Thursday, February 25, 2021

Politics and Potatoes.

 The dichotomy of life and politics in America today.

Does anyone remember back when George W. Bush was in office? And Dan Rather of CBS News? Produced and made allegations, that the president had never served in the Texas National Guard. Basically asserting that his career in the Texas Air National Guard as a pilot, was fabricated and falsified? To spare from service in Vietnam?

And once those lies Rather had stated on the nightly news as fact were revealed? As the lies that they were? Dan Rather ended up losing his job as the CBS nightly news anchor. 

Now? Back up just a bit from that time frame? And you may recall when Joe Biden ran for the presidency the first time in 1988. Seems he had to drop out of the race back then, due to the revelations of the lies and plagiarism that sleepy Joe had been involved in.  Specifically concerning his lying about his college record and his pvagerizing the works of others, in college and politica.   

And here we are 30 years later, and we have elected the same man who was proven to have plagiarized other peoples work both in college and in politics. A man who has repeatedly lied about his college grades and what his standings were in college.

Meanwhile the media et al, have spent the last four years, Savaging Donald Trump for his college years. Making accusations, that others took his SAT exams and others took his finals etc. etc. at all.

The problem is there's never been one iota of proof to those allegations. Yet there is proof to the allegations concerning Biden? But no one cares. Especially not the media. 

The same is true, that no one cared during the Obama administration? When his college transcripts from Harvard law and his other college records were sealed preventing anyone from seeing them. And they remain sealed to this day. 

I wonder why? 

Maybe could it be because he applied for his college tuition as a "foreign student?"  That has been the rumor. And it could easily be cleared up?  If his college records were to be undealed. 

And while Joe Biden might have submitted his personal tax returns? The media and everyone else, could care less about his involvement with his son Hunter in the Burisma energy company or their joint affiliations with Chinese oligarchs and a billion dollars paid to the company that Hunter remains affiliated with. 

So? Is there a duality of accountability in America? As my father used to say often concerning such realities?

"You can bet your sweet ass there is."

Add to that reality, that anyone who attempts to challenge any of the policies or positions of the progressive radical leftist Democrats in Washington DC?

Is immediately branded as a "white supremacist."  And for no other basis or proof? Than they disagree with leftist democrats. 

After which, the powers that be in the media and social media, will do all in their power to have them canceled.

What is being canceled mean? 

In essence it means you are a racist. 

And? Whatever professional endeavors or success that you have accomplished in your life, are immediately negated and dismissed,  by the fact that you are obviously a racist. Because, you are a racist and a white supremacist, if you disagree with anything or you are against any position from the left.

Do that?

And they will go after your job, they will go after your professional affiliations, they will go after your banking and loan and mortgage companies. They will go after your credit card companies. They will seek to totally destroy your ability to live or function in this country.

And why? Because you have had the audacity to transgress the New World order of globalism and egalitarian socialism.

The most recent really funny part to me? 

Guess who the latest casualty of the new progressive realities are. 

That would be Mr. Potato Head. 

It was announced today, That the Hasbro toy company, makers of Mr. Potato Head for the last 60+ years?

Have decided to remove the identifier Mister from the toys name. Hence forth, to better satisfy the multiple gender equality now present in America? Mr. Potato Head will cease to be Mr. 

He will simply be a Potato Head.

And personally? I believe that the new Potato Head? Needs to serve as the poster child for the radical left in America today. 

No ears, no hair, no brain, and no gender identity.  Potato Head, is now entity that now exists solely, so that others can determine moment by moment, what the expression on the Potatoes face will be. 

As we can obviously no longer even refer to Mr. Potato Head as a him. 

So there you have it.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Is That Tune? Can You Hum a Few Bars

 How to completely change a nation and its culture in forty years.

How would you go about that? Looking back forty years to 1981? I would have never believed what I am seeing today, if you could have shown me the future forty years ago. How could America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, become such a convoluted cesspool of immorality, anarchy and self serving panty waste.

I believe the transition occurred in our schools. Saul Alinskiz rules for radicals lays out precisely how to take down a democracy and completely eliminate freedom. And that is accomplished through a process.

Some may call it death by a thousands cuts, and that would be an accurate and descriptive metaphor, but it goes deeper than that.The battle for the heart and soul of any country, any culture, begins with the tilling and the fertilizing of the minds of youth.

Winston Churchill once noted: "Shoe me a man in his 20's who is not a liberal and I will show you a man without a heart. Show m a man in his forties who is not a conservative, and I will show you a man without a brain." A sad but accurate truism.

In the short span of the last forty years? The last thirty three to be precise,we have seen this nation transformed into a caricature of its former self. And that has been accomplished for the most part, via turning the nation inward and against itself.

One of Alinski's primary rules of radicalization, outlines that a nation's laws and institutions, must be turned against themselves. "Force them to live up to their own laws and rules."Which by default? represents the use of egalitarianism, to force surrender and compliance with the desired outcome.

And the desired outcome? Has been to destroy the very fabric of this nation. From out faith, to our culture, to our history and heritage, down to the level of what restrooms we are allowed to use.

America is now become the foreseen melting pot that was embellished by the words engraved upon the Statue of Liberty. But little did anyone recognize then, then or now, that the Statue of Liberty was in fact a Trojan Horse.

It was a means to an end and we are now in the midst of that end.

How could this be you ask? Very simply.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

Are there any other words that more accurately describe the present day in America. Are we not teeming with the refuse of other lands? Yet we are not allowed to speak of those.

Lest Americans forget? And they do forget and they already have forgotten? When America opened itself to mass immigration from Europe in the early 20th century, we did so in the belief that there were millions capable of coming here and contributing to our success as a nation. But first and foremost, after becoming Americans. Not hyphenated Americans.

And for the most part, that premise was correct. But there were strings attached. You did not simply show up tempest tossed, yearning to breathe free. There were requirements and obligations that had to be met.

First and foremost, you had to demonstrate that you had marketable skills, that you had a sponsor, that you would undergo a voluntary medical exam for tuberculosis and body lice etc. After which, you agreed to learn the language and go through the requirements of becoming a citizen.

Teddy Roosevelt said it best:

"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American."

"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

Yet divided allegiances is precisely what we have become. Why? Because the prerequisites of history and tradition and law be damned. Those "were not fair!' We must be fair!

And therein lies the key phrase and the primary instrument of America's destruction. Fairness. Fairness only seems right. Fairness embodies a spirit of equality. Fairness means everyone is treated equally. Except for those who must be sacrificed for the betterment of those who society suddenly decided, needed an advantage.

And advantage Is fairness. Just as long as it is administered fairly. And who better to do that and know how and what the needs of the many are? Other than the government. And therein lies the trap.

First, we are told that we must surrender our rights and freedoms to the concepts of fairness. Then we are told that the government will administer all fairness and that we will comply. Or else. See how fair that is.

Since 1981? We have raised two generations of people in America? People who are no longer truly Americans. They have no allegiances to anyone or anything, other than self. Allegiance has been bred out of them. They no longer stand for the Anthem, or swear allegiance to America with the pledge. They hold more allegiance to a basketball team than they do their country.

They are more consumed with how to become part of the elitist class, whilst never really abandoning their peon levels of existence. Just ask them. They want the people who could not afford go to college? Because they were not privileged. And they had to go to work for a living.? They want these same people now to pay for their college educations. They want their student loans forgiven. They want the government to give them a wage each month. For nothing more than existing.

They want to succeed in life with degrees in ethnic studies, gender realities and alternative energy analysiso. 

They want to become CEOs of the companies. Which is a dichotomy in and of itself, because they also want to destroy al corporations. In the truest sense of Marxism, they want to eliminate al wealth and turn all ownership of property over to the state. The same as we see in China.

Do you know why no Americans or anyone else owns land or any controlling interests in China? Simple, because the Chinese refuse to allow it. Yet here? We are told that "it is only fair," to allow them to come here and buy up our companies and farms.

Do you enjoy Smtihfield hams and pork products? Well congratulations. They are a wholly owned Chinese company. As are many others. Ever notice all of the American auto maker plants that have closed? While the Japanese and the Koreasn and the Germans adn the French, have come here and built their car plants.  How is that? Must have something to do wit fairness.

I remember when you saw a major construction project or road project underway? And all of the earth moving an heavy equipment was built by Caterpillar or John Deer Or Allis Chalmers. Look round now. What do you see: Kubuto, Hiatsu and a myriad of other foreign names. Names that as in the auto industry? Have all but taken over in America.

How did that happen Ask yourself. Do as I said, go back forty years and look then to now. It is all there.

Along with the steady march toward the destruction of our institutions and our history. And that has been accomplished first in our schools. Where the malleable minds of youth, have been poured full of Kumbayah and imagine and fairness and egalitarianism.

And those twenty somethings and forty somethings? Now vote. And what are they voting for? They are voting for more of that governent sponsored fairness. And more 'mana' from the treasury. In the form of government subsidies. Because remember? It is always the evil rich that can be tapped to pay the tab. Because that is only fair.

So when you look around at the landscape of America today and you ask yourself what happened? Look no further than your own memories. Because you were there. You lived through all of it. And you bought into the same bullshit that was being hustled on you children in the schools.

Only now? These are no longer social theories. These are social realities. And the same as in musical chairs? Are you going to have a place to sit when the music stops? Because the organ grinders monkey is already dead and the grinder's ability to keep the tune playing, is slowly coning to the end.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

It Is Not Over.


I just finished listening to the closing of the impeachment trial of President Trump in the senate. The final vote being 57-43. The constitution requiring 67 or more votes to convict. Therefore, President Trump has been acquitted once again of impeachable crime/s.

With that said, a few things should be noted. First? That this is not the end of it for the democrats. Their rabid desires to punish President Trump at any and all costs remains. And therefore, they will go forward with their next series of arrows that they perceive to be available to them in their quiver of hate.

Their first arrow of hate, will take the form of congressional censure. Specifically:

"While censure is not specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the right to adopt resolutions, and a resolution to invoke censure falls into this category. The first use of censure was actually directed not at a member of Congress but at a member of George Washington's cabinet. Alexander Hamilton, Washington's treasury secretary, was accused of mishandling two congressionally authorized loans. Congress voted a censure resolution against Hamilton. The vote fell short, but it established censure as a precedent. In general, each house of Congress is responsible for invoking censure against its own members; censure against other government officials is not common, and censure against the president is rarer still."

Definition as per "The free dictionary by Farflex)

Their second arrow of hate? Will take the form of a "Bill of Attainder." Specifically:

"A bill of attainder (also known as an act of attainder or writ of attainder or bill of penalties) is an act of a legislature declaring a person, or a group of persons, guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial. As with attainder resulting from the normal judicial process, the effect of such a bill is to nullify the targeted person's civil rights, most notably the right to own property (and thus pass it on to heirs), the right to a title of nobility, and, in at least the original usage, the right to life itself. Bills of attainder passed in Parliament by Henry VIII on 29 January 1542 resulted in the executions of a number of notable historical figures."

And they will pursue these equally and with the same vigor, for the express purpose/s of seeking to prevent President Trump, from being qualified to run for political office in the future. Specifically, the presidency.

Because that is the one thing that terrifies them the most right now. They fear that the evil dragon, the bad orange man could potentially be elected to the presidency once again. Therefore, they will do all in their power, as they already have to deny him that ability.

The impeachment was never meant to be successful and they knew that. They knew they did not have evidence of an impeachable crime, nor the votes in the senate to convict him. But that did not stop them.

Therefore, the sole purpose served by this impeachment, was the same as the last. It was political theater. No more, no less. And the hope that in doing so, they could erode his base. To the point where their twisted socialist ideologies, would become more acceptable and malleable to the Trump base. They have hoped that their manipulated reality, with the aid of a complicit media could accomplish that.

I for one? Do not see that happening. Regardless of whether they succeed in denying President Trump the presidency ever again. As they have now awakened a sleeping giant. Call that sleeping giant what you may. The Trump base, the Bible believing, gun carrying radical right? Or as they have chosen to of late to brand all of their adversaries, the white supremacy of Americans who do not follow the pied pipers of socialism and the radical left.

Either way, there is now a political force risen in America. Partly because of Donald Trump and partly because of what they have done to him and this country. Combined with what they are continuing to try to do to both.

The anger of Americans was rightfully summoned forth in 2009, with the rise of the Tea Party. However, that anger and movement to take America back from the leftists, was ultimately still born and derailed, by those who chose to represent the movement once they were elected As many of those who were elected as Tea Party candidates, quickly were absorbed into the DC swamp. Where once initiated into the ways of Washington, they shed their Tea Party affirmations and became equally as bad as those they had promised to overcome.

And we saw that most glaringly during 2017 and 2018? When Donald Trump having won the presidency and the republicans holding majority in both houses and the presidency. Refused to do anything they had promised their voters.

Regardless of public cries for change, they could not and would not come together collectively, to do the people's business or move forward on those issues that the majority of Americans wanted them to.

Specifically, as it concerned the Affordable Care Act (AKA Obama Care) As anyone with a modicum of common sense had already determined, the ACA, was nothing but a socialist "ponzi scheme."

"A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒnzi/, Italian: [ˈpontsi]; also a Ponzi game)[1] is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.[2] The scheme leads victims to believe that profits are coming from legitimate business activity (e.g. product sales and/or successful investments), and they remain unaware that other investors are the source of funds. A Ponzi scheme can maintain the illusion of a sustainable business as long as new investors contribute new funds, and as long as most of the investors do not demand full repayment and still believe in the non-existent assets they are purported to own."

Or in other words? The AFC was designed to be funded by the forcible enrollment of all Americans, not enrolled in an insurance plan. With the intent to punish by fine, anyone who refused to join the ACA. Starting at $2000 and going up, depending upon income.

With the ultimate goal of the ACA, being to legislatively eliminate all private insurance, Thereby forcing all employers to comply and all Americans. Thereby creating the institution of a federal government only, single payer insurance plan. A plan which the government would oversee and provide any and all health care in America, to the entitled and on a piece meal basis.

On a side note? If you want to get a peek in the box as to what government mandated and controlled health care really looks like? Look no further than the American Indians and the American veterans. Both of which had been treated like outcasts and denied substantive health care, before President Trump became president and changed it. Also? Look for Biden to change it back now. To the days with both of those groups languished in wait for mediocre health care at best. And death at worst.

So you see? There is a lot at stake in this game. And that is all the more reason for you as an individual, to educate yourself and to stay informed. And the worst place for you to attempt to do that, is by listening to anything the American mainstream media has to say on any issue.

They are equal parts an enemy to the American people and have been since before the Vietnam war. Nothing has changed. Therefore, they will continue to carry water for the socialist democrats and the radical left. And they will continue to first attempt to assuage you of any disagreement with their representations.

Failing that they will attempt to shame you into compliance and failing that, they will demonize you and attempt to cancel you and anything associated with traditional American culture.

These are the things that you can look forward to and that you need to be made aware of. Because just as the Disney actress they are presently attempting to cancel? Because of her analogies of the Nazis treatment of the Jews, to that of the present day treatment of any and all who hold opinions in opposition to their egalitarian lies?

Remember Saul Alinski's rule #12 of the rules for radicals:

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
"Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)"

And they have already begun this. And now they are applying it to the public at large. They want to turn your friends and relatives against you. They want them to hate you. Just as the Germans were taught to hate their Jewish neighbors, prior to the Nazis stepping in to round them up.

Because once those around you you have been branded as the enemy? It is far easier for you to sit idly by, while your former friends and relatives are rounded up. To be taken to re-education camps. Or as the Nazis ultimately did. Taken to the final solution.

Can't happen you say? Wake up! Look around you! It is already happening! How many former friends have you lost to the cray cray train of liberalism and egalitarianism in the last four years.

How many family members have walked away, or refused to discuss anything to do with the present. I can personally attest? That I have lost a number of former fronds and at least one son.

And just as foretold in the Bible in Matthew 10:21
"And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."

Luke 12:53

"The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."

Those times are here. Those times are now. Believe that, if you believe nothing else.

The Boy On The Beach


Do you feel it when you watch something like this? Do you feel the pang? Do you feel that stream of cold water down your spine when you consider the horrors those who went before us faced.

I do. And often. Every time I see some worthless sack of excrement, wearing the title of US representative or senator. Standing at a podium to give slight and condemnation, to what those who passed through Normandy and Iwo Jima endured. Just so these ass clowns of today, can stand and make mockery of it.

General Dwight Eisenhower rightfully asserted, upon casting his eyes upon Buchenwald and Auschwitz. Take the photographs of this and the news reels. Because some day? There will be those who will claim it never happened.

That has already occurred and continues to occur. Yet what is beginning to occur as I see each passing day? Is equally as horrific and worse.

What I see with the passing of time? Is the mockery of these sacrifices. And one day soon? If we are not careful? The history will be completely obliterated and folded back upon itself.

To the point where those who died at Normandy and after? Will be portrayed as the enemy and the evil. Their tomb stones will be desecrated and destroyed. And worse than that, their memories wil become something to be shamed and forgotten..

So take the time to watch this and reflect for 3.5 minutes. I call it a soul refresh.


There Are Lies And There Are Damn Lies. And There Is The Media.

Remember the Capitol police officer who was supposedly killed during the siege of the Capitol? Officer Brian D. Sicknick? The officer who was reportedly beaten to death by insurrectionists? The officer who was bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher? The officer who a month after his death, his remains (Albeit cremated remains) lay in honor in the US Capitol rotunda. The trappings of a national hero being bestowed upon him posthumously. Sounds like the makings of a tragic movie. And I am sure they will make one and soon. But before they do? The American people might want to look a little bit closer at the realities. As opposed to the reports concerning this officer's death and how he died. As reported the day after the siege. "At approximately 9:30 p.m. this evening (January 7, 2021), United States Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty," a statement from the U.S. Capitol Police said. "Passed away from injuries sustained while on duty." But what were those injuries? Were they a fractured skull? Or a level four concussion? Or massive head trauma? What precisely were his injuries sustained on duty. And with all of the video footage available? Why has no one been charged. And remember? There are hundreds of video cameras inside the US Capitol. And as we were shown yesterday> Videos that had never been shown before. And yet? This officer was murdered by all accounts represented since January 6th. And it would appear from other reports? That a "retired fire fighter" was arrested for attacking this officer. However, no filing of charges or formal arraignment of that individual has occurred. I wonder why? Could it be that stick little wicket known as lack of evidence? But what is going on since this obvious murder. A heinous crime. A crime carried out by vicious anti American terrorists and white supremacists! Right I mean, we have to believe what we were and are being told about this death don't we? Well? It now seems that there has been information all along? That wasn't given to the American people. And part of that information is this. Officer Sicknick? Did not die from a beating at the hands of a Trump led mob of insurrectionist white supremacists. And? Officer Sicknick, did not die as a result of head injuries: "sustained on duty." Officer Sicknick? Apparently suffered a stroke. And that was the cause of his death. But I guess there will be no way to corroborate that now, since the body was cremated. A CNN article titled, “Investigators struggle to build murder case in the death of US Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick,” buried the lede. The real story begins in paragraph 8. The article states that U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who died during the U.S. Capitol building melee, was not killed by blunt force trauma. He was not struck in the head with a fire extinguisher. NO EVIDENCE OF BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA From the CNN article: According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that a fire extinguisher fatally struck him are not true. The report notes that Sicknick’s cause of death is still unknown. The “findings from a medical examiner’s review have not yet been released, and authorities have not made any announcements about that ongoing process.” Officer Sicknick suffered a blood clot and died of a stroke. The officer came into contact with pepper spray, and doctors are looking to see if the irritant was a trigger for his illness. They are also looking for a pre-existing condition. But you know what? It makes little difference what the truth is now. As Mark Twain once said. “A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World Before the Truth Puts On its Shoes” And I believe that this is a prime example of that truism. This was a lie that was told and re-told by the leftist and their media. And the lie is still being told by many of them, even after the truth has now surfaced. And the lie will remain the truth in the majority of their minds. The same way that according to the media? President Trump ordered the siege of the capitol. And no matter how many facts or transcripts of his speech that day that you provide them to reveal the truth? They don't want to hear it. I spoke about that with a black woman this week? And she told me flat out, that President Trump should be impeached, because "he told them people's to go to the Capitol and riot and lynch Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi and others." And when I asked her where she had learned those facts about what happened? She told me that she saw it on TV. And once again, I submit the 'prima facie' evidence of the brainwashing and narrative control that the American media has. And this woman is nothing special. She is one of millions who bought into the same bullshit swindle by the media. And they will continue to. Because they want people to charm their ears. And reinforce what they want to believe. Regardless of the truth or the facts or the evidence. And the same is true of the death of Officer Sicknick. The myth overwhelms the facts and the truth. Officer Sicknick was a manufactured hero for the left and the media. Not that his death was not tragic, or that he did not serve honorably on January 6th. However, his death was not caused by the riot or the rioters, either directly or indirectly. And to assert or assume so, has now been determined to be provably wrong. Yet the lies carry on. As they always do.


Sunday, February 07, 2021

Are These The Days of Our Lives?

Good morning all. Feeling oppressed yet. Feeling silenced yet, Feeling reactionary. Asking yourself once again? For the umpteenth time? How any of what we are witnessing in this country today, could possibly be possible. 
Are you ready to stand up for yourself. Are you ready to take the baby steps needed to counteract the heresy you are witnessing. Are you ready to accept the scarlet letters of your non compliance with thought speak. Or for the audacity to have actually taken your own personal steps to respond and react to being pigeon holed into egalitarian compliance? Or else? 
You are the masters of your own destiny. At least for right now. You can either continue to remain silent and compliant and obedient to your masters, or you can become an army of one.
But I don't want to be seen as a radical you say? But what you fail to realize? Is that you are already are seen as a radical. Follow the check list below.
1. Christian
2. Patriot (Meaning you support your country)
3. Veteran (Since 9/11)
4. Vietnam veteran
5. law enforcement. Or Current LEO who has not been de-programmed.
6. Patriot Guard Rider
7. NRA member (past or present)
8. Trump supporter.
9. Trump voter
10. Member of any Trump supporting group or organization.
11. Never taken a flu shot and refuse to take the Covid vaccine.
These are just a few of the examples of your known radicalism. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not? As long as you have answered yes to one or more of those brands? You are a radical and a threat to the present control of this nation.
So, I ask you again. When will you be prepared to step forward and defend that which is yours. That which is your heritage and that which is your inheritance of freedom.
The choices are yours. For now.
Red pill pr blue. Haven't seen the film? Maybe you should. So that you would understand the metaphor completely. Because as it stands? Using another popularized metaphor of the day, the formerly daily soap opera, known as "Days of Our Lives?"
"Like sand through the hour glass, these are the days of our lives."
I'll bet you never thought that those words would become either prescient or applicable to any reality that you were living through. But they are. 
The powers that be are presently consolidating their influence, power and control over you. Over this nation. And they are doing it and accomplishing it, via the collusive aid and assistance of three elements. The main stream media, social media platforms and NGO's Also known as non government organizations, like businesses and corporations. 
When a corporation can be subpoenaed to provide records of your individual accounts and actions? That is constitutional. However, whenever a corporation or a bank or any corporate entity, proudly hands over their records of accounts and actions of their customers to government? So that government can sift them through an egalitarian socialist screen of approved and disapproved actions? That is a problem A big problem. 
Because it is not only a violation of your rights and liberties and the US constitution. It is also the revealed actions of a totalitarian controlled influence and power over you and I and every other American. And you need to realize that and real fast. 
So are you bothered by any of this yet. Are you scared. Are you worried? Maybe you should be. Maybe you should be concerned about all of it. Because each and every bit of it is designed to reduce you and everyone else in this nation, to a compliant little aphid. No more.