Thursday, December 31, 2020

My End of Year Ponderings And The Mark of The Beast To Come

Today is the last day of 2020.  Finally.  But does anything really change?  I don't believe so.  Especially not the outcome of the presidential election.  Regardless of what the pundits and the president and others may think?  Whether several congressmen and senators decide to challenge the electoral college submissions or not on January 6th?  That will not change a damn thing.  As the majorities in both houses my be forced to debate the issue for a day or so?  The end result will be the same.  They will accept the certifications by acclimation vote and that will be that.  After which, the two senate seats in Georgia may still not be resolved by the end of next week.

Meanwhile, two interesting things have occurred in the last few weeks.  About two weeks ago, it was learned that Wikileaks had downloaded all of their files to searchable databases.  Including Hillary Clinton's missing 33,000 emails and a plethora of other damning information.  Especially for democrats.  And since then?  Not a peep from the media.  I have been waiting ever since to see mention of it on Fox at night with Carlson, Hannity or Ingraham.  And nada.

And on Tuesday?  The government of the Ukraine held a news conference where they laid out the facts and the evidence of the corruption and collusion that has gone on between corrupt Ukrainian officials and the Biden family.  Including Joe Biden, of which they have voice recording of him speaking to the Ukrainian president and belittling President Trump to him, while tell him that their arrangements would continue. 

And lest we forget?  Over a month before the election?  The revelations of Hunter Biden's laptop were revealed and published by the New York Post.  After which, mainstream media in America and their megalithic patrons of social media like twitter and facebook, made the decision to refuse to cover the story and to suspend and delete the accounts of anyone attempting to bring the story to light.  Including the accounts of the New York Post and the account of Kaleigh MaNaney, the president's press secretary.

And once Joe Biden is sworn into office?  It all goes away.  As it should have?  Had only Hillary Clinton won the election four years ago.  So don't look for anything to change my friends.  Other than the ever creeping reality that America is being destroyed.  Your freedoms are being destroyed?  And within the next six months?  You will either be required to accept the mark of the beast?  Or as the Bible foretold, you will not be able to buy or sell of trade or exist.   

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Planting The Seeds For The Gardens of The Mind

Any good farmer knows, the lion's share of a successful crop, is the preparation that goes into preparing the ground for the seeds.  And after planting, an equal share of work is invested in nurturing those seeds into fruition as a harvest-able crop.

The same is true when you are going after the human mind and the human spirit.  Each must be properly prepared for the seed messages to come.  Their surfaces sufficiently plowed and worked into malleable mediums for the seeds of thought and ideology to grow.

And once those seeds of ideology are planted, they must be nurtured.  Which represents the responsibility of education to insure that nothing else supplants those ideological seeds.  And if the plan is successful?  A bountiful harvest of ideologues will be the end result. 

We can look at various world leaders, tyrants and time frames throughout modern history and see these dynamics at play, but I dare say, we would be challenged to find a time, when the mind-fuck of America was less prevalent or less effective than today. Harsh language? Well these are harsh times and the analogy represented, is the most direct and accurate assessment of what has happened and what is happening to this country.

The ground is being prepared right now (once again), for the next mind-fuck concerning Covid. The elitists have now discovered and proven, that with the proper tools to implement their fear attacks, the lemmings willfully dance to whatever tune is played by the pipers.


And this time it will be terrible!  "The new mutation is 70% more virulent than the original." The hospitals are filling up again!  They are out of ICU room!  If you believe the reports. The refrigerator trucks are being brought in for morgues, and to top that off, the vaccines may not work!  That's right, the vaccines may not work.  Which is to ask the question?  Who really expected them to work. 

From day one we have been told that at best? They might have a 30-50% efficacy rate.  Sound familiar?  Kinda like the annual flu shots?  That when they do not work? They may not provide immunity beyond a few months. 

The immediate alibi and explanation for when annual flu vaccines fail is:  "Well this is a vaccine from last year's flu.  So this year's flu is not affected by the vaccine."  Yet tens of millions of Americans have dutifully received their flu vaccines for the last twenty years or more. And when a large number of them got the flu anyway?  Well that was a non story.  And we all know that the media does not report non stories. 

So get ready America.  Super Joe Biden takes office January 20th. And he told us that he could put an end to this virus.  He could stop it.  And his first directive? Will be that a mandatory 100 day mask order to be signed.  So next after that?  I am guessing?  A 100 day national lock down. Or more.  Because?  We have to beat this virus, even if it kills us.

Remember the 15 days to stop the spread campaign last March?  Well how did that work out for America.  And so will be the same reality of a 100 day lock down nationally. Does anyone seriously think or believe that the Covid virus will just die out or cease to exist, because we turned America into a nation of bunkered in burrow rats.  I for one do not believe it.

What I do believe is this.  The corona virus (SARS Cov2), is a man made creation.  It is literally either the Genie that escaped the bottle, or the Pandora of Pandora's Box fame. Either way, I do not believe that there exists any immediate resolutions to this so called pandemic.  Other than the Darwin effect.  Which is? The strong survive, the weak die and that is the way it is and always has been in nature. Natural selection for all to see. Up close and personal.  As it should be.  Because absent the lessons learned, the test is irrelevant. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

None Are So Blind, As Those Who Refuse To See


"O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not"

Jeremiah 5:21

When Bill Clinton left office after eight years, the national debt was 5.6 Trillion dollars.  After the eight years of the George Bush administration, the deficit grew, adding another 4 Trillion after the 9/11 attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. After the eight years of Barack Obama, the deficit was increased by 8.6 Trillion dollars. 

For anyone counting?  That is a total of roughly 18 Trillion dollars accrued in 16 years.  As it stands today, congress is on the verge of borrowing another 3.3 Trillion dollars this year for Covid relief.  Adding to the 2.2 they have already borrowed and spent on Covid.  Meaning? our national debt?  Will rise to approximately 28 Trillion dollars.

Now ask yourself this.  How do we anticipate paying that debt.  And how long will that take.  The present estimates of our deficit reflect that in 2021?  America will borrow more money?  That the entire country makes in GDP.  So wrap your head around that.  Try owing seven times what your income is already?  And asking for the bank to float another loan for you.  This tome?  For more net value than your entire income over the next year.

A Trillion dollars?  Is an entire football field stacked 4 feet high in banded $100 bills.  And we owe? Twenty eight football fields of $100 bills to our creditors.  And how do we re-pay that?  We don't.  There is only two solutions to that level of debt. Bankruptcy or war. 

You decide.

PS.  The visualization of stacked $100 bills next to the Statute of Liberty?  Was when our debt was only 14.5 Trillion.  ;-)


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Well Fiddle Dee Dee. Tomorrow Is That Day.

Good morning America.  As Miss Scarlet would have said? 

"I won't worry about that today.  Because after all? Tomorrow is another day." Well?  Today is that day.  Today is that day when we can no longer avoid the obvious.  Today is the first day of the last days of our republic. 

Make no mistake, America's ship of state has been sinking and going down by the bow for the last thirty years or more. But we have now reached the point, as the great Titanic once did. When the forces of dynamics, broke her spine. As ours has now been broken.  And she separated into two separate injured halves.  Before slipping silently beneath the waves. Never to be seen or heard from again, until an explorer found her grave some seventy odd years later.

After which, having began the muse over how she had come to be so completely destroyed. The great Titanic?  She was supposed to be unsinkable.  And so was America.

I believe that one day?  Perhaps in 100 or another 200 years?  Someone will find the grave of America. Similarly broken into two separate halves, and cast into the depths of what once was. America, much like the Titanic has long been vaunted as unsinkable.  Yet the realities now tell us something much different. We too struck the berg and now must deal with the consequences.

There have been warnings for decades.  Yet those we elected to defend and protect us?  Literally rearranged the deck chairs on our ship of state, while it was endlessly taking on water and becoming more and more un-salvageable.  And now we are here.  That day Miss Scarlet spoke of is upon us and we can no longer postpone it. Well fiddle dee dee. 

We can discuss and re-hash the why's and wherefore's infinitum, but it makes no difference how our republic died at this point.  The fact that it is dead, is sufficient for us as a nation to recognize.  Some said this week, that we were about to learn if our constitution was in fact a living breathing document with enforceable teeth.  Or, if it was just an antiquated piece of parchment in the National Archives.  That question has now been answered and it is the latter. The supreme court issued a spineless and anonymous denial of the Texas lawsuit at 8 pm last night.  They did not even have the courage to reveal anything about their decision. Neither were any dissents posted.  Therefore, it is left to the imagination, that their decision was or must have been unanimous. 

Unanimous in cowardice.

As I told a good friend this morning?  It is time to take down the constitution.  Remove if from the gallery as the center piece of our republic. Stow it away with all the other antiquated documents of a by gone era. For the US constitution, is now as useless as a dead leaf, blowing in the wind. Rendered so by the cowardice of the supreme court. And yet, there were supposed to be at least three so called "constitutionalist justices on that court. Yet their voices were absent even in dissent. And thus, they  made it so last night, by abdicating their responsibilities to the constitution and to the people.

So, stand back now and watch as the great ship America?  Raises by the stern.  The bow full face down and submerged, as the Titanic once rose. And as the Titanic faced her fate that chilled April night in 1912, we now face our own fate in the chilled reality of December 2020.  The backbone of this great nation is broken. And as was the reality for those aboard Titanic, there are not enough life boats to rescue America either.

Those leftist radical bastards masquerading as progressives and democrats in congress, have insured that reality over the last thirty years.  And so who will be the present day Carpathia.  I say it will be China.  With the exception being, that they will not appear on the horizon to rescue the sinking of America.  They will come sailing quietly into the littered waters of what remains of our republic.  Not to save us, but to own us.  Count on it.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Time To Cowboy Up America


Hell No. I will Not Apologise. I will Not Unite With Leftist. I Will Not Surrender To Egalitarian Bullshit

Someone else wrote this and posted it.  I have shared it to all of my social media platforms. Because I believe what is written here?  Is not only the truth, but the prescient truth.  This is our reality America.  These sorry bastards pulled everything that is listed below?  But now they want to be united?  And they want to pull all of this Kumbayah bullshit? 

I say hell no!  Not in this life time cupcakes.  You drew the battle lines.  You began the war on my country, my values, my heritage, my history, my faith and every damn thing else in America?  And now you want to be buds? I don't think so.  Not now, not ever.  You are the embodiment of the sworn enemies of America.  Your are the evil among us. Hell No!

How about this?  How about you kiss my ass.  And don't look back.  Because my positions concerning you and your moral degeneracy and the evil that you further and represent will not change.  I swore an oath to protect my nation and it's people from you long ago.  And that oath remains in effect.  And I will never renounce it for your candy ass'ed socialism or egalitarianism, or your go along to get along rainbow world of bullshit lies. 

The sign of the rainbow?  Is a covenant between my Lord and his people. That he would never destroy this earth again with water.  However, he has promised to destroy it with fire if need be.  His covenant It is not a covenant between your homosexual supporting world, or those forced to endure your hijacking of that symbol for heresy. 

God All Mighty's covenants are true.  And presently?  You and your ilk are calling down his thunder and calling down his wrath.  May he have mercy on your souls.


I tolerated 44 (Obama) for 8 years and kept quiet.

Here is my issue with the whole, “let us all be a United States again” that we heard from Joe Biden.

For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth. You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.

The problem is 72+ million of us have memories longer than a hamster.

We remember the women’s march (vagina hats and all) the day after inauguration.

We remember the 4 years of attacks and impeachments

We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”

We remember Maxie Walters telling followers to harass us in restaurants.

We remember the Presidents spokesperson being kicked out a restaurant.

We remember hundreds of Trump supporters physically attacked.

We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.

We remember riots, and looting

We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head

We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump

We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F" Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.

We remember the total in the tank move on the mainstream media

We remember the non-stop and live fact checking on our President and his supporters.

We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.

We remember the President and his staff being spied on.

We remember five Senators shot on a ballfield.

We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.

We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.

We remember the state governors asking and getting everything they ask for and then blaming Trump for their problems.

We remember a Trump top aid verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants.

We remember people banging on the Supreme Court doors.

We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We remember that Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected but they stayed.

This list is endless, but you get the idea.

My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been on the attack for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me!

Copy and paste because FB wouldn't let me share.


Saturday, December 05, 2020

So, You Don't Believe That It Is Really That Important

For those who don't believe that it is really that important for the Republicans to maintain control in the Senate? Just look around you. The Democrats under Schumer and Pelosi and Beto O'Rourke and Bernie Sanders and AOC and the rest of that clown Circus? Have gone on record with a laundry list of intentions to thwart everything but they're so cold progressive agenda in America.

Not the least of which being? They intend to come after the second amendment and your gun rights as American citizens. And how do they propose to do that you might ask? They intend to implement taxation on all firearms all magazines all ammunition and everything they possibly can. Furthermore, they intend to do their best to make all of that retroactive

And if they get their way? They will implement a $200 tax on every firearm in existence in America.  They will implement the same tax on any pistol or rifle magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. They will enact exorbitant taxation on the purchase of all ammunition in America. To the point that you will simply not be able to afford to buy ammunition..

They can't do that! You might assume. But then again. Would you have believed that police officials in America would be being sent to enforce arrest on America citizens, for violating these caveats of mayors and governors? Against those who refuse to close their businesses? Or those who refuse to be in perpetual lockdown? Lock downs, which perpetually bankrupt this country?

So tell me again how they will not attempt to use the existing law enforcement powers of this country? Not to enforce criminal laws, not to go after real criminals in the street, not to protect and preserve your freedom and property? But to in fact pursue you as a criminal for the crime of having the audacity to possess a firearm.

These are the reality is people. And do not think or believe for one moment that the radical leftist, Democrat, socialist, New World order, does not have anything but these intentions in store for you. And the rest of America given the opportunity. .It has been rightfully said?  

"Use it or lose it."

And I personally believe? That there are no more to glaring examples of that reality? That our first and Second Amendment rights in this country under attack by the egalitarian, socialist left . 

When it comes to your rights? Use them or lose them.

Impeach Them?

Impeachment is a funny thing in American politics.  Rarely utilized and rarely successful. Why?   Because more often than not, impeachment has been attempted as a means to an end, rather than s a constitutionally authorized tool, to remove the criminally corrupt, or those who have undeniably abandoned their oaths of office to the people of their state or the country. 

Oaths, which specifically require adherence to and protection of the US Constitution. Taken as a solemn vow, by all elected representatives, members of the military and law enforcement.

This time last year, the US House was in full tilt mode, to impeach president Trump.  And they did.  Offering their weak minded and baseless letters of impeachment to the US senate.  A US senate who duly reviewed the letters of impeachment, per the constitution. After which the senate took a vote on the evidence and the president was not found guilty of the lies being represented by the rogues gallery of democrats in the house. Those pursuing a biased and prejudicial agenda. 

This impeachment is but the most recent example of the abuses of power that our elected representatives are capable, if we allow them to get away with abusing their power.

Fast forward to the present?  And we have at least two sitting governors facing state impeachment from office. And there are at least another half dozen governors across America, who deserve impeachment. Governor Mike Dewine (Oh) republican and Gretchen Whitmer (Mi) democrat, are each facing impeachment.  And they should be.  And so should be the Governors of California, New York, New Jersey and several other states. 

Their crimes or violations of the Constitution?  They have violated their oaths of office and their solemn promise to their people and to the US constitution and to their individual state constitutions.  The US Constitution is implicit, in that the states can neither make any law that is contrary to the rights and provisions of the US Constitution, or deny their citizens the protections thereof.

Yet that is precisely what governors Dewine and Whitmer are doing and have done.  There are no provisions in the constitution that provide for the implementation of fiefdoms of law.  Or the establishment of draconian caveats, or the creation of orders that circumvent the Constitution.  The constitution and the Bill of Rights specifically forbade that.  Yet these would be kings, have been doing just that for over the last 8-9 months. And after being continually emboldened by a complicit media? They intend to go further.  They intend to restrict more.  They intend to lock down more.  And all under the auspices of protecting the public from themselves.  

As an individual who has studied the US Constitution for most of my life?  Not as someone observing it as if it were some document of imperial insight, or in depth to the point that only the most brilliant minds need approach it?  But as a common man. 

As it was intended to be read and understood when it was written.  No, the problem with constitutional law is not the Constitution.  The Constitution does not require nine or more robbed oracles to reveal the secrets of the document.  Far from it.  All that is required, is that the latest attempts to attack our republic or our nation, be examined in comparison to what the Constitution says. After which the answers become self evident. 

Remember that phrase?  "We hold these truths to be self evident." 

Those were the intents and guideposts that our founding father employed to create this nation and to enshrine and protect our freedoms in the COnstitution.  We hold these truths to be self evident.  Well do we?  Or do we allow those who have weaseled their way into elected office?  To simply tell us, "damn you lying eyes!"  "Avert your gaze! Do not look upon us in our darkness!  We know what we are doing!  We are in charge!  This is for your own good!"

Does any of that seem or sound familiar?

I say it does.  I say it is time for the American people to awake from their stupor.  It is time to take this nation back.  While we can.  I believe that if there is one failure, one gap, or one specific that the founding fathers failed to include in the Constitution?  It should have been the 11th amendment.  Not the present one, but the one they should have written and included. Right after the 10th amendment which reads: 

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

I believe that the 10th amendment is straight forward and basically clear to the person of average intellect.  Reading basically?  That anything, any power, any right?  Not specifically included into this document as a power of the government, shall be the exclusive right and power of the people. I believe that the 10th amendment is: "self evident."

And therefore, I believe there should have been an 11th amendment immediately created.  An amendment that stated clearly, that the moment the rights of the people become threatened by the government, it is the duty of those governing the law enforcement and military bodies of this nation, to stand aside.  Stand aside for the people.  Because when you allow those who have violated their sworn oaths to this nation, the Constitution and the American people?  Then you have done the same and you have have become equally complicit and corrupt.  Therefore, stand aside, you no longer have or hold any authority or standing over the people.

That is what we need.  That is what should be the standard.  Either way, it is tie for the American people to take back their country.  And the radical left and all of those aligned with them be damned.