Thursday, June 24, 2021

So. You want To Sink My Battleshio?

 Yesterday, Joe Biden reinterated his argument that anyone attempting to take on the US Government?

Would need F-15's. 

Last week, he added to that threat, that they would also need hellfire missiles, but yesterday he included nuclear weapons as a necessity for challenging his government. 

Another quip he often makes. He refers to the presidency and the US government as: "My government."

Once again misconstruing Thomas Jefferson's famous quote and once again misquoting him. 

Jefferson said: ""the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Biden in both instances of his embellished usage of Jefferson's quote in one week? Either neglecting to mention the blood of tyrants included in Jefferson's quote, or proving that he is completely unfamiliar with the inclusion of tyrants in Jefferson's quote. 

As for me? I took a little more away from Biden's statement. I took his words as a threat to all Americans. 

Specifically stating that that anyone who wished to challenge the US Government would need weapons of war. 

Which is precisely what hellfire

missiles and nuclear weapons are. 

Taken on its face? Biden's statement implicitly implies that he would use the US military and weapons of war? To repel any attempt by the people to challenge the present tyranny in motion in Washington DC. 

I also noted that he previously stated that "AK 47's would not be sufficient to challenge him and his military might. 

First off? 

At best these remarks were tongue in cheek snide remarks, intended to dismiss and demonize as fools, anyone who might think that they can defend themselves against the present imperial presidency. 

At worst, he admitted that armed Americans are a threat to him and the present regime of Marxist intent on destroying this country. 

And including weapons of war in the US inventory as part his boastful defense, clearly says to me? That given the opportunity? He intends to use the US militaey to enforce his caveats and further intrusions on Americans liberty. 

Perhaps he needs to avail himself to recent American history. Specifically? America's war in Vietnam. 

Because as I recall? The Vietnamese? Did not need an air force or bombing capabilities with missiles to defeat America. 

They accomplishwd defeating America with AK 47's and basic munitions. Combined with what weapons and explosives they acquired from their enemies. 

The same was true in Afghanistan and guerillas who fought against the Russian military might of the 1980's. 


If Biden and his handlers are intent on revisiting similar situations?  And challengung Americans to war with him and his regime? I will put my money on the insurgents. Specifically, those that he and these leftist are fomenting and creating, via their tyrannical ideologies and threats. 

Americans have stood up to tyranny, both foreign and domestic in the past. And they will again if pressed.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Where's The Beef?

 Where is the John Durham investigation report. 🤔

John Durham was appointed special counsel? To investigate the US intelligence agencies, including the FBI and their collective involvement in spying on American citizens. In the spring of 2019. Two years ago. 

In particular? To investigate who and why was President Donald Trump and his campaign personnel soecifically targeted by US Inteligence and the FBI for  federal investigations. Both before and after his inauguration. 

Carter Page was wire tapped by the FBI for 18 months. Based upon now known fraudulent representations and provable lies in FISA warrants. Yet nothing has been done about it. 

Strozk and his lover Page, were proven to be instrumental in attempting to sabotage and fabricate much of that evidence. And nothing had been done aboit it. 

James Comey and Andrew McCabe have been proven to have been aware of the fabricated Steele Dosier and the Russian collusion probe. 

They were both proven to be materially involved in the commission of direct and conspiracy related actions that were felony crimes. Yet nothing has been done about it

As nothing has been done about Hillary and her missing emails and corrupted personal server, or her repeated violations of the National Secrecy Act.  Or her destruction of evidence with bleach bit and hammers taken to her computers and government issued Blackberry phones.  And nothing has been done about it. 

And two years after the fact? There is still nothing from

John Durham's so called investigation. 

Given authority by then Attorney General William Barr? Durham has yet to produce anything. And he hasn't been seen or heard from in over a year. 

The media is willing to give shade to Durham and point out that the investigation was slowed by Covid. 

As is apparently? 

Examining the hard evidence, such as the FISA warrant affidavits?  Which have at least 61 known incidents of falsification and misrepresentation of evidence in them? According to Congressman Jim Jordan. 

Falsified warrant affidavits, submitted by FBI agents, with the knowledge and approval of both Andrew McCabe and James Comey. Yet nada. 

Could Covid some how infect Durham or his staff by reviewing records and hard copy evidence. Add to that? Durham has apparently yet to discover the premise of zoom meetings. 

Add to that? Absolutely none of the FISA court judges have either taken exception to or any court actions against those who lied and swore to fictitious FISA warrant affidavits brought before them.  


So as the old lady in the classic Wendy's commercials would have said: 

"Where's the beef?!"

Well? It looks like there is no beef. Just a big fat nothing burger of an investigation by Durham and everyone else involved and responsible for justice in America. Not because there is no evidence or evidence of crimes. 

But because there is no accountability of the elitists of Washington. Who investigates and or prosecutes FBI misconduct? Or that of the CIA or NSA?

Congress?  Hell no! And certainly not the present congress.  

The evidence of corrupt criminality and abuse of power is palpable. Yet Durham and his team just can't seem to see it. 

Kinda like Trey Gowdy's investigation of Benghazi and Hillary Clinton. Anyone remember that? 

What we saw was a lot of political theater, with More than enough evidence to assign guilt and responsibility? Yet in the end, nothing was ever done. Or ever will be done.  Because as Hillary lamented?

"What difference does it make!"

So as it concerns William

Barr and John Durham and their big investigations?  All we have is othing but a big nothing burger. 

And like all so called investigations in Washington?  In the end, those investigations lead nowhere, and they disappear like a fart in the wind? And the guilty are never brought to answer for their crimes. 

And the American people sit idly by. Like light blinded deer. Inable to even be curious as to why. 😡

Constitutionalists? Not!

 For those interested, yesterday, the supreme court once again punted.  

For the third time on Onama Care.  Stating that the 18 plaintiff states? Had no standing to sue for relief. 

Well let's look at that shall we. 

The states have been saddled with implementing the affordable care act. Which includes the expense involved, in implementing and maintaining it.   

But they have no standing according to the supreme court. 

So that means? If the federal government and congress? Decide to pass a law that requires each individual, making let's say over $50,000 a year? 


To contribute 10% of their net income to a fund that provides for vacation supplemental income?  For those who cannot afford a vacation?

Then we as Americans have no recourse. As according to the supreme court?  Even though it is costing us our money?

We have no standing to sue. 

Which translates as the supreme court ruled yesterday?  "That we have suffered no injury."

Or what about this?

Say congress passes a reparations act? That says each "white American?" Has to pay $50,000 apiece? To pay for slave reparations?

Once again, we are not allowed to sue for damages.  As "we have suffered no injury, according to the supreme court's determination.  ðŸ¤”

And what do you think congress is presently bantering as their next "relief package" for the systemically oppressed.  ðŸ¤”

The bottom line is this. 

We have a constitution, that took eleven years to draft. That constitution established three branches of government. 

That constitution established the limited powers of the federal government. 

And that same constitution, established the rights of the people, to be free from oppressive regulation or law, to be established in violation of that constitution. 

And as we saw once again yesterday? The court since the appointment of John Roberts by George Bush? Has comsistenly kicked the can down the road, as it concerns living up to their constitutional obligations to the people. 

The constitution was written so that the common man could read and understand it. And the entire purpose of the creation of a supreme court? Was to insure that the government could not step outside the bounds of their power, clearly outlined in the constituion, to enact laws, contrary to what was/is written in the constitution. 

Yet once again yesterday? We saw the supreme court abdicate their responsibility to both uphold and enforce the constitution. 

Their ruling yesterday specifically stated, that they were not ruling on the constitutionality of the affordable care act. 

Only that they were maintaining that their was no legal standing for those 18 states to sue for relief. As in the opinion of seven of those justices? 

No injury had occurred. 

No harm no fowl. 

Which means they once again took the same oosition as they did with the 14th amendment challenges, to Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arozona, having illegally changed their voting laws. To supposedly accommodate mail

In ballots, due to the drummed up fears of Covid. In the 2029 election. 

The supreme court, once again, kicked the can down the road.  As they did yesterday and in both instances. 

And for the same reasons. 

They are afraid of the socalled progressive, Marxist left

In America. They are afraid that to vote as constitutionalists? And follow the constitution? Would lead to social unrest and rioting. 

Which means they have studied well, the social tone of this woke generation and their corporate and media supporters. 

And this is where we are today in America.  The Marxist left has already won. And they will continue to win? Because the supreme court is now cowed and controlled by media, corporate money and the egalitarian Marxist left. 

And remember this. 

Justices Gorsuch, Kavenaigh and Comey Bryant?  All appointed to the court by President Trump? As so called comstitutionalist? Have yet to live up to the so called 6 member conservative majority that theybwer olaced there to be. 

Chief justice Roberts has consistently voted with the left duing his 18 year tenure. And now we can clearly see the same trend with Kavenaigh and Coney Bryant. 

And even Clarence Thomas voted against the American people yesterday, by siding with the corrupted interpretation of the constitution.  

Three words

America is doomed. 

Unless and until it is all torn down? And the rule of law and freedom are either reestablished?

Or forever relegated to the ash heap of history. And replaced with Marxism. 🤔 

And from what I am seeing? The latter is being established as the final outcome.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Well yesterday was the big day. The "Summit" in Geneva, between Biden and Putin. 

If you listened to the build up by the lame stream American media?  You might have thought that it was going to be High Noon with Garry Cooper. 

But that isn't what I saw.  And neither did the rest of the world. 

What I saw? Was more akin to the movie West World. And the autocrat automatron Putin? Playing his part as the killer gunslinger Yul Brenner perfectly. 

Putin effortlessly made Biden out to be the squishy pants no threat, that he really is in front of the world. 

I saw a weak minded and feeble looking Biden.  Pretending to be a gun slinger for the media. Walking timidly toward the big confrontation. 

However, the supposed stoic mystery man being concealed behind Biden's Raybans and his handlers? 

Was ultimately revealed to be a crossed legged timid poser. Figgeting with his flash cards and trying to remember what he was supposed to say. 

Watching Biden's performance on the news last night?  My mind drifted back to Biden's speech a couple of weeks ago. 

Where he supposedly complimented the little nine year old girl on the front row. According to Biden? "Sitting there cross legged, just like a 19 year old little lady."

Remember that?  I do. 

And when I saw him sitting there yesterday? Legs crossed? Fiddling with his flash cards? While Putin eyed him like a sophomore cheerleader?  

Well the analogy was prescient 

Nothing was accomplished by their meeting.  Putin agreed to nothing and Putin walked away with his guns still holstered. Having obviously assessed the present American president as a non threat, and a non issue. 

Yes, Putin most definitely reminded me of Yul Brenner in West World. And the character's first encounter with the American tourists. Pretending to be gun slingers. 

Only later to square off with the make believe president and his make believe threat. And stone cold stare him down and walk away. 

Anyone else notice the resemblance? Of Putin and Yul Brenner in West World?

But I digress.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Joe The Elf

 I watched the video clips of Joe Biden on his G7 and NATO tour through Europe last night, and I was ashamed that this is the man now representing America to the world. 

No, I am not embarrassed. Biden's performance was much worse than embarrassing. It was shameful. 

America's back?  

Yeah, we are back alright.  

Back to being the cash cow and the door mat to the rest of the world. And the rest of the world knows it. And that was shown on each of their faces, once they were in the presence of the feeble and mentally dull president of the US. 

Angela Merkle could be seen walking in front of Biden? Still smirking. 

As a matter of fact? From Merkle to Macron? They all looked like they were leading a kindergarten class on a field trip with Buddy the Elf. 

Even the Queen of England could be seen trailing the procession with her head down. Obviously grieving the process of even having to be there. 

I watched the round table meeting of the G7, where Boris Johnson of the UK, took the lead and immediately had to remind Biden, that he had already introduced the president of South Africa. 

Much to the chagrin of all present. Again? Merkle and Macron were seen smirking. 

During which time, Boris Johnson is seen extending his left arm backward twice to Biden, who was seated on his left. Both times in a sweeping push back gesture of dismissal. 

As if to say shush! The adults are speaking. 

And then to see Biden admitting that his appearances with the media are choreographed and pre-approved by his "staff."      

And then admitting to reporters, that if he goes off script? He gets in trouble with his staff. 

So ask yourself this question. 

How can the most powerful man on the planet? The president of the United States? Get in trouble with his subordinates? Unless they are not his subordinates. Unless he is subordinate to them.  

Think about that for a minute. 

Then get you head wrapped around Biden telling the media that he is going to give Putin the what for, when he meets with him later today. 

Of course that meeting will be in private. Absent any post conference joint press conference. 

Because Biden's "staff?" Doesn't want to run the risk of Biden coming across as the light weight and absent minded fool that he truly is.  

Yes? Vladimir Putin? 

Will hand Joe Biden his ass when they meet in private today. Count on it. Although that fact will never be reported on or admitted to by American media.   

Look for those details from the British media. 

And afterwards?  The American media will tell the American dupes? How Biden demonstrated much needed calm and leadership. 

In contrast to the bad orange man. 

They will tell the American people, how Biden showed Putin a thing or two. 

And they will lament how Biden having shared his Corn Pop story with Putin? 

Putin cowered. 

They will tell us that Putin immediately acquiesced to everything that Biden wanted. Which wasn't much of anything.  

However, Putin obviously didn't want to become another scalp on the belt of the Corn Pop slayer. 

And? Other than for the media to tell Putin's side of the story, as it being simply a nice meeting? Don't expect anything beyond from American media. 

Am I embarrassed? No. 

Why be embarrassed by the known qualities of an ass clown. Especially someone that you know, is going to make an ass of himself. 

So no. I am not embarrassed for America. I am angry. And I am

Ashamed.  And every other American who saw that classless shitshow of a clown circus?  Should be ashamed also.

Lies And Damn Lies. The American Media

 Just finished reading an article, citing the untruthfulness of American journalism and those globally, like Al Jazera, who exist to vilify Israel and America. 

And when their lies are revealed as lies? No one seems to notice. And worse? No one seems to care. 

The author of the article lamented the days of truthful journalism, and harkened back to the days of Walter Cronkite. 

Born in the 1950's? I have more than rhetorical and anecdotal memories of Cronkite. 

Having lived through his era and that of David Brinkley? I remember all too well, how they both covered the war in Vietnam

Cronkite more so than Brinkley. 

Both were the original television architects of news reporting for the boob box media of the time. With Cronkite leading the parade. 

And in my opinion, and in the opinion of many others my age and older?  We remember how Cronkite wrapped himself in his nightly coverage of the daily death toll of Americans in Vietnam. 

Cronkite shaped America's opinion of the war, by reading nightly body counts.  Then  showing video clips of the body bags and the medi-vac helicopters carrying the American dead and wounded. 

Cronkite was also the lead in cementing the idea that America had lost the bombing campaign of Hanoi and the Tet offensive. When in fact the exact opposite was true. 

General Giap admitted after the war, that America's reluctance to continue bombing Hanoi and the north, combined with the aid of American opinion being formulated by American media? Had led to Vietnam's victory and America's defeat. 


General Vo Nguyen Giap was the commander in chief of the communist armed forces during two of his country's most difficult conflicts—the first against Vietnam's colonial masters, the French, and the second against the most powerful nation on earth, the United States. After long and bloody conflicts, he defeated both Western powers and their Vietnamese allies, forever changing modern warfare. In Giap, military historian James A. Warren dives deep into the conflict to bring to life a revolutionary general and reveal the groundbreaking strategies that defeated world powers against incredible odds. Synthesizing ideas and tactics from an extraordinary range of sources, Giap was one of the first to realize that war is more than a series of battles between two armies and that victory can be won through the strength of a society's social fabric. As America's wars in the Middle East rage on, this is an important and timely look at a man who was a master at defeating his enemies even as they thought they were winning.

And Giap's primary means of defeating America? Was the American media. Led by Walter Cronkite. 

Edward R. Murrow? Was the last genuine American journalist. 

And then as now, the number one effort of American media, is and has been to demonize and defeat this nation. 

A Pox on them all. :thinking:

Sunday, June 13, 2021

So Who Is Responsible For Gun Violence in America Today

So. What is causing "the uptick in gun violence in America today?" Got any clues?  I do. 

And? That question seems to be the big question on the lips of many of these socalled mayors, police chiefs, the media and social academics across America today. 

And the answers to that question are being provided, by those who are attempting to drive a political agenda, more so than to find any realistic solution. 

Absent any real understanding of the problem, or any real concern for that matter, as to what is really happening and why. Their one intent is to drive the politics of power and control over the people. 

As for the answers and the solutions? To gun violence in America?

I will be glad to explain to any of them? In no uncertain terms? That the answers to these questions are a plain as the nose on their face. 

Yet they continue to deny them and flee from the truth. 

They simply do not want to admit to the truth. Because

To do so? Would explode and destroy the rest of their sociologist socialism, and its non stop streaming of socialist bullshit into the minds of Americans. 

As the old country comedian Jerry Clower surmised thirty five years ago? When confronted by a head line in the New Your Times?

"Why Can't Johnny Read?"

Clower gave all of the reasons why Johnny couldn't read, but ended with one simple and prescient truth. Lack of desire for achievement , lack of goals, lack of parenting. 

Clower put it plain and simple. 

"Johnny can't read? Because Johnny don't want too! And nobody is making him!"

And the one thing Jerry Clower emphasised? Was that the reason American children were failing in schools? Had absolutely nothing to do with lack of opportunity. 

And he was right. 

It has been over thirty five years ago since Jerry Clower's truth's were spoken. And there have been many who have followed him, attempting to shine light into the same dark places of American education and culture. 

The dark places where the truth exists, covered over with the lies.  

And the only thing that has changed since then? Is that the reality of Jerry Clower's  statement has only gotten worse. 

Johnny can't read? Because Johnny don't want too. And nobody is making him. 

And you can extrapolate that one prescient reality, out across the entire spectrum of the present societal problems in America today.  And the answer comes back the same every time. 

We have literally spent billions on education in America on education In the last forty years. 

K thru 12 daycare and meal programs . We put computers in every class room, then we issued ipads to most every student. And what have we seen in return for those investments?  

Nothing but the steady decline in test scores and those graduating highshool? We are graduating those who not only have no abilities at a college level?  But those that can barely function in day to day life. 

How many stories of cashiers have you heard of and personally experienced? From burger restaurants to clothing stores to you name it?  Where those employes there? Cannot even make simple change for a purchase in cash. Absent a computerized cash register  doing the math for them.  

And these are the same people demanding $15 an hour and a so called livable wage. Yet they have no skills to earn that wage.  And they don't want any. Because that entails work. 

Simple math. And they still

can't do it. Adding, subtracting, multiplying. On basic everyday issues?  And they can't do it. 

So I am guessing? They must have long since done away with algebra in the schools. 

Add to that? The fact that the promiscuous thinking of thirty five and forty years ago, as it concerned education and personal responsibility? Has metastasized and infected every aspect and every issue of our lives to day. 

Thirty five and forty years ago? Is when America began falling behind educationally, compared to the world. Or as my grandmother would have said: 

"That's when the USA began suckling hind teat."  

And we don't have years or decades to catch up. The rest of the world is in the fast lanes of education, and we are in the handicapped parking. 

So what does all of that have to do with the reasons for the uptick in gun violence you may be asking?

Very simple. 

It is about personal responsibility, personal accountability and consequences of actions. 

And absent those three elements? Elements basically taught and reinforced for generations in America's schools?

Then you have the crime and violence problems that we are facing daily in America. 

Why the gun violence upticks?

Is that because of the easy availability of guns?

Well let is examine that premise shall we. Are guns easy to get in America?  And the answer to that question is two fold.   

Firstly? Guns are not easy to obtain if you are a law abiding citizen. They are expensive? And you have to pass a background check to purchase any firearm. 

However? If you are one of the millions presently inhabiting this country? Where the rules and the laws don't really apply to you?  Like the criminals and the thugs of particular classes and cultures?

Guns are very easy to obtain. 

You simply steal them. 

Either from a retail store? Or from the homes and cars of those who own them legally. 

I posted a report last week, where 845 guns had been stolen from cars in Atlanta alone, so far this year. 

That is 845 guns? Handguns? That are now in the streets and in the hands of criminals. 

How many more were stolen nationally. I would hazard a guess in the range of 10,000 or more stolen nationally in the same period of time.  

So what is the answer?  What is the solution. Do we need more stringent gun control laws?

Do we need more extensive background checks?

Do we need gun registration and or gun confiscation?  Of the guns currently owned by law abiding citizens?

Are those the answers?  If you listen to the talking heads of media and their so called analysts and pre-Madonna academics and politicians.  

Those are the only answers. 

But once again? They purposely overlook the obvious. 

I literally laugh when I hear Dr Anthony Fauci chastising anyone who he says is not following the scientific data. 

He is one of those pre-Madonnas and the media love him. 

Yet? Let one of any number of individuals like Candice Owens or a myriad of others, put their credentials and data on the table concerning race or violence? As it concerns crime, gun violence and those responsible for it?

And the issue suddenly turns to racism. You are a racist! For even bring up the "data."

But the data doesn't lie. 

Over half of the crime in America is committed by less than 6% of the population. And so are over 70% of the homicides. 

Yet no one wants to address that data. No one wants to admit that their is a culture afoot in this nation responsible for those levels of crime and gun violence ?

These are the individuals that seek no apologies. They only seek to further their own desires. And those desires are to take what they want and the remainder of America? 

Can kiss their asses. 

Because they posess the Kryptonite of all defenses.  

If you challenge them? They will tell you that they have been unjustly deprived of success. That they have unjustly been deprived of equality. That they have unjustly become victims of the system. 

And lastly and most importantly? Their inability to thrive and succeed in American society? Is due to to one reason and one reason only. Systemic racism. 

And don't bother to ask them about personal responsibility or personal accountability. And don't bother to show them the examples of those of their own culture, who have thrived and succeeded? Because they played by the rules and obeyed the law. 

They do not want to hear that. 

And their counter offer? Is to assert that reparations are owed and absent those racial reparations? We as a nation can expect more of the same conduct from them as a culture. 

Because that is what is being taught in our schools today. That is what is being hustled in corporate board rooms. And why?

Because of the shear terror of being called a racist. 

If you are a member of the chosen class and the chosen culture? Your failures and denials of reality are excused. You are give a hall pass for society at large. 

And there is always a gaggle of so called sociologists and academic criminalogists and the media? And their politicians?  

More than ready to offer up a plethora of unsubstantiated allegations of racism, to support and defend those actions of particular classes and cultures. 

So. Is there a gun violence problem in America today? You are damn right there is. And anyone with half a mind and the ability to read and sift through the bullshit we are given as media journalism knows it. 

As they know precisely who in the majority? As a minority? Are reaponsible for the overwhelming amounts of crime and gun violence in America today and historically . 

14 shot in Austin Texas Saturday. By who. 

Another 9 shot in Savannah Georgia Saturday. By who. 

And the same shooter left there

And drove to Pheonix City Alabama and then onto Columbus Georgia and shot 4-5 more people on Saturday. 

Who were those persons? 

What were their motivations?  Were they someone who is a law abiding citizen? Someone who obtained and used a firearm legally?

What about in another two dozen American cities this week and this weekend. 

How many were shot there and killed.  In Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Boston, Richmond, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans, Columbus, Cincinatti, Minneapolis, Dallas, Houston, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.  

Just to name a few. 

Are these all shootings and homicides reflective of systemic racism? And the ease of law abiding citizens to go on shooting rampages?

Or are they symptomatic of a larger systemic reality in America today. 

The systemic reality that yes? We have a race problem

In America?  But it is not what we have been being told. It is not what we have been led to believe by a complicit media. 

It is due to a systemic race problem that begins in our schools and at home. Whatever home there may be. But as it concerns one specific culture in America today?

Once again the data reflects the truth. Over 70% of the families of a particular culture? Are single parent homes. There is no father figure in those homes and there never has been. 

Why? Because the government pays them not to have fathers in the household. 

The only male figures in those homes? Are seen on atheltic fields, or listened to in rap music. 

The Bible says? Train a child up.  

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

So. Do we have a gun violence problem in America today?  You are damn right we do. And anyone short of a blinkered fool knows who and what is responsible for it.  

We are and have been training up segments and cultures of our society, to believe that the world owes them everything.  And the reason the world owes them everything, is due to systemic racism. 

And payback and reparations are due. And if they are not freely given? They will be taken. 

So? Govern yourselves accordingly, but know the truth. The problems in America today? Be they gun violence or crime, or abandoned families? Are not due to systemic racism. Or the lack of critical race theory. 

Because the only critical race theory afoot and being proven daily in America today? Is the critical race theory that one culture deserves special dispensations. Including the ability to prey on other cultures unabated. 

And that ability is granted and given by our elected officials and teachers and the media. And those in the media, reinforce those socialIst concepts daily.