Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Thermopolis By Any Other Name? Is Present Day America

 Take a look at your own crystal ball. Tell me what "you" see.

Do you believe that your government really cares about you? At all?  Or are you no more than an insect to them. 

Like an aphid. 

Something to be regularly milked of your worth and stroked occasionally occasionally with handouts. 

You know? 

So that they can maintain their facade of caring about you. 

Look around you. 

Look at what is being done in these blue states right now. And what is being prepared for those of is who are barely hanging on in these so called red states. 

And make no mistake. Their plans are already afoot to inundate those red states with transplants and illegals. To eventually dilute their voting bases until it all turns blue. 

As a matter of fact? We all should be blue right now. Blue in the face and spitting mad about all of this. But we aren't. At least I don't see it.  

And then take a look around at what is about to be implemented and what is about to be reimplemented by the federal government. 

In places like California and New York and Michigan and Chicago? They are already reimplementing mask mandates there. And Oh! by the way? Those that have been vaccinated in those blue states?

Forget about it.  

They will have to be masked too. And numerous school boards nationally and many here in Georgia and in the metro area?

Have already decreed. Vax or no vax, all of the kids K through 12, returning to school in a couple of weeks? Will have to wear a mask when they return to school. 

Follow the science!

But, but, but! You thought we had transcended all of that. Well guess again. And they are coming for you and I and the rest of us and very soon. 

Take a look at Biden and his rogues. They have already mandated that the entire US Military must be vaccinated, along with the Veterans Administration. 

So how long before Veterans will be denied health care? If they have not been vaccinated. 

And by tomorrow? He intends to issue an edict that ALL federal employees must be vaccinated, or face weekly testing. Probably multiple testing each week. 

And what will be the purpose behind all of that?  

Very simple, if they cannot get Americans to voluntarily take their vaccines, they intend to make it so difficult and such a hardship on those who are not vaccinated?  That they they will simply give in, to avoid all of the hassles of endless testing. 

And who pays for all of that testing?  You do. 

But it does not end there. 

You will still be required to wear a mask? Everywhere you go again and soon. Bax or no bax. As these local mayors and governors get back on their band wagon and call for masks and more lock downs. 


15 days to stop the spread? Remember that?  That was 15 months ago. And what has really changed. 

And presently? 

Biden and his administration and handlers,  are suggesting, but ultimately pressuring corporations to follow suit. That means mandates for all of their employees and all of their customers. 

We are presently standing at the doorway that leads to the Draconian power slide into complete authoritarian control. And ultimately Marxist socialism in America. 

Because once they have scared and punished enough Americans? Those Americans in majority will fold. Leaving only the "radicals" of the right to hold out. 

You know the ones. 

The same ones they brand daily as domestic terrorists and white supremacist. Yep, those would be the ones. 

In any other age or era of America? They might have been called patriots. But not in the present era. 

As Mark Levin has appropriately pointed out, America now exists as a post constitutional country.  An enigma. 

And that enigma is caused by the belief of some? That America is still a constitutional republic. It is not. They are systematically dismantling the constitution, our rights and our personal freedoms, before our eyes.  

If you still believe that America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave? Please direct me to where I can find either across the landscape of our present society. 

And the problem with the 2020 elections? That election was neither constitutional or democratic and regardless of the efforts of those presently in Arizona and Georgia qnd Michigan and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the evidence be damned.  

There were mountains of evidence against Hillary and Benghazi and her involvement in the Steel Dossier. Her emails and violations of the sevrecy act. 

As there were and are mountains of evidence of corruption and criminal conduct, against James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strozk and Lisa Page and a host of others throughout our government. 

Evidence was forged, federal warrants were forged. The entire mechanism of federal law enforcement and our intelligence agencies and the justice department were involved. 

All are corrupted. 

And what if Biden and Hunter and their probe-able nefarious actions in the Ukraine and China?  Or his killing the American oil industry, while opening uo everything to Putin and the Russians.  

And what has been done about any of it. Other than occasional media lip service. No one has been charged or arrested and they won't be. 

And the latest straw on that camel's back? 

Occurred yesterday. When the justice department published that that they had ceased their investigation into Andrew Cuomo and the thousands that died in New York nirsing homes. 

And the ATF has yet to breath a whisper of Hunter Bidens violations of the federal firearms act. 

Thousand who died by Cuomo's directives of putting the Covid infected into those nursing homes. When he had the Javitz Center and a US Navy hospital ship provided to him. Resources that were never used. 

And this after his own people have testified that he directed them to hide the numbers of nursing home deaths due to Covid and ordered them not cooperate with the justice department review of what had occurred with Covid deaths in nursing homes. 

So you still think the government is only looking out for your best interests?

Guess again. 

They are a hair's breath away from declaring a nation wide mask mandate and another nation wide lockdown. And these corporate interests and social media interests and the elites? Will all gladly go along with enforcing it. 

Every bit of it. 

To the point where you and I will not be able to buy or sell. Ever heard of that before? 

And once that occurs? Once again? Only essential services like grocery stores and pharmacies and liquor stores and lottery sales will be deemed essential. 

Elective surgeries will once again be postponed indefinitely due to Covid variants, while abortions will once again be considered essential health care. 

And Covid is the 900 pound gorilla that they intend to use to drive their continued conquest of America. 

And you had better obey.  

As one of the members of the Bristish parliament stated this week. Does anyone really believe that Covid will go away? That there won't be continied strains like the Delta variant unleashed.   

They claim the Delta and Lambda and Gamma are "varients."  Mutations is what Fauci and the so called government sponsored science is calling them

But are they really mutations? 

Or is the truth closer that we realize. Are they in truth truly"varients?" Engineered variants. Varients that have been unleashed the same way the original virus was and with the same motives?

Yes, there is far more method to the madness, than most Americans give them credit for. And as that same member of the British parliament surmised? 

Covid is not going away. There will be ongoing mutations and more varients. And ongoing lock downs and quarrantines. Because that is now their proven way to control the masses. 

And meanwhile?  While we are all being forced to wear masks and endure lockdowns and we are being refused service by businesses if we do not produce our Covid vaccination verification?

This same government is allowing tens of thousands of untested and unvaccinated illegals into this country every week and every month. Already over one million that we know about, since Biden took office. 

And what are they doing with them? They are loading them onto buses and planes and shipping them directly into red states? 

Just as fast as they can. And they are releasing them with a piece of paper, telling them when their court date may be? Never expecting to see them again. They know it and the illegals know it. 

All rather cheeky wouldn't you say?

Is this the America you grew up in? Is this the America that you or one of your family served in the military to protect and defend?

I can hazard a guess of how those parents and spouses and siblings of the over 7000 we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan must feel about their losses now.

Or the better part of the four million who served in those hell holes over the last twenty years, 10% of which came back home horribly scarred. With amputations and horrible wounds.

And what of the 50% or more of that four million? Who have been emotionally damaged by their experiences. The last time I checked? We are losing 21 of those a day to suicide. 

And what is your government doing?  They are telling you to pay no attention to those behind the curtains pulling the levers of socialism, Marxism and societal collapse. 

They want you focused on the pitted racism and the engineered division amongst Americans that they have created and continue to create. 

They tell us our enemies are white supremacist and domestic terrorist. All the while ignoring the real Marxists we have all seen in out streets over the last year. 

They equate the Jan 6 breaching of the Capitol to Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust all rolled into one. While they and their minions in media? Called the burning and looting of American cities last year?

Just peaceful protests. 

How much longer will Americans endure their "dam your lying eyes" of government propagated  truth and reality. 

As it stands, Pelosi's January 6th commision to investigate the breach of the Capitol? Is nothing more than a show trial and a means to continue to demonize anyone and everyone that opposes their Marxist mandates. 

They want to keep Americans focused on all of that, going into the 2022 midterms. Therefore, they will continue to beat that drum, while continuing to demonize Donald Trump and anyone who voted for him. 

While placating the masses with more and more platitudes of government handouts and the fears of Covid and clmate change and white supremacy and white privilege. 

That is the picture folks.

All you have to do is look around you. The tatters of what once was our country? Is laying on the ground all around you. 

And their 900 pound gorilla of Marxism? Hiding behind a shroud of "progressivism? Is busy destroying more and more of America every day. 

Lest we all pull together and begin to educate our friends and relatives to the truth? We will soon be staring blankly into the nightmare of Marxist socialism, and wondering what happened. 

The war we face is every bit as deadly as that faced by King Leonitus and the Spartans. And we are facing equally as many numbered enemies as he did with the Persians. 

Do we open our eyes and recognize what is really happening? And what we need to do or else? Or do we wait until our own battle of Thermopolis has occured. 

And then try to summon forth the tattered remains of what once was the greatest country on earth.  

To then try and save ourselves. 

You decide.

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