Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Separation of Church & State? There is Only One

 As President Ronald Reagan so eloquently noted, there is no separation of church and state in the US constitution. 

That entire construct? Comes from a letter Thomas Jefferson sent to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Fully twenty six years after the constitution was drafted and fully fifteen years after it was ratified. 

And the precise thoughts conveyed by Jefferson, are derived from this excerpt from his letter. As follows:

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."

Thus the wall of separation so referenced by Jefferson? Was not and is not a wall created metaphorically, to separate church and state.  But rather a wall which was legislatively created, to protect religion and the free exercise there of, from any intrusion by government. By any attempt to transgress that inviolable right. 

And as president Jefferson also eloquently noted in his letter.  "That the legitimate powers of government, reach actions only. And not opinions"

Therefore, the legitimate actions of government, are bound to the actions allowed by the constitution. And not by the opinions of those, seeking to parse those constitutional powers or constraints. Including the opinions of presidents. Including President Thomas Jefferson. And including our current president. 

And as such, therein lies the true wall of separation between church and state. And there in lies the true separation of the legitimate powers of the presidency, from an autocratic dictatorship. 

Separation of church and state,  is not a wall constructed to prevent the exercise of faith or religion, either publicly or in private. Absolutely nothing written in the US constitution, prohibits the invocation of group led or individual prayer, either in a public building, or on any government property.  

Be it a school classroom, or a stadium, or a court house. 

What has been witnessed over the last six decades in American jurisprudence concerning this issue, is nothing less than an abomination of the intent of the first amendment. 

The first amendment set forth the clear establishment of five basic rights. And nothing in the language of the first amendment, allows for or provides any branch of our government, to assuage from adherence to those rights as set forth in the Constitution.  

Look up Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists and read it for yourself.  Aside from the fact that it was a short personal communication from the then president of the United States, the letter holds no legal or constitutional basis in law. Particularly as it concerns any attempts to parse the clear and direct language of the US Constitution.  

Neither Thomas Jefferson's position as a signer of the Constitution, nor as the subsequent holder of the office of the presidency in 1802, provided him or any president since, the authority to refuse to abide by the US Constitution, which is the highest law of this land. 

And any reasoned mind, having read Jefferson's letter of 1802 to the Danbury Baptists, can clearly see and understand that Jefferson's reference? Clearly denotes his support for the protection of religious freedom from the government.  And not the reverse, as has been contended for the last sixty years by appellate court and supreme court rulings. 

The entire function and purpose of the supreme court? Is to insure that all laws created after the ratification of the US constitution? Did not violate the premises or principles of rights, as enumerated in the Bill of Rights, combined with the articles of the constitution, derived and committed to writing in that document, as the only powers granted to the federal government.  

As President Reagan rightfully asserted:  'The question is not whether God is on our side. But rather, are we on his side.'

As we stand here today, the US constitution is and has been under siege, for at least the last sixty years. And with each passing year, activist judges have assaulted and assuaged the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as if they were no more than some archaic and non binding set of suggestions. 

As we stand here today, the Bill of Rights has been under direct attack, for at least the last two years. With those in Washington and in the media, calling into question and denying the basic rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Not to mention the freedom of peaceable assembly. 

And once a government can declare the suspension of the right of the people to assemble to worship? As we have witnessed during the supposed Covid crisis? Then what prevents that same government, from suspending the right to assemble to worship, because that same government now considers the teachings of the Holy Bible as 'hate speech?'

And what prevents that same government, from utilizing its proxies in media and the corporate world of social media and business, from silencing freedom of speech completely. Which we have also witnessed in the last two years. 

And what prevents that same government from declaring the people's right to assemble, in opposition to the legislative actions of their elected representatives, as domestic terrorism. 

And what prevents that same government,

from stepping outside of the constitutionally directed legislative process, to literally create law/s by executive decrees and caveats. As we have seen increasingly in the last year. 

Never has there been a time since the Declaration of Independence was written, that its words have been more poignant than they are today. 

"WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation."

And they went further and declared those truths as self evident. 

Are they any less self evident today.

Saturday, August 07, 2021

And The Greatest Is Love.

A hope for a good and blessed Saturday morning to all.
So today's question is?
Are you a hypocrite?
And if you are not? Or you do not consider yourself to be? Please share the reasons why you believe that. If not with me or others? At the least with yourself.
It will be a cleansing exercise. Trust me.
Because I firmly believe? That given 10 minutes (or less) in conversation with you? Or anyone else for that matter? I can prove that you are a hypocrite. And anyone else for that matter.
As for me?
I know I am. And with well founded reasoning.
Similar to Doc Holiday?
"My hypocrisy knows no bounds."
But at least I admit it. And I am more than happy to share my reasonings of precisely why I feel the way I feel and why I view the world and this nation as I do.
And I see no need to defend myself on any level because of my beliefs. Because to my knowledge? There has only ever been one pure spirit in this world. Only one. Only one man who was above both hypocrisy and sin.
And they killed him for it.
But I digress.
We are talking about hypocrisy, or at least I am. Others are welcome to join in as always.
I believe that my hypocrisy is well founded and grounded in my knowledge of life, history and my own life's experiences.
My hypocrisy is based upon decades of observations and experiences. Of watching other leopards change their spots and then change back. Depending on the moment, or the profitability of it. As all politicians do.
But like most people I know of today? Few are willing to admit to their own hypocrisy. However, they are more than willing to point their crooked fingers at others?
But never challenge them or their own crooked fingers, or the foundations of their own beliefs. Or the facts or truth for that matter
Because to be honest?
They will never and they can never be truthful about any of it. Because to do so would require significant introspective and the accompanying revelations of just who they are; and the dichotomy of what they supposedly support, defend and represent.
As for me? I try to be unapologetic. Apologies for who you are? Serves no purpose, beyond the lies you intend to tell to defend your own self.
To obscure the dark side of your true reality.
And apologies are for the most part just that. They are lies. Because the person/s are never truly apologetic. They are just going along to get along and deflecting scrutiny away from themselves.
Going with the flow.
Swimming with the current. Mingling with the anonymous herd is what they practice. Because to do anything else? Singles them out. It marks them for all of the other plebes and minions to target and vilify.
Because we all need our boogey men. We all need our own sense of superiority over our own personal niche of reality.
We cannot step outside the commonality of agreement, that persists across the board in America today? Because to do so? Transforms you into the visual and identifiable enemy of those of approved thought.
And not unlike Colonel Nathan Jesup?
You remember him right? The character played by Jack Nicholson in the film "A Few Good Men?"
He was a hypocrite!
And what was it that he said?
Was their truth or hypocrisy in his words. Or was his dialogue, simply setting the stage for the climax of his vilification. And the abject destruction of what his portrayal represented to those who saw it then and now.
And what were his words?
"You don’t want the truth, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall."
"You need me on that wall."
"We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline."
Truer words never spoken. Even if they were just superfluous character dialogue, for a film and its entire purpose?
Was to detract from and tear down the Marine Corps and those who serve/ed in it.
So ask yourself a couple of questions. Did you feel better about your country after seeing that film.
Did you feel differently about the men and women who wear the uniforms of the United State Marines?
I didn't.
And I didn't for very simple and well grounded reasons. And those reasons were and are?
That I have been there. I have lived it. I am one of the few and the proud. And I know what goes along with that title. Both the beautiful and the ugly. And more importantly? I know why.
And I make no apologies for it. Neither the characterizations in that film, or the true life experiences that I lived and that I know exist.
Why? Because I am a hypocrite. And as such? I can cherry pick the rights and wrongs as I see them and as I have lived them.
Just like everyone else.
And in all fairness to the character of Colonel Nathan Jesup?
I see the world very similarly and I always have.
As Colonel Jesup concluded:
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man (or anyone) who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom(/s) that I provide (and have provided), and then questions the manner in which I provide it!"
"I would rather you just said “thank you” and went on your way."
Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. (Or put on a uniform and a badge and a gun) Either way, I don’t give a *damn* what you think you are entitled to!”
And the very reason that I share the same passion and camaraderie with those words? As the intent of the character conveying them?
Is because I have done those things. Including the parentheticals that I included with his original speech. I was the victim of and the perpetrator of "Code Reds!"
But that wasn't what they were called either then or now. They were and are called "blanket parties."
And as you may recall? You witnessed the reenactment of one in another film. Full Metal Jacket. Where Private Pyle was the guest of honor.
Those films? Were not about defending either truth, justice or the American way. Those films were about making a mockery of of their intended targets. Which are and always have been: "Truth, Justice and the American way."
As it applies to the Marine Corps firstly? And America in general.
Those films were about pointing the crooked fingers of the allegations of hypocrisy toward others. Both at those in those uniforms and those who have served in those uniforms and all others.
Similar to what we see on full display daily in America today. Be it some entertainer, or be it some athlete.
Because the real purpose of films like that and other pious portrayals by the virtuous left? Is as Saul Alinsky once noted.
Use their own laws and rules and Bible against them.
And people ask me?
Why and how I cannot support these people and their supposed individual freedoms to express themselves in protest to America? While wearing the uniforms of this nation?
And why I cannot support their acts of secular indifference and their so called protest; of what they like to champion as their protesting of the evils of America?
My answer is very simple.
When you put on the uniform? Your first allegiance is to country. Regardless of the uniform. But in particular when that uniform bears an American flag, or the letters USA across the shoulders.
And before that? Your allegiances should be to God and family.
Those were my allegiance when I wore the uniform of the United States Marine Corps. Those were my allegiance when I wore the uniform of an active law enforcement officer for thirty years.
And those should be the allegiances of others today.
I did not then speak out or speak my mind on any issue. Not as long as I was wearing those uniforms, as a front line defender of the constitution and this nation.
Regardless of my personal beliefs.
Because to to so? Was a representation of and reflected directly upon those I was serving and representing with those uniforms.
Thirty three years ago? I was the front line police supervisor in the battle over abortion in Atlanta.
It was called "The Siege of Atlanta" by the media. Look it up.
I was on the front line daily. I was being interviewed by the media daily. And during a five month period during the summer and fall of 1988? I personally arrested over 1600 individuals during protests.
My words and acts were photographed, videoed and broadcast all across American and the world back then.
I had friends who told me they saw my interviews on the local and national news? In the UK and other countries while they were there.
They saw the reports in flight on airlines while they were traveling.
And as a result of my involvement with The Siege of Atlanta?
I personally prosecuted those 1600 protestors, for well over the twelve months after their arrests. Because that was my oath.
I did not arrest them because of their political or religious beliefs. I arrested them? Because they were breaking the law. And it never was more complicated than that for me.
And during all of that time? I was repeatedly asked countless times by reporters? What my personal beliefs on abortion were.
I never said.
I refused to answer definitively.
Not because I did not have my own opinions or my own personal beliefs? But because as long as I wore that uniform and as long as I had sworn an oath to uphold the law?
It was not my place to choose or take sides on what laws I would enforce. Or against those who broke those laws. Or against those who chose to break them, because of their own personal convictions.
So you see?
I could have been called a hypocrite. And rightfully so. Because I am against abortion and I always have been. In particularly, since I came through the enlightened years of my own stupidity of youth.
Here in the South? Some might say? "I never hear'd of such a thing! Or? "I never heer'd tell of that!"
But Oh! Yes they have. And those being honest with themselves, know that I am speaking the truth.
Truth? Justice? The American way?
Don't look for either of them in films today. Or in the words or deeds of those elected to represent us. Because those principles for the most part, no longer exist. Except in the hearts and minds of the inconsequential little people.
No? America is not perfect. Never has been. Both the nation and the generations of its people? Have always been and continue to be hypocrites.
Therefore, recognize that fact. Recognize who we are as a nation and who you are as an individual.
Do the best you can to seek truth and understand that you will probably never find it as you expected to.
But never apologize for who you are. Unless you are the essence of evil and the doing of evil, has been the basis of your life.
The only perfect being to have ever walked this earth? We killed him for it. And yet we are told to be like him. To seek to be like him in every way.
Which is to capture the wind. Or to stop the flow of the tides. An impossible task. However, we will not be judged by our successes or our attempts. Or contrary to popular belief? For our failures.
We will be judged for what was in our hearts and for what we earnestly tried to accomplish.
As I recently heard a man who said that he had died and had gone to Heaven for a brief time and there he met Jesus.
He said that when he met Jesus? Jesus' one and only question to him was this.
"What did you so with the life that my Father gave you?"
And seeing the fear and remorse and abject terror at those words? Jesus simply embraced him and showered him with a feeling of love? A love that he said that he had never known before that moment.
God and his Son gave all of humanity a task. To live and to learn and to attempt to achieve and understand everything from anger to compassion.
Including love.
And as the lyrics of the song surmise of God's commandments?
"The greatest is love."
Because when asked which was the greatest of the ten commandments? Jesus' response was?
"To love one another."
And in the instant of that word? All of the other commandments fell away.
Why? Because Jesus was and is the Word.
Few will comment on what I have said today. Others may click away the moment they see my references to Jesus. But I hope they will at the least read my words and contemplate my intentions of meaning.
And to understand love? We have to understand the opposites. We have to understand the intents and the intentions of others. We have to understand anger? Before we can appreciate love.
And as some have said? There is a very thin line between the two. And that is the divine purpose behind life in my opinion.
Many in the last twenty years have asked? "What would Jesus do?"
Jesus would never rise to anger!
But yes he did. First in his Father's house. When he rampaged and turned over the tables of the money changers.
Or what of the times when he reflected the anger of others? Back onto themselves.
As he did with the woman about to be stoned.
"Let he who is without sin? Cast the first stone."
Jesus already knew? That there was not the first among them, who was without sin. He simply wanted them to know that for themselves. And to reflect upon them what their anger truly had manifested.
Therefore, while many may believe that the unachievable goal of their faith is to be as much like Jesus as they possibly can?
The truth is, they can never be like him. No one can. Therefore, all they can do is to attempt to learn. And in the end? Return to the father with a life's record of what they have learned.
And in the final analysis? If your love out weighed your hypocrisy? I for one believe that you will be embraced and loved, as the man mentioned previously was.
As I said at the beginning. I sincerely hope everyone is having a blessed day.
Semper Fi. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Thursday, August 05, 2021

America Lost


What do you believe. 

Do you believe what the media tells you is the truth?  Do you believe what your elected officials tell you is the truth? Do you believe what these state and federal agencies are telling you is the truth?

Or do you do your own math. Do you do your own research of issues. πŸ€”

On a routine basis, I read reports where Mexican dug cartels, regularly enter Mexican towns and kill everyone who stands in opposition to them, or speaks out against them. 

I am talking about where they kill dozens of people at a time. And string the bodies up to overpasses etc. 

And they behead and mutilate the bodies. 

The purpose of which? Is to send a message. 

They do the same thing to local police officers and mayors in Mexico. Often ambushing and killing 6-10 police officers at a time. 

It has gotten to the point in many places in Mexico, where the only safety is in numbers. And by that I mean, the Mexican military. 

They go into these areas in force. With automatic rifles and vehicle mounted machines guns. 

Because to do anything less, exposes them to the same fate as the local police and government officials.  And some of these cartels have reportedly attacked them. 

So?  What do you think about that. 

Or are you oblivious to those reports. Because mainstream media in America simply does not cover them.  I do not believe most members here are oblivious. 

Or what about those who stumble across one of these reports on the internet? Do they simply click past it and continue to sip their coffee or tea or wine. 

I personally am afraid that is closer to the reality than most

people are willing to admit.  

Hells Bells! That's going on in Mexico! What the hell does it have to do with me. It will never happen here. Right? That is what car too many people think and believe. Because they are told to believe it. 

In the last seven months alone? Over one million illegals have been caught at our border. And mostly released. And that does not include the three times that many we missed. 

And then there are the reports of the last year or so? Where these cartels are terrorizing Mexican vacation locales and Americans there on vacation. 

Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Guatalahara, Puerto Vallarta, Cozumel and others. 

In some of these cities, Americans have become victims and they have been killed. While on vacation. 

Couldn't happen here right. 

Well? If you know your history? It wasn't just the Alamo where Americans have had to repel these invasions of what were then called invading armies and bandits. 

In the early twentieth century? Mexican bandits routinely raided Texas towns. To the point that Texas rangers had to be sent in to eradicate them. And I mean kill them. 

Because that was the only way to stop them.  Read the history of Frank Hammer. One of two Texas Rangers brought out of retirement in 1934 to pursue Bonnie and Clyde. 

And pursue them they did. And when they found them, they killed them. Because that is the only resolution to vermin. 

Towns in Texas are already experiencing these things. Americans have to go everywhere armed in these small Texas towns and border towns. 

Because they never know when they are going to encounter these people, or what their intent or disposition is going to be. 

So believe as you choose, but one day soon, you may be forced to deal with the reality of an America lost. πŸ€”

Take a Knee.


Taking a knee. 

No big deal. Right?

Ever thought about it?  A simple act. Not that difficult. And yet it seems to represent so much to so many in today's America. 

But what is really being represented by this supposed act of solidarity. Is there more to it? Is there more to it than simple symbolism and supposed camaraderie? 

I believe so. 

Taking a knee, is symbolic of submission. Of surrender. Taking a knee is an acknowledgement of some form of contrite acceptance.  Of reflection upon some personal sin or short coming. 

A seeking of atonement. 

That is what is being represented by taking a knee. At least that is what it represents to me. 

Surrender, submission, contriteness, obedience. All separate words, yet each with the same meaning. 

So ask yourself. What and who are you prepared to surrender to. What are you prepared to submit to. To who and what will you seek contrite forgiveness for your sins. 

As for me?  The Lord Jesus Christ, is the only one who will rule over me. Jesus is the only one I will ever bend a knee for. Because I know what that act represents. 

And so have others. Throughout history. 

The Spartan King Leonitas, refused to bend a knee to the Persian King. A man who represented himself as a living man god. 

Yet Leonitas proved? That even man gods can be made to bleed. They are mortal, not immortal. 

And such is our present reality as I observe it. 

There are those who are taking a knee to visually challenge and oppose this country. They oppose everything this country represents and ever has represented. 

And they seek to demonstrate their detestation, by visually representing their disgust, publicly.  By taking a knee.  On a world stage. 

A place where their visual mockery will garner them notoriety. 

But what they fail to understand is this.  

Their act, while constructed and conducted as a stunt, is more meaningful,  and more symbolic, than some twisted view of solidarity that they may hold.  

Their actions are a direct insult and a direct slap in the face to those of us, who will never surrender our values or faith, or allegiances, on the alters of socialism and egalitarianism.  

So to those who take a knee in protest I say this. 

Go ahead. Take a knee.  Set yourself apart and identify yourself as someone who has surrendered to the evil in this world. 

Your actions will be noted and remembered. And either in this life or the next, there will be an accounting and retribution.

It Is Teh Fault of Republicans and Those Damned Evangelicals!


According to the media reports? Republicans and evangelicals are far less likely to get the vaccinations than anyone else. πŸ€”

Which is concerning to the left and the media?  For one reason and one reason only, in my opinion. 

One might think that the leftist and the media would be jumping for joy, at the thought of their adversaries and in their minds? Their enemies? Falling victim to Covid 19 and being made out to be fools. 

But their is a greater worry among them, truth be known. 

Follow the science!  Remember?  

That has been the battle cry of Anthony Fauci and the critics and those questioning Fauci's science from day one.  

We were told that we did not need to seek any answers outside of the Anthony Fauci world of approved science and ventilator treatments. 

And those who challenged the restrictions of use on hydroxychloroquine and zink and  azithramax (sp).  And any other treatment being proven by the professionals in the trenches, over the last 18 months. 

Was immediately discounted as heresy. 

Fauci was the leading voice that questioned what he called only "anecdotal evidence" and not

Science.  He called it?  "Unsupported by double blind studies and sufficient data to draw any conclusions."

Well guess what folks?

Welcome to the world of the largest double blind study, ever conducted in the history of science or medicine. 

And one way or the other? We are all part of it. 

And the greatest fear of a double blind study? Is that the placebo group? Will prove equally resilient or more so, than the control group.  

Because once that happens? It is proven that the science has failed. 

And right now? As of today?

We have over 100 million Americans in that Anthony Fauci created control group. Over 100 million Americans who have been vaccinated and fully vaccinated. 

And guess what?

The control group is suffering; "break through infections."  And where as the original target group of the virus was the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions?

The new so called "Delta variant? 

Seems to be targeting young adults and children. Which is just more evodence to me, that this variant is not a variant.  But a separate and distinct virus on its own.   

And if I were a betting man? I would promise you that Fauci's "colleagues," have already told him that. As they did when they told him 18 months ago, that the coronavirus was an engineered virus. 

Yes? Fauci's own group of virologists were telling him in January of 2020? That the so called "novel" coronavirus, had all of the DNA earmarks of having been engineered.  

Yet? He publicly dismissed any discussion of that determination, as unsupported rumors and conspiracy theories.  With no basis in science or data. 

Data? Which seems to be his favorite word. Until it goes against him. πŸ€”

Therefore? Should we expect anything else from Anthomy Fauci concerning the Delta variant? Or what he is now saying may be looming in our future. Something that he now says, may be far worse than the Delta variant?

I believe so. 

As I believe that Dr. Anthony "Frankenstein" Fauci, knows exactly what is happening and why. 

Because he has been ass deep in the creation of these malignant and engineered viruses that have been loosed upon the world, from day one. 

And he and the so called "scientific" community, know that too. πŸ€”

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Our Immediate Future


So.   What can we look forward to this week from Washington and their media. 

I say the further ramping up of the mask mandates and vaccination shaming by democrats and their lap dog media. 

Added to that, a soon to be nation wide mandate of vaccination, via mandates against the military and all federal employees and all federal contractors. 

And of course? The corporate sector will follow suit, as they are already doing.  

Which means that at sometime in the near future? If you cannot probe that you have taken their vaccinations? You won't be able to shop, eat at any restaurant, travel or do anything. 

And there will be another nation wide lock down.  

Combine that with futher obfuscating by the white house mouth piece Jen Psaki, on the reality of break through infections and the true death tolls being reported. Or not being reported, because the numbers are being led by those  previously "fully vaccinated."

I am now fully if the belief that these vaccinations are now causing the increased and rapid spread of the virus. As has been evidenced in a number of locations in America, and in Israel and in Iceland and other countries. 

Either that?  Or they have unleashed new viruses on the world. 

Added to that will be the further waffling by the CDC, on cause and effect.  And more masking and more mandated vaccinations. 

This will be the extent of information by a CDC, which has become thoroughly politicized by this administration and which has useless as a trust worty agency on any level at this point. 

I am hesitant to call Biden's administration anything other than an administration.

Other than to refer to it as the present Marxist pseudo regime of an addled and mentally transient puppet. And someone who is occupying the office of the presidency. While others in the background and behind the scenes like Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice and others, are really calling the shots. 

And yes, we can count on the all star Tony Fauci, to remain the darling of the media, regardless of how many times he flip flops and outright lies. And regardless of how many times he gets repeatedly caught at it. 

The bottom line with Fauci remains, that the truth has finally come out. Concerning his directing federal grant money to the Wuhan lab and gain of function experimentation by the Chinese on gain of function corona viruses.  

And his knowledge of the viruses origins and who was involved from day one. As he was also aware that this was a man made weaponized virus and was as much as told that by his collegues in January of 2020.  

His emails prove all of that. 

Even so? And even though Senator Rand Paul has referred that evidence, along with his lying to congress to the justice department?

Keep this in mind. 

This is the same justice department that pursued the Mueller investigation against Donald Trump for two years. And this is the same justice department that lied and falsified FISA warrants to spy on candidate and president Donald Trump, his family and those in his administration. 

And this is the same justice department? That supposedly investigated Hillary Clinton? 

And determined that she not only destroyed subpoenaed evidence? But destroyed government issued computers and smart phones and violated the secrecy act on numerous occasions,  via her illegal and unauthorized computer server in her own home as secretary of state. 

And this is the same justice department that last week stated that they were not going to investigate New York or New Jersey or Michigan governors, for their culpability and proven evidence that they intentionally sent Covid infected patients into their state's nursing homes. Where they spread the virus and killed thousands of defenseless elderly patients. 

Yet this justice department and William Comey and the rest of that rogue's gallery of deep state enemies to America determined?

No harm no fowl against Hillary Clinton! Because she never really intended to do any of what was proven that she did.

So I guess the same logic is and will be applied to Cuomo and Fauci and the others. 

Friends?  We are way down the rabbit hole and it is only getting worse by the day. 

I am hesitant to say forget about the border? For two reasons. 

Firstly, that is precisely what the Biden administration has already done. 180,000 a month for the last six months have been crossing into America. Because of Biden and his executive orders to cancel all of president Trump's efforts to stop it. 

But more importantly, because we have bigger fish to fry now. 

The American economy is on a greased rail and we are all riding a hand basket to hell and utter collapse as we speak. 

Inflation is already up 30% in all daily commodities, from gasoline to food prices. And continues to climb weekly. 

And congress? And this babbling fool of a president? Are doing absolutely nothing to stop it. As a matter of fact, what they have done already in the last seven months, is what has caused it. And they intend to make it worse with their 5.5 trillion dollar "social infrastructure" bill. 

Part of which was vites on to pass? By no less than 17 Goo senators last week. Including Mitch McConnel and Lindsey Graham. 

And they know it and we know it. 

And now? They are doing all they can do, to attempt to shove another 5.5 trillion dollars in deficit spending up the back sides of all tax paying Americans. 

And keep in mind? These corporations already pay little to

nothing in taxes, so the burden falls on working Americans and small business owners. 

One look at Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Microsoft and Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg proves that fact. 

Meanwhile, they are ordering small farmers to destroy their crops or else? Evidence of that is all ober the internet. 

While at the same time keeping hundreds of container ships loaded with goods, off shore. 

And evidence of that is all over the internet. 

And these are actions which have already led to and are leading to more shortages of food and commodities. 

So fully expect not only hyper inflation, but also rationing of gasoline and food if this is allowed to continue for another six months. 

Just like Venezuela?  You decide.  

And lastly?

We may not have to wait that long. Because the very real danger looming on our horizon? 

Is Chinese imperialism and their stated intent to invade Taiwan. While threatening America, Biden and our allies?   And their threats are? That no one had better even attempt to intervene to stop them. 

They have told America, Great Britain and Australia and Japan? That there is not one damn thing they can do about it. And they have gone as far as to threaten Japan with a nuclear strike. 

And once the Chinese have Taiwan? They will move against Japan. Because at that point? 

I believe they will already have neutralized America's, Great Britain's and Australia's military ability to even attempt to stop them. 

And yes, I am talking about preemptive EMP strikes against any and all who could stand to oppose them. 

It is a brave new world folks. 

No more sneak attacks. China and Russia are more than aware that our satellites monitor their military movements and activities daily. And they have not been bashful about their actions or their intent. 

As they know, those movements and their military and naval build ups have gone unchallenged and unabated for well over the last ten years. But particularly since Biden took office. 

China has not threatened. 

They have promised us what they intend to do and they have warned is not to interfere, or else risk military conflict. 

And Biden and his joint chiefs have done what in response?  

Nada! Not a damn thing!  Nothing is being pre-staged or moved into the area to countermand China's overt and aggressive military buildup. 

And Putin is doing the same thing in eastern Europe and around the the Crimea. 

None of this is conspiracy theory. 

This is all verifiable fact, for those who care to read the daily reports and see what is being staged and for what purposes. 

Therefore, I truly believe that my fears of a preemptive EMP attack on this country by China, is eminent. 

So do as you please, but when the power suddenly goes out and your cell phone and internet are dead and your car/s won't crank?  You will know then what has happened.    

And who is behind it. 

But more importantly? Who's lack of action led to it. πŸ€”

Saturday, July 31, 2021

We Are Being Erased

 There once was an old adage: 

"How can you tell when a politician is lying to you?"

Answer: "If their lips are moving."

I do not recall a time in my life, when that prescient truth was more vivid and true, than it is presently. 

And to that I would add? 

"How do you know when the media is lying to you?"

Answer: "Every moment they draw a breath."  Beacuse when they are not speaking lies directly? They are planning to speak their lies at the next opportunity. 

Because in my observation, both the politicians and the media, have transcended the intermediary levels of fabrication, misrepresentation and lying. 

To the point where they refuse to even admit that they have been caught lying. They now call their lies, walking back, circling back or being taken out of context 

And they do it in infinitum. 

But the truth speaks louder than their lies. And it has reached the point?

Where I now place both democrats and most republicans, along with their accessories, both before and after the fact, in the media, in the same category. 

They are all  unrepentant, habitual and professionally skilled in the craft of lying. Although, I am hesitant to consider them expert liars?

As their lies remain so transparent as to be literally amateur to say the least. Therefore, while their skills and abilities in the art and the predictability of their lying remains constant and pronounced, they continue to be unabashed in their brazenness about it. 

I no longer trust and I have not for a very long time, trusted anything that is the product of mainstream American media. Or the promises of politicians. And for a very valid reason. 

Their information and promises cannot be trusted. Not on any level, but particularly as it concerns their personal politics and as of the last ten years? As it concerns their promotion of the extremist socialist beliefs of the present so called societal norms.  

The American media is so biased in favor of liberals, secularism, minorities and democrats and so prejudiced toward conservatives? That Christians, veterans and anyone who does not follow lock step with liberal socialism, is anti American and a threat to them. And a racist. 

Those in opposition to their lies, are branded as radicals, militia members, white supremacist, terorist, conspiracy theorist and racist. 

Americans who disagree, with their propagated versions of truth, are immediately branded. 

And their brands are many. From their favored brand of racist and racism, to homophobic, transphobic, genderphobic and xenophobic just to name a few. 

And it has reached the point where they have achieved commonality of goals and purpose, with American corporations.  All of which are taking steps to "follow the propagated science." And beginning limiting their businesses and interactions with anyone who they deem, noncompliant. 

And their joint complicity has come to be known and recognized as: 

"cancel culture."

And as I contemplate these realities daily, I cannot help but make the connections of art immitating life. 

In the 1990's there were two films that spoke directly to what I am witnessing today. 

The first being a film titled: "Eraser."  Starring Arnold


Where he portrayed a government intelligence agent, whose primary job was to eliminate opposing thought and all opposition to government. 

And any time someone crossed the line of non compliance, he was called upon to "erase" them. 

The tag line was: 

"You've been erased."

The second film was titled "Enemy of The State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman. 

The basic premise being? That the government had reached a point where they had the capabilites and they were using them, to spy on everyone in America. 

And anyone who crossed these

megalithic intelligence agencies, could be monitored and their lives destroyed.   

From their professional histories, down to their bank cards, including physical arrest and black balling. 

And in real time? 

Dr. Judy Mikovitz being a primary example of that happening to her.  They destroyed her career, they discredited her life's work, they destroyed her income and her ability to earn a living. And they totally black balled her in the scientific community. 

They possess  the power to literally cancel anyone's existence and all records of their ever having lived. They did that in that film and they are doing it in real life to people presently. 

So look around you today. 

Do we not see these exact realities abounding before our eyes daily?

From the lies of media and government, down to their now well known and exhibited abilities to erase and cancel anyone, they perceive as a threat to their order of the world. 

Some call it the New World Order? And I have reached the point where I now see that as the reality. 

America has been subverted and not by our enemies, as much as it has been by those entrusted with protecting our republic and our freedoms. 

Today, I have come a long way in my preliminary explanation, to reach my real point. And that real point is this. 

As it concerns Covid 19 and everything we have been told to Americans to date about it?  Has all been lies. 

From the beginning when we were told that the virus was a naturally occurring virus, that it crossed the animal human barrier, because someone contracted it by eating bats. 

Another lie? Was that it originated in a wet market in Wuhan China. Another lie was that it was not created in a lab, or the Wuhan lab to be specific. 

Another lie was that we were not funding the Chinese experiments on gain of function corona viruses. 

Another lie was that it was not widely transmissible. Another lie was that wearing masks was pointless and useless. After which, Another lie was that everyone had to wear a mask. 

Another lie was that the spread could be stopped by sensible measures like "15 Days To Stop The Spread."  Another lie was that social distancing was necessary. Another lie was that locking down our society for over five months and quarantining those exposed or afflicted was the answer. 

Another lie was that double masking was the answer. Another lie was that a vaccine would give us the ability to return to normal. Another lie was that herd immunity would resolve the dilemma. 

Another lie was that the virus did not affect children at all, even though we closed down our schools all of last year, "as a precautionary measure."

Even though we cancelled graduations and weddings and routine doctors visits and elective surgeries. Not to mention funerals and vacations. 

Concerts and movie theaters were closed, as were all sporting events. All of that based upon lies. 

Another lie was that the virus only affected the elderly and those with preexisting conditions.  Another lie was that once a majority of Americans were vaccinated, that the virus would go away. 

Another lie was that no one would be forced to lose their job for refusing the vaccine. 

Another lie was that no one would have to show proof of vaccination and that vaccination was a matter of personal choice. 

Have I missed anything?

And what are their present lies. 

1. There appears to be no herd immunity. 

2. Everyone including children as young as five years old, must now mask up to go to school. 

3. That there is significant efficacy of these vaccines, 90% or better, however, everyone will require boosters. 

4. That there is nothing to fear about these vaccines, and those who refuse to get them are simply stupid (per the president of the Unites States) and the CDC. 

5. That no one will now be  forced to be vaccinated. 

6. That there is no evidence that the vaccines are causing deaths and significant harm. 

7. That anyone who challenges the official versions of the CDC, Anthony Fauci, Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell or Biden and his rogue regime? Are just fools and a danger to everyone else. 

8 That these vaccines are no more threatening or harmful, than precious vaccines.  

9. That Americans will not be forced to produce proof of vaccinations, to access restaurants or sporting events or all public gatherings.  

10. That vaccinated Americans posed no threat to anyone; however, the unvaccinated were and are responsible for everything we are now seeing. 

11. That children as young as five must be vaccinated. 

12. That break through infections of those previously vaccinated? Are not in the majority of new cases. 

13. That break through infections of the vaccinated are not significant in number. 

14. That deaths and hospitalizations of the previously vaccinated are not significant.  

15. That the vaccinations are not responsible for the rise in Covid cases. 

16. That the preciously infected have lesser antibodies, than those who have taken these synthetically engineered vaccines. 

I could go on, but I hope I have made my point. And that point being? That we are being lied to. And we have been being lied to from the start. 

Day in and day out

So what do we intend to do about it. Do we remain sheep and continue to buy into their lies? Or do we stand up united and say: 

"Not no, but hell no."

Art immitating life in America has become a reality. Both in the decades that preceded the present and in the present.  

And the fact that America has become and is becoming a nation overwhelmed with lies is prescient. 

America and Americans cannot long endure these lies, before everything we love and cherrish collapses. And once it is gone, it is gone. 

Fully 74% of those vaccinated in Massachusetts have become infected. And the numbers are equally allarming in other majority vacinated places like Israel. 

And what is the government response?  Let's double down and stay stuck on stupid. And do not question them ir their so called science?

Or else you and I become the enemy.   

Well? I have reached the point where I do not care about their branding. I do not care about their race cards or their shaming. 

I know truth when I see, as well as their lies. And in particular, their now documented lies. 

Therfore, I will continue to follow the truth and their lies, and I will continue to point both out. As best as I can, for as long as I can, in the limited environment that exists for us all to do so. 

So just remeber this, they can and will attempt to lie and erase the truth at every opportunity. As they have done and as they are doing now. 

And given the opportunity? They will erase us. πŸ€”

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We Must Obey

It has been said before:

"Those who refuse to stand for something, will fall for anything."

I think of that quote often, as I watch the day to day deterioration of this nation and our individual freedoms. And as I identify those I hold responsible. . 

And added to that I might add?  "Those unwilling to stand for something, will believe anything they are told to believe."

Because they are obedient sheep. 

Why? Because they have been conditioned to obey. Because obedience  is convenient.  Because obedience takes no effort. Just obey. And most importantly?

Obedience involves no personal risk. No skin in the game. 

There are those Americans who will believe anything they are told to believe and for several reasons. 

1. It is easier to be told what to do, than to have to make your own decisions. 

2. Individual choices require personal thought and insight and a commitment to a personal decision and risk. 

3. With that said? It is far easier, just to let others make the choices and decisions in your life for you. 

4. Because you can always alibi and claim that you were just following the crowd. 

With that said, I believe there are those who are already dead in America. Dead of obedience. 

They followed the rules, they obeyed. Just like the over 6000 who took their jabs and died "incidentally."

Which I suppose is suppose to make the rest of us feel comfortable. For now. 

And the epitaph of the obedient either reads: 

"He died or She died, being obedient."

Or it should. 

And if there aren't any head stones that read like that? There need to be.  Because that is precisely what happened to those people and why. And the process is repeated endlessly in this country daily. 

And what is it that people are being told to do today's in America?   

"Listen to the government."

"Listen to the science."  

"Listen to the CDC and the WHO."  

And above all else?


This is a pandemic!  OMG!  Do as you are told!  After all? It is for your own good!

And added to those pearls of wisdom from the present clan of Marxists ruling America, are the accusations and social branding, being raised daily to justify them and their actions. 

And if you do not obey? You are the problem!

As Biden said yesterday? 

"We don't have a pandemic? We have a pandemic of the unvaccinated!" 

"They are killing people!"

"C'mon man! This isn't a joke!"

And the reason for all of this? The reason for the resurgence of Covid infections in America? 

Is due to all of these non compliant and unvaccinated people!  Those who are primarily republicans and Trump supporters and evangelicals and white supremacists etc. etc. et al.

Just read and listen to the daily media copulation of facts with fiction, concerning the resurgence of the virus. 

Any of that sound familiar? It should. Because the latest social branding of the non compliant, are just the most recent additions to their scarlet letter alphabet of totalitarian subversion. 

Those who know their history, understand what they are seeing and hearing. This is not the first time that scarlet letters and social, racial and identifiers of creed  have been utilized to ostracize and condemn, targeted individuals and populations. 

And regardless of the issue or the manufactured threat? 

It makes little difference who is targeted or why. The fact that they have been targeted is the greater issue. And the lack of facts to support the allegations against them are irrelevent. 

They have been identified! 

And now they must be dealt with! They must be punished. They must be forced to obey and comply. Or else

Do you want to be a Covid leper?  

Why not. You just won't be able to participate in the daily circus of life and media in America. Not so bad for those who consider themselves independent and individualist.  Right?

Or those who value their freedoms more so than getting a government issued star, identiying them as one of the teacher's pets. 

And soon? You will need those, just to be able to buy food and travel and live. 

So what will it be?

A tattoo on the arm again?

Or a yellow star adorning your clothing?

Or what about a pink triangle?

Oh! Snap!  My bad. I forgot. 

Those have already been used. Which means we need another identifier for the socially acceptable in today's eightened society. A modern and technically savvy branding. 

So how should we approach this?

What say a tattoo on the side of the throat. Just below the jaw?  Or what about on the back of the hand?  Or on the forehead. 

Heard of anything like that foretold before?

All of that would work and none of it would need to be gaudy or evidenced by india ink. No Sir ree Bob! They now have this luminescent chemical call Luciferaise. 

It is a bioluminescent. 

All it takes is a black light to illuninate it. The same way cashiers check for counterfeit bills. 

You know the drill. 

Wouldn't that be simpler?  Wouldn't that make everyone's life easier?  And after all? It is for the common good. Right?

And nothing would have to be obvious. We could have specialized enforcement officers. Plain clothes officers but equipped with infrared detection visors. All digital and all computerized.  Specifically designed to filter individuals and crowds and immediately identify offenders. 

After which? 

A non threatening snatch squad could be surreptitiously dispatched,  to guide, escort and remove the identified threat from the presence of the obedient ones. 

Any of those potentials make you feel uneasy?  Sound too much like science fiction?  Well I would bet if we could take a time machine back to 2019?

And I put on the table the realities of the present day? You wouldn't say the same thing. 

"Never gonna happen."  

"That is just some pipe dream!"

Because after all? This is America! We have a constitution and a Bill of Rights!  We have our rights!  

I am sorry, but the sad reality is that we have already seen the doors to a dystopian future opened and revealed to us by our ruling class in Washington, in media, social media and in the corporate board rooms.  

We can deny what we are seeing.  We can accept the government's representations of their fact checkers and we can accept their "damn your lying eyes" of reality versus approved reality?

But in your heart of hearts, you know the truth. And so do I. 

So what will it be today?  

My crystal ball reveals that the present re-masking and a coming lock down isn't the half of it. I foresee mandated vaccinations. By presidential executive order. And I see states and cities? More than willing to comply with enforcement. 

I see newly created arms of the government? Hunting down the non compliant. Forcing them to comply or face prosecution and internment in camps for the unclean and the disobedient. 

Criminalized non compliance? Yes, that is coming. 

Can't happen you say?  Get back to me next year this time and let's compare notes.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Thermopolis By Any Other Name? Is Present Day America

 Take a look at your own crystal ball. Tell me what "you" see.

Do you believe that your government really cares about you? At all?  Or are you no more than an insect to them. 

Like an aphid. 

Something to be regularly milked of your worth and stroked occasionally occasionally with handouts. 

You know? 

So that they can maintain their facade of caring about you. 

Look around you. 

Look at what is being done in these blue states right now. And what is being prepared for those of is who are barely hanging on in these so called red states. 

And make no mistake. Their plans are already afoot to inundate those red states with transplants and illegals. To eventually dilute their voting bases until it all turns blue. 

As a matter of fact? We all should be blue right now. Blue in the face and spitting mad about all of this. But we aren't. At least I don't see it.  

And then take a look around at what is about to be implemented and what is about to be reimplemented by the federal government. 

In places like California and New York and Michigan and Chicago? They are already reimplementing mask mandates there. And Oh! by the way? Those that have been vaccinated in those blue states?

Forget about it.  

They will have to be masked too. And numerous school boards nationally and many here in Georgia and in the metro area?

Have already decreed. Vax or no vax, all of the kids K through 12, returning to school in a couple of weeks? Will have to wear a mask when they return to school. 

Follow the science!

But, but, but! You thought we had transcended all of that. Well guess again. And they are coming for you and I and the rest of us and very soon. 

Take a look at Biden and his rogues. They have already mandated that the entire US Military must be vaccinated, along with the Veterans Administration. 

So how long before Veterans will be denied health care? If they have not been vaccinated. 

And by tomorrow? He intends to issue an edict that ALL federal employees must be vaccinated, or face weekly testing. Probably multiple testing each week. 

And what will be the purpose behind all of that?  

Very simple, if they cannot get Americans to voluntarily take their vaccines, they intend to make it so difficult and such a hardship on those who are not vaccinated?  That they they will simply give in, to avoid all of the hassles of endless testing. 

And who pays for all of that testing?  You do. 

But it does not end there. 

You will still be required to wear a mask? Everywhere you go again and soon. Bax or no bax. As these local mayors and governors get back on their band wagon and call for masks and more lock downs. 


15 days to stop the spread? Remember that?  That was 15 months ago. And what has really changed. 

And presently? 

Biden and his administration and handlers,  are suggesting, but ultimately pressuring corporations to follow suit. That means mandates for all of their employees and all of their customers. 

We are presently standing at the doorway that leads to the Draconian power slide into complete authoritarian control. And ultimately Marxist socialism in America. 

Because once they have scared and punished enough Americans? Those Americans in majority will fold. Leaving only the "radicals" of the right to hold out. 

You know the ones. 

The same ones they brand daily as domestic terrorists and white supremacist. Yep, those would be the ones. 

In any other age or era of America? They might have been called patriots. But not in the present era. 

As Mark Levin has appropriately pointed out, America now exists as a post constitutional country.  An enigma. 

And that enigma is caused by the belief of some? That America is still a constitutional republic. It is not. They are systematically dismantling the constitution, our rights and our personal freedoms, before our eyes.  

If you still believe that America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Please direct me to where I can find either across the landscape of our present society. 

And the problem with the 2020 elections? That election was neither constitutional or democratic and regardless of the efforts of those presently in Arizona and Georgia qnd Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the evidence be damned.  

There were mountains of evidence against Hillary and Benghazi and her involvement in the Steel Dossier. Her emails and violations of the sevrecy act. 

As there were and are mountains of evidence of corruption and criminal conduct, against James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strozk and Lisa Page and a host of others throughout our government. 

Evidence was forged, federal warrants were forged. The entire mechanism of federal law enforcement and our intelligence agencies and the justice department were involved. 

All are corrupted. 

And what if Biden and Hunter and their probe-able nefarious actions in the Ukraine and China?  Or his killing the American oil industry, while opening uo everything to Putin and the Russians.  

And what has been done about any of it. Other than occasional media lip service. No one has been charged or arrested and they won't be. 

And the latest straw on that camel's back? 

Occurred yesterday. When the justice department published that that they had ceased their investigation into Andrew Cuomo and the thousands that died in New York nirsing homes. 

And the ATF has yet to breath a whisper of Hunter Bidens violations of the federal firearms act. 

Thousand who died by Cuomo's directives of putting the Covid infected into those nursing homes. When he had the Javitz Center and a US Navy hospital ship provided to him. Resources that were never used. 

And this after his own people have testified that he directed them to hide the numbers of nursing home deaths due to Covid and ordered them not cooperate with the justice department review of what had occurred with Covid deaths in nursing homes. 

So you still think the government is only looking out for your best interests?

Guess again. 

They are a hair's breath away from declaring a nation wide mask mandate and another nation wide lockdown. And these corporate interests and social media interests and the elites? Will all gladly go along with enforcing it. 

Every bit of it. 

To the point where you and I will not be able to buy or sell. Ever heard of that before? 

And once that occurs? Once again? Only essential services like grocery stores and pharmacies and liquor stores and lottery sales will be deemed essential. 

Elective surgeries will once again be postponed indefinitely due to Covid variants, while abortions will once again be considered essential health care. 

And Covid is the 900 pound gorilla that they intend to use to drive their continued conquest of America. 

And you had better obey.  

As one of the members of the Bristish parliament stated this week. Does anyone really believe that Covid will go away? That there won't be continied strains like the Delta variant unleashed.   

They claim the Delta and Lambda and Gamma are "varients."  Mutations is what Fauci and the so called government sponsored science is calling them

But are they really mutations? 

Or is the truth closer that we realize. Are they in truth truly"varients?" Engineered variants. Varients that have been unleashed the same way the original virus was and with the same motives?

Yes, there is far more method to the madness, than most Americans give them credit for. And as that same member of the British parliament surmised? 

Covid is not going away. There will be ongoing mutations and more varients. And ongoing lock downs and quarrantines. Because that is now their proven way to control the masses. 

And meanwhile?  While we are all being forced to wear masks and endure lockdowns and we are being refused service by businesses if we do not produce our Covid vaccination verification?

This same government is allowing tens of thousands of untested and unvaccinated illegals into this country every week and every month. Already over one million that we know about, since Biden took office. 

And what are they doing with them? They are loading them onto buses and planes and shipping them directly into red states? 

Just as fast as they can. And they are releasing them with a piece of paper, telling them when their court date may be? Never expecting to see them again. They know it and the illegals know it. 

All rather cheeky wouldn't you say?

Is this the America you grew up in? Is this the America that you or one of your family served in the military to protect and defend?

I can hazard a guess of how those parents and spouses and siblings of the over 7000 we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan must feel about their losses now.

Or the better part of the four million who served in those hell holes over the last twenty years, 10% of which came back home horribly scarred. With amputations and horrible wounds.

And what of the 50% or more of that four million? Who have been emotionally damaged by their experiences. The last time I checked? We are losing 21 of those a day to suicide. 

And what is your government doing?  They are telling you to pay no attention to those behind the curtains pulling the levers of socialism, Marxism and societal collapse. 

They want you focused on the pitted racism and the engineered division amongst Americans that they have created and continue to create. 

They tell us our enemies are white supremacist and domestic terrorist. All the while ignoring the real Marxists we have all seen in out streets over the last year. 

They equate the Jan 6 breaching of the Capitol to Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust all rolled into one. While they and their minions in media? Called the burning and looting of American cities last year?

Just peaceful protests. 

How much longer will Americans endure their "dam your lying eyes" of government propagated  truth and reality. 

As it stands, Pelosi's January 6th commision to investigate the breach of the Capitol? Is nothing more than a show trial and a means to continue to demonize anyone and everyone that opposes their Marxist mandates. 

They want to keep Americans focused on all of that, going into the 2022 midterms. Therefore, they will continue to beat that drum, while continuing to demonize Donald Trump and anyone who voted for him. 

While placating the masses with more and more platitudes of government handouts and the fears of Covid and clmate change and white supremacy and white privilege. 

That is the picture folks.

All you have to do is look around you. The tatters of what once was our country? Is laying on the ground all around you. 

And their 900 pound gorilla of Marxism? Hiding behind a shroud of "progressivism? Is busy destroying more and more of America every day. 

Lest we all pull together and begin to educate our friends and relatives to the truth? We will soon be staring blankly into the nightmare of Marxist socialism, and wondering what happened. 

The war we face is every bit as deadly as that faced by King Leonitus and the Spartans. And we are facing equally as many numbered enemies as he did with the Persians. 

Do we open our eyes and recognize what is really happening? And what we need to do or else? Or do we wait until our own battle of Thermopolis has occured. 

And then try to summon forth the tattered remains of what once was the greatest country on earth.  

To then try and save ourselves. 

You decide.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Just The Facts

 I may not be the sharpest spoon in the drawer? But I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday. 

And in my opinion and observations of these ongoing and most recent reports on the Covid virus?

This Delta variant is not a variant. And neither is the Lambda or the Gamma. 

These are not mutations. 

They are not mutations of the same virus? Or derivative of the same virus that initially "only infected and hospitalized and killed the elderly, and older people 65 and older with "pre-existing conditions." 

That virus? The original coronavirus? Covid 19? Had no affect on the young. Remember? 

If the young are now being infected and kids are now being infected and affected similarly and worse than older people? 

And the viral attack of these three new viruses is worse than Sars Cov2? Then these are new viruses. 

And I leave their origins up to you to determine. 

Page two of the China plan? 

You decide. 

But whatever you do, educate yourself. Don't depend on or trust the media hustle of the government information offices, to tell you the truth. 

As for me? I am tired of being lied to by the government and their so-called viral specialist and scientists. 

Follow the science? No! Follow the money!  And the money leads back to Anthony Fauci. 

Especially after the facts now having now been revealed? That Anthony Fauci was and is ass deep in the funding and creation of the original Wuhan virus. 

We now know some of the truth and some of the facts. And those truths and facts, are no longer so called conspiracy theories. 

The virus was created in the Wuhan lab. Fact!

Fauci's "colleagues" so much as told him that directly in January of 2020 emails directed to him. So he knew about the origins and creation of the virus all along. Fact! 

And he warned of a soon to be pandemic release in 2017. Fact!

Fauci lied to President Trump and the American people from day one. Across the board. Fact!

Hydroxy chloroquine was and is a valid treatment for the initial virus. Fact!

So fact check that FB. 

Because you know that those facts are now indisputable facts. 

Facts that were known all along and you and others social media platforms. You knew those facts all along. Yet you denied the truth and deleted those facts for over a year. People had their accounts suspended, for even whispering the truth. 

Prepare yourself folks. 

Because If these new viruses are half as deadly and contagious as they are saying they are? And they are half again as virulent? 

Then their so called vaccines are going to be useless. The same as their flu vaccines have been 60-70% useless for the last twenty years. 

Believe what you will? 

But it is looking more and more like those who have been sounding the alarm of a global de-population plan? 

May have been right all along. πŸ€”