Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Defend The Beaches Today. Or Watch Them Be Carried Away.

Princess Diana? Coined the term, "The Firm" when discussing the royal family. Because as she stated, they were like a closed ecosystem of department heads and the royal family was the board of directors. She could not move or breathe, absent their consent. 
Are we that much different in America today? Only the tentacles of evil that permeate this nation today, go much farther than a single entity. Shall we call it the corporation? Or the Collective? You decide.
I believe we should recognize it as one or the other Because everything from Washington, to Hollywood, to Silicon valley? revolves around the almighty dollar and who controls and influences the money.
And the old adage is and always has been? To follow the money. See who has their digs in the coffers and who controls the flow of tax dollars and that will soon lead you to the corrupt underbelly of government and business. 
Call them the Corporation. Or as I have often noted? The "Collective."
Much in the same way the fictionalized Borg of Star Trek fame. They rummage through our lives and our earnings and our achievements, looking solely to assimilate everything that we are and have achieved as individuals, into the collective.
The collective of thought, speak and actions. Nothing escapes them and everything not already assimilated, is targeted for conquest and control. They are now controlling children's toys and cartoons for Christ's sake! 
Do you not think that they will come after you as individuals? Do you not think that you will be targeted for assimilation? Well guess what? You already have been. And while their actions presently comprise the shotgun blast approach toward our society in general? Their present aim being to net and secure as many of the crowd at one time as they can? 
How long before they come after you the individual. 
Orwellian thought speak has become the reality in America today. When History must be destroyed and obliterated, in order to establish the new world order? How long before you and yours are taking your marching orders and seeking hall passes from the United Nations.
READ! Daily! The facts are out there. Biden's plans and policies for the new world order are on record. Right next to the green new deal and socialism as a palatable alternative to freedom.
And sadly? There are thousands of Americans who will become victims of this oppression. And thousands already have become victims. 
This is America, at least for the present, but how long will it remain so. How much longer will you be allowed any freedom of thought or speech. If you go to the ocean and remove one grain of sand each day? You could live a millennium and have absolutely no effect on the landscape of that beach.
But if you go to that same beach and remove a shovel full each day, in a period of years, you could have a noticeable impact. But what if you took a bulldozer and a front end loaders and dump trucks to that same beach every day. And you worked from daylight til dark? Loading load after load of that sand and carrying it away? Then what would be the result. And how fast would that landscape change. 
Well that is precisely what they are doing to our country, our constitution and our lives daily.
When I was a boy? We had those who were plucking grains of sand from our beaches. Then about thirty years ago? They showed up with shovels. And no one cared, because there was still a beach and no really big changes to that beach. But look at it now. They are bulldozing and carrying off, everything in our landscape today, while their waves of so called hope and change, continue to wash closer and closer to washing away everything that once was America.
How long are we as Americans going to stand idly by and allow those who have already established their beachheads here, to destroy everything that exists and once existed in our landscape.
There are those who watch things happen and there are those who make things happen. And there are those who wonder what happened. They are the ones making things happen right now while we are watching things happen and we are treacherously close? To wondering what happened.
And our beach gets narrower and narrower by the day. 🤔🤔

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