Thursday, August 05, 2021

Take a Knee.


Taking a knee. 

No big deal. Right?

Ever thought about it?  A simple act. Not that difficult. And yet it seems to represent so much to so many in today's America. 

But what is really being represented by this supposed act of solidarity. Is there more to it? Is there more to it than simple symbolism and supposed camaraderie? 

I believe so. 

Taking a knee, is symbolic of submission. Of surrender. Taking a knee is an acknowledgement of some form of contrite acceptance.  Of reflection upon some personal sin or short coming. 

A seeking of atonement. 

That is what is being represented by taking a knee. At least that is what it represents to me. 

Surrender, submission, contriteness, obedience. All separate words, yet each with the same meaning. 

So ask yourself. What and who are you prepared to surrender to. What are you prepared to submit to. To who and what will you seek contrite forgiveness for your sins. 

As for me?  The Lord Jesus Christ, is the only one who will rule over me. Jesus is the only one I will ever bend a knee for. Because I know what that act represents. 

And so have others. Throughout history. 

The Spartan King Leonitas, refused to bend a knee to the Persian King. A man who represented himself as a living man god. 

Yet Leonitas proved? That even man gods can be made to bleed. They are mortal, not immortal. 

And such is our present reality as I observe it. 

There are those who are taking a knee to visually challenge and oppose this country. They oppose everything this country represents and ever has represented. 

And they seek to demonstrate their detestation, by visually representing their disgust, publicly.  By taking a knee.  On a world stage. 

A place where their visual mockery will garner them notoriety. 

But what they fail to understand is this.  

Their act, while constructed and conducted as a stunt, is more meaningful,  and more symbolic, than some twisted view of solidarity that they may hold.  

Their actions are a direct insult and a direct slap in the face to those of us, who will never surrender our values or faith, or allegiances, on the alters of socialism and egalitarianism.  

So to those who take a knee in protest I say this. 

Go ahead. Take a knee.  Set yourself apart and identify yourself as someone who has surrendered to the evil in this world. 

Your actions will be noted and remembered. And either in this life or the next, there will be an accounting and retribution.

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