who did not attend Mass on Sundays. “Everyone else was at church, and I wasn’t,” he recalled in an interview last week. “Some of the kids envied me.”

Therefore, as one of America's most secular and no religious mayors, I find it odd, that he would provide for the Muslim holidays of Ramadan. Especially, since he was instrumental in insuring, that New York Christians and Jews? Could not observe Easter or Passover this year.

De Blasio is considered by the American media, as being progressive. However, the man's real religion is more than obvious, to anyone who cares to look. He is neither progressive, nnor a democrat, or an American. Bill de Blasio is a globalist. One of many who believe? That all they need to do to solidify their positions in the socialist posterity to come? Is to continue to hammer away at American individualism and freedom.

Yes, our collective memories as a nation are weak to say the least. That we would choose as our president? A man who openly challenged and defiled every principle this nation was founded upon, is indicative of that.

Barack Obama vowed that is elected? He would fundamentally change this nation. Look around. I would say? Mission accomplished. However, the battles ahead and the war are far from over.

Covid 19? Is just the latest realization of what t these people are capable of. And how they will exploit any opportunity to injure and destroy this nation. And they will continue to follow their master plan, until nothing we once knew as America remains.

Fear is the long known and newly minted weapon of our enemies. Terrorists have utilized fear as a weapon for generations. And now those elected to serve us? Have discovered that fear is the most effective weapon to control us and lord over us.

Where is the collective indignation of America. Where is the collective anger. Have we been so cowed as to not recognize when our very way of life and existence are in peril.

The truth can only be revealed to the people, provided they have an honest and objective media to report it. We have no such media in America today. And I do not care who your source of choice is. None of them tell the truth, because there is no money in it.

Therefore, if you intend to know what is really going n in this word today? You cannot continue to depend upon those, who have consistently, habitually and historically lied to you. You have to seek out and find those sources that are obscured and crying out in the darkness.

Most everything I post and write about? Is not news. Other than it may have been reported in the news. What I post and write about are perspectives. The purpose of what I write? Is to one end and one end only. And that end? Is hopefully to get people to think. Do their own research. Arrive at their own conclusions. Because when you fail to do that? When you allow others to do your thinking for you? They have already won.

So? What do you think. But more importantly? Ask yourself why you think that way. And if you cannot truthfully answer, that you have examined and looked past the facade of what passes for media in this country? Then you are only fooling yourself.