Sunday, February 21, 2021

What Is That Tune? Can You Hum a Few Bars

 How to completely change a nation and its culture in forty years.

How would you go about that? Looking back forty years to 1981? I would have never believed what I am seeing today, if you could have shown me the future forty years ago. How could America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, become such a convoluted cesspool of immorality, anarchy and self serving panty waste.

I believe the transition occurred in our schools. Saul Alinskiz rules for radicals lays out precisely how to take down a democracy and completely eliminate freedom. And that is accomplished through a process.

Some may call it death by a thousands cuts, and that would be an accurate and descriptive metaphor, but it goes deeper than that.The battle for the heart and soul of any country, any culture, begins with the tilling and the fertilizing of the minds of youth.

Winston Churchill once noted: "Shoe me a man in his 20's who is not a liberal and I will show you a man without a heart. Show m a man in his forties who is not a conservative, and I will show you a man without a brain." A sad but accurate truism.

In the short span of the last forty years? The last thirty three to be precise,we have seen this nation transformed into a caricature of its former self. And that has been accomplished for the most part, via turning the nation inward and against itself.

One of Alinski's primary rules of radicalization, outlines that a nation's laws and institutions, must be turned against themselves. "Force them to live up to their own laws and rules."Which by default? represents the use of egalitarianism, to force surrender and compliance with the desired outcome.

And the desired outcome? Has been to destroy the very fabric of this nation. From out faith, to our culture, to our history and heritage, down to the level of what restrooms we are allowed to use.

America is now become the foreseen melting pot that was embellished by the words engraved upon the Statue of Liberty. But little did anyone recognize then, then or now, that the Statue of Liberty was in fact a Trojan Horse.

It was a means to an end and we are now in the midst of that end.

How could this be you ask? Very simply.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

Are there any other words that more accurately describe the present day in America. Are we not teeming with the refuse of other lands? Yet we are not allowed to speak of those.

Lest Americans forget? And they do forget and they already have forgotten? When America opened itself to mass immigration from Europe in the early 20th century, we did so in the belief that there were millions capable of coming here and contributing to our success as a nation. But first and foremost, after becoming Americans. Not hyphenated Americans.

And for the most part, that premise was correct. But there were strings attached. You did not simply show up tempest tossed, yearning to breathe free. There were requirements and obligations that had to be met.

First and foremost, you had to demonstrate that you had marketable skills, that you had a sponsor, that you would undergo a voluntary medical exam for tuberculosis and body lice etc. After which, you agreed to learn the language and go through the requirements of becoming a citizen.

Teddy Roosevelt said it best:

"There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American."

"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities."

Yet divided allegiances is precisely what we have become. Why? Because the prerequisites of history and tradition and law be damned. Those "were not fair!' We must be fair!

And therein lies the key phrase and the primary instrument of America's destruction. Fairness. Fairness only seems right. Fairness embodies a spirit of equality. Fairness means everyone is treated equally. Except for those who must be sacrificed for the betterment of those who society suddenly decided, needed an advantage.

And advantage Is fairness. Just as long as it is administered fairly. And who better to do that and know how and what the needs of the many are? Other than the government. And therein lies the trap.

First, we are told that we must surrender our rights and freedoms to the concepts of fairness. Then we are told that the government will administer all fairness and that we will comply. Or else. See how fair that is.

Since 1981? We have raised two generations of people in America? People who are no longer truly Americans. They have no allegiances to anyone or anything, other than self. Allegiance has been bred out of them. They no longer stand for the Anthem, or swear allegiance to America with the pledge. They hold more allegiance to a basketball team than they do their country.

They are more consumed with how to become part of the elitist class, whilst never really abandoning their peon levels of existence. Just ask them. They want the people who could not afford go to college? Because they were not privileged. And they had to go to work for a living.? They want these same people now to pay for their college educations. They want their student loans forgiven. They want the government to give them a wage each month. For nothing more than existing.

They want to succeed in life with degrees in ethnic studies, gender realities and alternative energy analysiso. 

They want to become CEOs of the companies. Which is a dichotomy in and of itself, because they also want to destroy al corporations. In the truest sense of Marxism, they want to eliminate al wealth and turn all ownership of property over to the state. The same as we see in China.

Do you know why no Americans or anyone else owns land or any controlling interests in China? Simple, because the Chinese refuse to allow it. Yet here? We are told that "it is only fair," to allow them to come here and buy up our companies and farms.

Do you enjoy Smtihfield hams and pork products? Well congratulations. They are a wholly owned Chinese company. As are many others. Ever notice all of the American auto maker plants that have closed? While the Japanese and the Koreasn and the Germans adn the French, have come here and built their car plants.  How is that? Must have something to do wit fairness.

I remember when you saw a major construction project or road project underway? And all of the earth moving an heavy equipment was built by Caterpillar or John Deer Or Allis Chalmers. Look round now. What do you see: Kubuto, Hiatsu and a myriad of other foreign names. Names that as in the auto industry? Have all but taken over in America.

How did that happen Ask yourself. Do as I said, go back forty years and look then to now. It is all there.

Along with the steady march toward the destruction of our institutions and our history. And that has been accomplished first in our schools. Where the malleable minds of youth, have been poured full of Kumbayah and imagine and fairness and egalitarianism.

And those twenty somethings and forty somethings? Now vote. And what are they voting for? They are voting for more of that governent sponsored fairness. And more 'mana' from the treasury. In the form of government subsidies. Because remember? It is always the evil rich that can be tapped to pay the tab. Because that is only fair.

So when you look around at the landscape of America today and you ask yourself what happened? Look no further than your own memories. Because you were there. You lived through all of it. And you bought into the same bullshit that was being hustled on you children in the schools.

Only now? These are no longer social theories. These are social realities. And the same as in musical chairs? Are you going to have a place to sit when the music stops? Because the organ grinders monkey is already dead and the grinder's ability to keep the tune playing, is slowly coning to the end.

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